Vitamin and derivative
Trace element (iron, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, selenium, and molybdenum): chemical element that is needed in minute quantities for the proper growth, development, and physiology of the organism. In biochemistry, a trace element is also referred to as a micronutrient.
25p zingzing09 21-10-2012 80 7 Download
The selective effects of these inhibitors are governed by substituent at position 5. Kinetic studies and molecular docking simulation were performed for elucidating mechanisms of enzyme-inhibitor complex formation.
12p tocectocec 25-05-2020 7 0 Download
The functional replacement of the primary ubiquinone (QA) in the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) from Rhodo-bacter sphaeroideswith synthetic vitamin K derivatives has provided a powerful tool to investigate the electron transfer mechanism. To investigate the binding mode of these qui-nones to theQAbinding sitewe have determined the binding free energy and charge recombination rate from QA ± to D + (kAD) of 29 different 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives with systematically altered structures.
13p research12 01-06-2013 53 4 Download
Prokaryotes, yeasts and plants synthesize thiamin (vitamin B1) via complex pathways. Animal cells capture the vitamin through specific high-affinity transporters essential for internal thiamin homeostasis. Inside the cells, thi-amin is phosphorylated to higher phosphate derivatives. Thiamin diphos-phate (ThDP) is the best-known thiamin compound because of its role as an enzymatic cofactor.
9p viettel02 22-02-2013 33 3 Download