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Bộ đề thi thử THPT quốc gia năm 2016 môn: Tiếng Anh số 3

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Nội dung Text: Bộ đề thi thử THPT quốc gia năm 2016 môn: Tiếng Anh số 3

  1. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí SỞ GD&ĐT HẢI DƯƠNG ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 TRƯỜNG THPT ĐOÀN THƯỢNG NĂM HỌC 2013-2014 Môn: TIẾNG ANH (KHỐI D, A1) Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút; (80 câu trắc nghiệm) Họ, tên thí sinh:..................................................................... Mã đề thi SBD: ………………………………………………………. 208 Read the passage and choose the option that best answers the question or completes the sentence: Every drop of water in the ocean, even in the deepest parts, responds to the forces that create the tides. No other force that affects the sea is so strong. Compared with the tides, the waves created by the wind are surface movements felt no more than a hundred fathoms below the surface. The currents also seldom involve more than the upper several hundred fathoms despite their impressive sweep. The tides are a response of the waters of the ocean to the pull of the Moon and the more distant Sun. In theory, there is a gravitational attraction between the water and even the outermost star of the universe. In reality, however, the pull of remote stars is so slight as to be obliterated by the control of the Moon and, to a lesser extent, the Sun. Just as the Moon rises later each day by fifty minutes, on the average, so, in most places, the time of high tide is correspondingly later each day. And as the Moon waxes and wanes in its monthly cycle, so the height of the tide varies. The tidal movements are strongest when the Moon is a sliver in the sky, and when it is full. These are the highest flood tides and the lowest ebb tides of the lunar month and are called the spring tides. At these times, the Sun, Moon, and Earth are nearly in line and the pull of the two heavenly bodies is added together to bring the water high on the beaches, to send its surf upward against the sea cliffs, and to draw a high tide into the harbors. Twice each month, at the quarters of the Moon, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth lie at the apexes of a triangular configuration and the pull of the Sun and Moon are opposed, the moderate tidal movements called neap tides occur. Then the difference between high and low water is less than at any other time during the month. Câu 1: Neap tides occur when ____. A. waves created by the wind combine with the Moon’s gravitational attraction B. the Moon is full C. the Sun counteracts the Moon’s gravitational attraction D. the Moon is farthest from the Sun Câu 2: The word felt is closest in meaning to____. A. dropped B. based C. detected D. explored
  2. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Câu 3: It can be inferred from the passage that the most important factor in determining how much gravitational effect one object in space has on the tides is_______ A. density B. size C. distance D. temperature Câu 4: What is the cause of the spring tides? A. The triangular arrangement of the Earth, Sun, and Moon B. The Earth’s movement around the Sun C. Seasonal changes in the weather D. The gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon when nearly in line with the Earth Câu 5: The word correspondingly is closest in meaning to____. A. similarly B. unpredictably C. interestingly D. unusually Câu 6: What is the main point of the first paragraph? A. Deep ocean water is seldom affected by forces that move water B. Despite the strength of the wind, it only moves surface water C. The waves created by ocean currents are very large D. The tides are the most powerful force to affect the movement of ocean water Câu 7: The words In reality are closest in meaning to____. A. actually B. surprisingly C. similarly D. characteristically Câu 8: Where in the passage does the author mention movements of ocean water other than those caused by tides? A. Lines 9 – 11 B. Lines 11 - 14 C. Lines 7 - 9 D. Lines 1 – 4 Câu 9: The word configuration is closest in meaning to____. A. center B. unit C. arrangement D. surface Câu 10: According to the passage, all of the following statements about tides are true EXCEPT____. A. The strongest tides occur at the quarters of the Moon B. The time of high tide is later each day C. Neap tides are more moderate than spring tides D. Tides have a greater effect on the sea than waves do Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others: Câu 11: A. solitary B. security C. capacity D. employer Câu 12: A. edition B. influence C. desperate D. definite Câu 13: A. diploma B. educate C. vacation D. detective Câu 14: A. practical B. chemistry C. element D. discover Câu 15: A. accept B. extreme C. precious D. enough
