Kỷ yếu công trình khoa học 2014 – Phần II<br />
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Nguyen Thi Hai, Associate Prof., PhD<br />
Bui Cam Phuong, MA<br />
Department of Vietnamese Studies<br />
Tóm tắt: KAP (kiến thức, thái độ và thực tiễn) là kĩ thuật thu thập, đánh giá ba loại<br />
thông tin cơ bản để giúp nắm bắt được vị trí của cộng đồng trong một vấn đề có liên quan<br />
đến người dân trong một địa bàn nào đó. Chính vì vậy nó được sử dụng khá rộng rãi trong<br />
các vấn đề nghiên cứu y tế cộng đồng không chỉ ở nước ngoài mBuià cả ở Việt Nam. Tuy<br />
nhiên kĩ thuật này chưa được sử dụng trong nghiên cứu du lịch. Bài báo giới thiệu kết quả<br />
khảo sát, phân tích dữ liệu điều tra 345 mẫu được tiến hành thu thập ở khu di tích cách mạng<br />
địa đạo Củ Chi trong năm 2013. Kết quả khảo sát đã giúp xác định được khoảng cách (gaps)<br />
giữa các yếu tố điều tra KAP, đây sẽ là căn cứ quan trọng để đề xuất các giải pháp phát triển<br />
du lịch cộng đồng tại địa bàn.<br />
Từ khóa: community participation, tourism survey, KAP, Cu Chi, Vietnam.<br />
Sustainable tourism, in general, and community-based tourism in particular, have been<br />
the optimist choice of tourism development in many developing countries, including Vietnam.<br />
Researches on community and its participation in tourism development, though old-fashioned,<br />
have never stopped being a hot-debated area among tourism researchers in Vietnam.<br />
However, up to present, not many of such researches introduce a standardized procedure for<br />
tourism survey on this topic. The lack of methods raises questions about the systematic,<br />
objective, and scientific nature of the results. In this context, KAP survey seems to be an<br />
appropriate solution to deal with the rather subjective issue, the people's perception.<br />
Following Gitar Bamezai (2012) KAP survey was first done in the field of family<br />
planning and population studies in the 1950s. Then, it has been applied for advocacy,<br />
communication and social mobilization (ACSM) strategy planning for Community Health,<br />
HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, etc. The WTO has issued many guidelines to develop KAP survey.<br />
One of typical KAP studies has been a project implemented by the Mongolia's Ministry of<br />
Health in order to find out factors of indoor air quality and its relationship with respiratory<br />
symptoms where the children suffering from bronchitis is 5–15 times higher in Ulaanbaatar<br />
than in rural areas.<br />
In Vietnam, the UNICEF has been the first organization to apply the KAP survey on<br />
the issue of social inclusion for children with disabilities in the provinces of AnGiang and<br />
DongNai in 2011 (Trinh Tung (2011). The main objective of this study is to suggest solutions<br />
for developing communication strategies and social support for children with disabilities in<br />
Vietnam. Other applications of KAP survey are focused on health community studies such as<br />
by Alison Dexter et al. (2009), Nguyen Vu Quoc Binh (2010), Nguyen Thi Ngoc Ha<br />
(1999), Nguyen Phuong Hoa (1999) Toan Nguyen et al. (2007) , … Rarely a paper dealing<br />
with KAP survey applied in tourism industry has been found.<br />
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Kỷ yếu công trình khoa học 2014 – Phần II<br />
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The application of KAP has been implemented in five stages: 1) Identifying the<br />
objective of the research; 2) Outlining the process of survey; 3) Developing the questionnaire;<br />
4) Doing pilot survey and real survey; and 5) Analyzing the data.<br />
The number of sample is identified based on the formula:<br />
Nz2pq<br />
n= ----------------<br />
<br />
in which: N: the population; z: the distribution,<br />
<br />
N + z2pq<br />
With the estimated population of tourism participators of 700 to 900, the number of<br />
sample is calculated to be 260 (with level of confidence 95%, p=0.5, q=1-p). In fact, we had<br />
delivered 300 questionnaires, and collected 254, which are fully answered.<br />
The questions on the questionnaire are conducted into four parts. The first part<br />
includes questions about demographical characteristics of the interviewees. The second, third,<br />
and fourth parts successively convey questions on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices<br />
(participation activities) of the interviewees. Most of them are multiple choices. Before the<br />
survey was done, they had been discussed among professionals.<br />
The survey was then conducted with trained interviewers and selected interviewees to<br />
reduce bias. After that, the collected data was processed and analyzed into defined tables for<br />
the suggestion part. This paper makes a contribution to the tourism studies by adopting the<br />
KAP survey technique into community participation researches which, as far as we have<br />
studied, has never been applied before.<br />
Based on SMART principle, the authors have developed questions for a questionnaire<br />
on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of participants in tourism in three villages near the<br />
Cuchi Heritage Site, namely An Phu, Phu My Hung, An Nhon Tay. Following solutions have<br />
been suggested based on the found gaps between these three dimensions, i.e. between<br />
Knowledge and Attitude, and between Attitude and Practices.<br />
The characteristics of participants in tourism industry<br />
Of the 254 interviewees, 79.2% are villagers living in the surroundings of Cuchi<br />
tunnels, while the others are those permanently living in other provinces but doing business<br />
here. The interviewees are 60 years old or over (27.95%). Female outnumbers male by 58.3%<br />
to 41.7%. Concerned the education of interviewees, the rate of illiterate people and of<br />
undergraduates are similar 14.57%, showing an unexpectedly high rate of uneducated and a<br />
low rate of high educated population compared to the general population as figured by the<br />
statistics.<br />
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Figure 1. Educational level of respondents<br />
