Uv absorber
Green synthesis of UV absorber (E)-2-(((4- (benzyloxy)phenyl)imino)methyl)phenol by microwave method
In this study, low molecular weight UV (E)-2-(((4-(benzyloxy)phenyl)imino)methyl)phenol was green-synthesized by microwave method and investigated its applicability as a UV absorber for polymers.
9p viprimi 16-12-2024 0 0 Download
The hydrogenase maturation proteins HypF and HypE catalyze the synthesis of theCNligands of the active site iron of the NiFe-hydrogenases using carbamoylphosphate as a substrate. HypE protein fromEscherichia coliwas purified from a transformant overexpressing thehypEgene from a plasmid. PurifiedHypE in gel filtration experiments behaves predominantly as a monomer. It does not contain statisti-cally significant amounts ofmetals or of cofactors absorbing in the UV and visible light range.
0p awards 05-04-2013 47 2 Download
The changes in the far-UV CD signal, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and bilirubin absorbance showed that the guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl)-induced unfolding of a multidomain protein, human serum albumin (HSA), followed a two-state process. However, using environment sensitive Nile red fluorescence, the unfolding and folding pathways ofHSA were found to followa three-state process andanintermediatewas detectedinthe range0.25–1.5M GdnHCl.
9p dell39 03-04-2013 41 4 Download
Anovel photoprotectivemycosporinewas isolated fromthe lichenized ascomyceteCollema cristatum. Biological activity was measured in terms of protection against UV-B induced membrane destruction and pyrimidine dimer formation in cultured human keratinocytes, and prevention of UV-B induced erythema. It was found that the pure isolated compound prevented UV-B induced cell destruction in a dose-dependent manner, that the compound partially pre-vented pyrimidine dimer formation and completely preven-ted UV-B induced erythema when applied to the skin prior to irradiation....
5p dell39 03-04-2013 42 4 Download