  3. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Choose the sentence that best rewrites the one given: Câu 16: You should have persuaded him to change his mind. A. You should persuade him to change his mind. B. You didn’t persuade him to change because of his mind. C. It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn’t. D. You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn’t listen Câu 17: We planned to walk round the lake but the heavy rain made this impossible A. The heavy rain nearly prevented us from walking right round the lake. B. In spite of the heavy rain we managed to walk half way round the lake as planned. C. If it hadn’t rained so heavily, we would have walked right round the lake. D. We would have walked round the lake even if it had rained heavily. Câu 18: I can’t remember when I last saw him, but it’s certainly a long time ago. A. I’d like to forget how many years have passed since I last saw him. B. We’ve only met once and that was too long ago for me to remember him. C. I shall never forget meeting him even though it’s a long time ago. D. I only know it is ages since I saw him and I can’t remember when it was. Câu 19: They said that Paula had quit five jobs before working for us. A. They said that five jobs had been quit by Paula before working for us. B. Paula worked for us then she quit five other jobs. C. It was said that Paula had quit five jobs before working for us D. Paula said that she had quit five jobs before working for us. Câu 20: "You’re always making terrible mistakes", said the teacher. A. The teacher complained about his student making terrible mistakes. B. The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes C. The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes. D. The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word: Câu 21: He was not afraid to pet the gentle dog, even though it was very large. A. dirty B. cold C. calm D. fierce Câu 22: Charles W. Eliot, the president of Harvard in 1869, initiated a system under which most required courses were dropped in favor of elective courses. A. initiated B. compulsory C. optional D. necessary Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences Câu 23: Young ______ he was, he was equal to the task. A. unless B. because C. as D. if
  4. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Câu 24: “Didn’t you go to the party?” - “ ___________” A. No, I went there with my friends. B. I did, but I didn’t stay long. C. That sounds nice, but I can’t. D. Don’t worry. I’ll go there. Câu 25: Mary’s father approved of________in the US for another year in order to work toward her M.A. A. she to stay B. her to stay C. her staying D. her to stay Câu 26: To generate income, magazine publishers must decide whether to increase the subscription price or ______. A. sold advertising B. to sell advertising C. if they should sell advertising D. selling advertising Câu 27: Rarely_____remove the entire root of a dandelion because of its length and sturdiness. A. can the casual gardener B. the casual gardener C. the casual gardener will D. does the casual gardener’s Câu 28: Her room is very large. She is dreaming of a _________ A. round big wooden table B. wooden big round table C. big round wooden table D. table big wooden round Câu 29: Nothing is spoiled, ______? A. is it B. aren’t they C. isn’t it D. are they Câu 30: Trees won’t grow _______ there is enough water. A. when B. as C. if D. unless Câu 31: Kelly wanted to have a live band _________ at her wedding. A. to be played B. play C. played D. been playing Câu 32: It is better to try to work ______ rather than against Nature A. along B. with C. by D. for Câu 33: The doctors know that it is very difficult to save the patient's life, _______they will try their best. A. but B. although C. despite D. however Câu 34: If my candidate had won the election, I ______ very happy now. A. was B. can be C. would have been D. would be Câu 35: We had a long way to go so we ______ off very early A. had B. put C. set D. made Câu 36: “Can you come over after the show?” - “____________” A. That would be nice. B. Why don’t we go to the show? C. No, I didn’t. D. Please, go ahead. Câu 37: Jack is _______ about football and never misses a match,
