Vector mechanics
The objective for the current chapter is to investigate the effects of forces on particles: replacing multiple forces acting on a particle with a single equivalent or resultant force, relations between forces acting on a particle that is in a state of equilibrium.
32p thieugialam101 30-03-2015 62 6 Download
Mechanics is the science which describes and predicts the conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces.
8p thieugialam101 30-03-2015 65 6 Download
Penetratin is a 16-residue peptide [RQIKIWFQNRRM KWKK(43–58)]derived from the Antennapedia homeo-domain, which is used as a vector for cellular internalization of hydrophilic molecules. In order to unravel themembrane translocation mechanism, we synthesized new penetratin variants. The contribution of the positively charged residues was studied by double substitutions of Lys and/or Arg resi-dues to Ala, while the specific contribution of Trp48 and Trp56 was studied by individual substitution of these resi-dues to Phe. ...
11p dell39 03-04-2013 44 3 Download
The entomopathogenBacillus sphaericusis an important tool for the vector control ofCulexsp., and its effectiveness has been validated in field trials. The appearance of resistance to this bacterium, however, remains a threat to its use, and attempts have been made to understand the resistance mech-anisms.
13p inspiron33 26-03-2013 48 3 Download
In anautogenous mosquitoes, egg development requires blood feeding and as a consequence mosquitoes act as vectors of numerous devastating dis-eases of humans and domestic animals. Understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating mosquito egg development may contribute signi-ficantly to the development of novel vector-control strategies.
12p vinaphone15 27-02-2013 38 2 Download
As was done in Chapter 7 we use scalars such as work ,kinetic energy, and mechanical energy rather than vectors. Therefore the approach is mathematically simpler.
16p kieucongviet 24-12-2009 156 12 Download
This approach is alternative approach to mechanics. It uses scalars such as work and kinetic energy rather than vectors such as velocity and acceleration. Therefore it simpler to apply.
14p kieucongviet 24-12-2009 112 10 Download
In chapters 2 and 4 we have studied “kinematics” i.e. described the motion of objects using parameters such as the position vector, velocity and acceleration without any insights as to what caused the motion. This is the task of chapters 5 and 6 in which the part of mechanics known as “dynamics” will be developed. In this chapter we will introduce Newton’s three laws of motion which is at the heart of classical mechanics.
12p kieucongviet 24-12-2009 147 9 Download