The community's knowledge<br />
The knowledge of community-based tourism<br />
The two questions conveying the community's knowledge about community-based<br />
tourism (CBT). The first asked about the definition, and the second the meaning of CBT. Just<br />
above one-third (35.0%) could have the right answer for the first, while that of the second is<br />
over 70%. There is a notably high rate of interviewees who answered them as "I do not know"<br />
(12.2% for the first and 13.4% for the second). The results indicate that a majority of the<br />
participants, who may know the term or not, are quite aware of the economic opportunities the<br />
CTB deems to bring; while, on the other hand, a minority of the population take part in<br />
tourism business spontaneously with either concern or knowledge of tourism and CBT.<br />
<br />
Figure 2. Respondents’ knowledge about tourism and CBT<br />
The community's knowledge of their historic site<br />
Among the next six questions on the community's knowledge of the site, which are<br />
conducted to be rather concrete and difficult for outsiders, numbers of people having the right<br />
answer for each question are lowest at 55.91% and highest at 72.83%. The figures of "I do not<br />
know" or "I do not remember" answers are consequently low, below 10% in most cases.<br />
These statistics imply that participants have good knowledge of the place, despite the high<br />
illiterate rate mentioned above.<br />
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Figure 3. Respondents’ knowledge about Cuchi<br />
The community's attitude<br />
The next seven questions unveil the community's attitude towards their Heritage Site<br />
(the question 13th) and their tourists (the questions 14th to 19th). Results show that almost all<br />
participants are proud of the historic value of the site (88.98%), and are willing to welcome<br />
guests (79.13%) as well as to take part in more tourism-related activities (89.76%). For the<br />
question on bad behaviors toward tourists such as surcharging much more expensive than the<br />
ordinary price, 49.21% are "against" and 25.59% are "totally against". It can be interpreted<br />
that participants are highly aware of the cost of bad attitudes toward tourists. In other words,<br />
we could have a good background for building tourism business "culture", which may still be<br />
a big problem for many other provinces in Vietnam.<br />
Table 1. Attitude of the respondents<br />
Questions<br />
<br />
All Vietnamese know about Cuchi?<br />
<br />
Answers<br />
<br />
Number Percentage<br />
of choice<br />
<br />
Sure<br />
<br />
226<br />
<br />
88.98%<br />
<br />
Not sure<br />
<br />
19<br />
<br />
7.48%<br />
<br />
I don’t know<br />
<br />
9<br />
<br />
3.54%<br />
<br />
Do you want more visitors to come Sure<br />
here?<br />
<br />
201<br />
79.13%<br />
<br />
Like this time is enough<br />
<br />
40<br />
<br />
15.75%<br />
<br />
Less than this time<br />
<br />
13<br />
<br />
5.12%<br />
<br />
Do you want your family members to do Sure<br />
tourism business?<br />
No<br />
<br />
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<br />
228<br />
89.76%<br />
26<br />
<br />
10.24%<br />
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The community's participation activities in community-based tourism<br />
The last group of questions concerns the current activities as well as the desire for<br />
participation in CBT. Asked about whether they would introduce their heritage site to tourists,<br />
an amazingly high number (43.3%) of interviewees said they could not even they wished to. It<br />
may be a result of low educated rate, lack of foreign language. Thus, it is not surprising that<br />
almost all of them (79.53%) are willing to participate in training courses and alike.<br />
Table 2. Respondents’ tourism business<br />
Number<br />
of choice<br />
<br />
Question and answers<br />
What’s your kind of business<br />
here?<br />
<br />
242<br />
<br />
Percentage<br />
<br />
95,28%<br />
<br />
Tour guide<br />
<br />
28<br />
<br />
11,02%<br />
<br />
Mototaxi driver<br />
<br />
53<br />
<br />
20,87%<br />
<br />
Homestay<br />
<br />
22<br />
<br />
8,66%<br />
<br />
Bars<br />
<br />
91<br />
<br />
35,83%<br />
<br />
Restaurant<br />
<br />
18<br />
<br />
7,09%<br />
<br />
Souvernir seller<br />
<br />
16<br />
<br />
6,30%<br />
<br />
Guest house<br />
<br />
14<br />
<br />
5,51%<br />
<br />
About the main activities that they participated in, the highest rate (35.83%) falls in<br />
small business selling stuffs and snacks and etc; the second and third are in xe-om (motor-taxi<br />
driving), and local tour guide. A much lower number (8.66%) comes for home-stay business,<br />
but individual interviews show that those people almost lack necessary facilities to host the<br />
guests. Moreover, collected data also confirm the hypothesis that community's participation in<br />
CTB is poor in quality and limited in activities as well as in the number of participants.<br />
The results above point out the gaps between community's knowledge, attitude and<br />
practices in CBT. The first gap is between their knowledge and attitude. This gap can be divided<br />
into smaller groups to give solutions more concrete. For example, the first group are those who<br />
have knowledge and good attitude but do not have skills to realize their wish to participate in<br />
tourism activities. Although they are very proud of their places and have many stories to tell<br />
about their beloved land, a lower than half of them are enough confident to put them into<br />
beneficial and meaningful activities for tourism business. Thus, the solution for this group is to<br />
create and urge them to participate in small training courses like communication skills, tour<br />
guide skills, language courses, professional talks, etc. For the group who have good attitude but<br />
lack of knowledge, the solution for them is to encourage them to take a more proactive part in<br />
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