  5. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A. interested B. keen C. fond D. crazy Câu 38: “Here, I brought you some flowers from my garden.” – “Thank you. They’re ____ beautiful flowers.” A. to B. so C. such D. as Câu 39: The only people she looks ____ to are her parents. A. up B. for C. at D. after Câu 40: Hurry up, or they ______ serving meals by the time we get to the restaurant. A. would stop B. are stopping C. stopped D. will have stopped Câu 41: - “Thanks a lot” - “____________” A. Oh, that’s too bad B. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that C. Don’t mention it D. Of course Câu 42: I promise I will never tell him the truth about you. ________ my heart! A. Take B. Cross C. Beat D. Hold Câu 43: “How can this dress be so expensive?” - “___________” A. What an expensive dress! B. You are paying for the brand. C. Yes, it’s the most expensive. D. That’s a good idea Câu 44: “___________” -“Yes, it’s a good idea.” A. Why don’t we have a picnic? B. We want to have a picnic, don’t we? C. Do we have a picnic? D. We haven’t had a picnic for a long time Câu 45: Her parents gave her everything she asked for. She’s a completely ______ child. A. destroyed B. damaged C. wounded D. spoilt Câu 46: I’d _______ you didn’t practice playing the trumpet while I’m trying to study. A. rather B. prefer C. like D. better Câu 47: ____________ you to be offered that job, would you have to move to another city? A. Should B. Were C. Had D. Provided that Choose the word that can best replace the underlined word Câu 48: Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potential dangerous diseases A. scattered B. common C. colossal D. popular Câu 49: American children customarily go trick-or-treating on Halloween. A. inevitably B. readily C. gaily D. traditionally Câu 50: After her mother died, she was raised by her grandparents. A. come into B. put up C. brought up D. grown up Read the passage and choose the best option to answer the question or complete the sentence below:
  6. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Over a period of time, many habitats change with respect to the types of plants and animals that live there. This change is known as succession Succession occurs because plants and animals cause a change in the environment in which they live. The first weeds and grasses that appear on a bare field, for example, change the environment by shielding the soil from the direct sunlight. As these plants spread, the ground surface becomes cooler and moisture, than it was originally. Thus, the environment at the ground surface has been changed. The new surface conditions favor the sprouting of shrubs. As shrubs grow, they kill the grasses by preventing light from reaching them and also build up the soil in the area; in addition, they attract animals that also enhance the shrubs. They are not able to shade out oak and hickory seedlings; however, they have found the forest floor suitable. These seedlings grow into large trees that eventually shade out the pines. Câu 51: What is the best title of this passage? A. The importance of weeds and grasses B. How environmental habitats change C. The success of oak and hickory D. Animal and plant habitat Câu 52: Which is the correct order of plant succession in the example in the passage? A. Weeds, shrubs, pines, oaks B. Weeds, pine, shrubs, oaks C. Oak, pines, shrubs, weeds D. Shrubs, weeds, pines, oaks Câu 53: According to the passage, how do weeds and grasses affect the soil? A. They add nutrients to it B. They speed seeds on it C. They attract animal to it D. They make it cooler and wetter Câu 54: It can be inferred from the passage that______________ A. pines and grasses can exist together B. birds discourage the growth of shrubs C. oak and hickory trees grow taller than pines D. weeds and grasses prefer cold climate Câu 55: Which of the following is a stage of succession as described in the passage? A. Animals being tamed by children B. A flood washing away a crop of wheat C. A forest cut down to build an airport D. Wildflowers growing in an unused parking lot Câu 56: Which of the following encourages the life of animals? A. pine seedlings B. shrubs C. grasses D. large trees Câu 57: The word originally is closest in meaning to______________ A. in the first place B. specially C. at the first source D. for a short time Câu 58: The word sprouting is closest in meaning to ______________ A. blossoming B. starting to grow C. flourishing D. nourishing Câu 59: The word shielding can be replaced by______________
