U.s. government
Clostridium perfringense-toxin is produced by toxinotypes B and D strains. The toxin is the aetiological agent of dysentery in newborn lambs but is also associated with enteritis and enterotoxaemia in goats, calves and foals. It is considered to be a potential biowarfare or bioterrorism agent by the US Government Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
13p cosis54 04-01-2013 70 9 Download
The global economy has been developing rapidly and gaining many achievements which have a lot of motivating influences on the wealth of many countries in the recent decades. However, there still remain a number of difficult problems that need proper solutions brought in by the governments. Financial crisis is not out of the case. For many years now, financial crisis is deemed to offend so many countries and people including economists, brokers, bankers, policy makers, and so on.
25p hth2813 02-04-2011 306 89 Download