  7. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A. protecting B. exploring C. hiding D. changing Câu 60: Compared to pines, hickories are______________ A. shorter B. higher C. as high D. more suitable for forest floor Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences below Câu 61: _________________, Mozart was an accomplished composer while still a child. A. No matter how seems it remarkable B. No matter how it seems remarkable C. Whatever it seems remarkable how D. No matter how remarkable it seems Câu 62: It is important that _________. A. an exact record to be kept B. an exact record should be kept C. keeping an exact record D. to keep an exact record Câu 63: In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know ______________________. A. that the requirements for each vegetable B. what the requirements for each vegetable are C. that is required by each vegetable D. what are each vegetable’s requirements Câu 64: _________the book, please return it to me A. Should you find B. Will you find C. Will you have found D. Will you be finding Câu 65: ____ is that a chicken stands up to lay its eggs. A. Because many people don’ realize B. Many people don’t realize C. It is that many people don’t realize D. What many people don’t realize Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below Câu 66: The type of jazz known as “swing” was introduced by Duke Ellington when he wrote A B C and records “It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing.” D Câu 67: I would have to walk for miles to take that package were you not to bring them here now. A B C D Câu 68: Since ancient times, some people wore amulets, objects that are supposed to give A B C the wearer magical powers D Câu 69: She is too beautiful that I cannot stop looking at her. A B C D Câu 70: The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than a teacher A B C D
  8. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each of the gaps ACTION SCENE IN FILMS Modern cinema audiences expect to see plenty of thrilling scenes action films. These scenes, which are (71)______ as stunts , are usually(72)______ by stuntmen who are specially trained to do dangerous thing safely. Anyone can crash a car, but if you're shooting a film, you have to be extremely precise, sometimes stopping (73)______ in front of the camera and film crew . At an early stage in the production, an expert stuntman is called in to work out the action scenes and form team. He is the only person who can go (74)_____ the wishes of the director, (75)______ he will usually only do this in the interests of safety. Many famous actors like to do the dangerous part themselves, which produces better shots, since stuntmen don't have to (76)______ in for the actors. Actors like to become (77)______ in all the important aspects of the character they are playing, but without the recent progress in safety equipment, insurance companies would never (78)______ them take the risk. To do their own stunts, actors need to be good athletes, but they must also be sensible and know their (79)______ . If they were to be hurt, the film would (80)_____ to be sudden halt. Câu 71: A. referred B. remarked C. known D. named Câu 72: A. fulfilled B. performed C. given D. displayed Câu 73: A. direct B. right C. strict D. exact Câu 74: A. across B. through C. against D. over Câu 75: A. although B. otherwise C. despite D. so Câu 76: A. put B. stand C. get D. work Câu 77: A. involved B. arranged C. connected D. affected Câu 78: A. admit B. permit C. allow D. let Câu 79: A. frontier B. limits C. ends D. borders Câu 80: A. fall B. go C. pull D. come ----------- HẾT ----------
  9. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí ANSWER KEYS 1 C 41 C 21 D 61 D 2 C 42 B 22 C 62 B 3 C 43 B 23 C 63 B 4 D 44 A 24 B 64 A 5 A 45 D 25 C 65 D 6 D 46 A 26 B 66 D 7 A 47 B 27 A 67 C 8 D 48 B 28 C 68 B 9 C 49 D 29 A 69 A 10 A 50 C 30 D 70 D 11 A 51 B 31 B 71 C 12 A 52 A 32 B 72 B 13 B 53 D 33 A 73 B 14 D 54 C 34 D 74 C 15 C 55 D 35 C 75 A 16 C 56 B 36 A 76 B 17 C 57 A 37 D 77 A 18 D 58 B 38 C 78 D 19 C 59 A 39 A 79 B 20 A 60 B 40 D 80 D
  10. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI THỬ THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2014 – 2015 TRƯỜNG THPT CẨM GIÀNG II Môn: TIẾNG ANH (Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề) Mã đề: 102 Họ, tên thí sinh:…………………………………………….. Số báo danh:............................................................................ ĐỀ THI GỒM 80 CÂU (TỪ QUESTION 1 ĐẾN QUESTION 80) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1: There has been a great increase in retail sales, ______? A. hasn't there B. isn't there C. isn't it D. doesn’t it Question 2: She asked me ______ I was looking at. A. when B. if C. what D. why Question 3: Tom: “______” Mike: “I won’t say no!” A. How are things with you, Mike? C. Mike, do you know where the scissors are? B. What about playing badminton this afternoon D. What’s your favourite, tea or coffee? Question 4: Education in many countries is compulsory ______ the age of 16. A. for B. when C. until D. forwards Question 5: We must push the piano to the corner of the hall to ______ our party tonight. A. make place for B. take up room to C. make room for D. give place to Question 6: ______ his brother, Mike is active and friendly. A. Alike B. Unlike C. Dislike D. Liking Question 7: The boat was sailing north when a terrible storm ______ . A. had broken B. broke C. would break D. was breaking Question 8: Stephanie: “Oh, no! I left my book at home. Can I share yours?” Scott: “______” A. No, thanks. B. No, not at all! C. Yes, I do too. D. Yes, sure! Question 9: The Lake District, ______ was made a national park in 1951, attracts a large number of tourists every year. A. that B. where C. what D. which Question 10: I'll give this dictionary to ______ wants to have it. A. anyone B. whatever C. everyone D. whoever
  11. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Question 11: No one can avoid ______ by advertisements. A. to be influenced B. having influenced C. influencing D. being influenced Question 12: We decided to take a late flight _____we could spend more time with our family. A. so as to B. in order C. so that D. in order to Question 13: “What ______ if the earth stopped moving?” A. happened B. would happen C. happens D. will happen Question 14: Mai: “Do you want another serving of chicken soup?” Scott: “______.” A. No way B. No comment C. No thanks D. No longer Question 15: Having traveled to different parts of our country, ______. A. we have learned a lot about interesting lifestyles and customs B. we are seeing a lot of interesting lifestyles and customs C. many interesting lifestyles and customs have been learned by us D. much has been learned about interesting lifestyles and customs Question 16: Members of my family share the ______. A. housewife B. hometown C. homework D. housework Question 17: Sam: “How long does it take you to get to school?” Mai: “______.” A. About 15 minutes B. 15 pounds C. About 2 kilometres D. 2 years ago Question 18: Jane ______ a letter to apply for the job at present. A. will write B. wrote C. was writing D. is writing Question 19: Sheila is very fond of ______ jokes to her colleagues. A. to tell B. telling C. to telling D. tell Question 20: It is important ______ the instructions on medicines carefully. A. read B. reading C. to read D. to reading Question 21: Nancy can speak French ______ than Jimmy. A. as fluently B. fluently C. more fluently D. most fluently Question 22: Let’s go shopping because there isn’t ______ in the fridge. A. someone B. anything C. something D. anyone Question 23: Salesgirl: “______” Customer: “I’d like to have a look at that shirt.” A. What do you do? B. Can I help you? C. May I go out? D. How do you do? Question 24: I hope that our economic situation ______ better next year. A. will be B. be C. to be D. was Question 25: Bill: “______” Bruce: “I’ve got a slight headache.”
  12. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A. What do you have in your head? B. What’s the matter with you? C. What’s your hobby? D. What do you have? Question 26: Tim’s doctor advised him to ______ smoking because of his health. A. grow up B. give up C. stay up D. get up Question 27: If you ______ harder, you will pass the exam. A. were working B. had worked C. worked D. work Question 28: The house ______ Shakespeare was born is now open to public. A. whose B. who C. where D. when Question 29: I had to answer the questions quickly as I was running out ______ time. A. in B. with C. of D. on Question 30: These students ______ to take part in the English Speaking Contest three weeks ago. A. selected B. were selected C. select D. are selected Question 31: Will you go to Sarah’s party ______ Saturday? A. on B. in C. for D. at Question 32: She sings as ______ as her mother. A. beautiful B. beautifully C. beauty D. beautify Question 33: The man ______ you met yesterday is a famous scientist. A. which B. where C. whom D. whose Question 34: My teeth hurt, ______ I made an appointment to see the dentist. A. but B. because C. or D. so Question 35: It was a luxury hotel with its own ______ and restaurant. A. wrapping paper B. fishing rod C. swimming pool D. reading lamp Question 36: Regular exercise and good diet will bring ______ fitness and health. A. from B. to C. about D. up Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 37: The man whom I wanted to meet him was away on business. A B C D Question 38: Passengers shouldn’t be thrown away their tickets as they may be checked during the A B C D journey. Question 39: No one came to see us since we bought these bloodhounds.
  13. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A B C D Question 40: The shopkeeper warned the boys don’t lean their bicycles against his windows. A B C D Question 41: The most people believe that marriage and family life are the basis of society. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 42: Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court. A. Failed to pay B. paid in full C. had a bad personality D. was paid much money. Question 43: A chronic lack of sleep may make us irritable and reduces our motivation to work. A. Uncomfortable B. responsive C. calm D. miserable Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions. Question 44: A. structure B. subsidy C. number D. success Question 45: A. proved B. surveyed C. discussed D. rained Question 46: A. badminton B. swallow C. challenge D. ballet Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in position of the main stress in each of the following questions. Question 47: A. participant B. publicity C. competitive D. individual Question 48: A. apologise B. optimistic C. inhabitant D. photography Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. Question 49: The augmentation in the population has created a fuel shortage. A. increase B. necessity C. demand D. decrease Question 50: When their rent increased from $200 to $400 a month, they protested against such a tremendous increase. A. light B. huge C. tiring D. difficult Question 51: Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship. A. romantic part B. difficult part C. important part D. interesting part Question 52: The notice should be put in the most conspicuous place so that all the students can be well-informed. A. popular B. suspicious C. easily seen D. beautiful
  14. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Question 53: He was asked to account for his presence at the scene of crime. A. complain B. exchange C. explain D. arrange The sentences in italics below are cues. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is meaningful sentence given in each of the following questions. Question 54: / surfing / net / I / enjoy / but / have / I / don’t / time/ it. A. I enjoy surfing net but I don’t have many time for it. B. I enjoy surfing the net but I don’t have few time for it. C. I enjoy surfing on the net but I don’t have much time for it. D. I enjoy surfing net but I don’t have a few time for it. Question 55: It/ take/ long time/ learn/ play/ musical instrument/ well. A. It takes a long time to learn playing a musical instrument well. B. It takes long time to learn to play musical instruments well. C. It take a long time to learn to play a musical instruments well. D. It takes a long time to learn to play a musical instrument well. Question 56: I / be you / take / job A. If I am you, I’ll take the job. C. If I were you, I’ll take the job. B. If I were you, I’d take the job. D. If I weren’t you, I didn’t take the job. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions. Question 57: I don’t think Jerry will win the tennis match. A. In my opinion, Jerry will not likely to win the tennis match. B. I will never think Jerry will win the tennis match. C. Jerry will win the tennis match, I don’t think that. D. The fact is that Jerry won’t win the tennis match. Question 58: We started working here three years ago. A. We worked here for three years. C. We have worked here for three years. B. We have no longer worked here for three years. D. We will work here in three years. Question 59: “John left here an hour ago,” said Jane. A. Jane told me that John had left there an hour before. B. Jane said John left here an hour before. C. Jane told John to have left there an hour before. D. Jane told me that John to leave there an hour before.
  15. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Question 60: You should have persuaded him to change his mind. A. It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn’t. B. You didn't persuade him to change because of his mind. C. You should persuade him to change his mind. D. You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn't listen. Question 61: When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high. A. The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both higher. B. The higher the unemployment rate is, the higher the crime rate is. C. The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate. D. The high rate of unemployment depends on the high rate of crime. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 62 to 66. Pandas are one of the rarest animals in the world. They live only in a small area in the mountains of South-western China. There are only 500 to 1000 pandas (62) _________ in the wild and the number is decreasing all the time. There are about 100 more in zoos and research units. Although they are protected, pandas are still poached (23) _________ their skins. Because they are so rare, their skins are very valuable. Pandas live in mountain forests and can only eat bamboo. (64)________ their habitat is getting smaller and smaller, they are in danger of dying (65) _______ lack of suitable food. Zoos are making efforts to breed pandas in captivity, but this is very difficult. Moreover, baby pandas weigh only 100 grams at birth, so they need to (66)__________ very carefully. Since 1963, about 50 baby pandas have been born in captivity and around half of them are still alive today. Question 62: A. survive B. survived C. surviving D. are surviving Question 63: A. in B. for C. with D. about Question 64: A. As B. Although C. Since then D. Because of Question 65: A. of B. for C. from D. with Question 66: A. rear B. look for C. be taken care D. be looked after Read the following passage on climate change, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 67 to 76. Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
  16. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid. The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture. It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet. Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyoto in Japan in 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions. It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation. Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering. Question 67: According to the passage, in what way did the climate changes in the ice ages differ from the modern ones? A. They occurred naturally over a long period of time B. They were partly intended. C. They were wholly the result of human activity. D. They were fully monitored by humans. Question 68: The word “alarmingly” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____. A. disapprovingly B. disappointingly C. surprisingly D. worryingly Question 69: According to the passage, agriculture could ____.
  17. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A. make the global warming more serious B. be indirectly affected by the global temperature rises C. give rise to many ecological disasters D. be directly damaged by the rises in global temperature Question 70: Greenhouse gases cause the warming up of the Earth because they ____. A. are emitted by car engines B. trap heat from the sun C. do not add to atmosphere pollution D. are unusual gases Question 71: According to the passage, 1997 witnessed ____. A. the largest number of summits on the subject of climate change B. the most important summit on climate change taking place in Kyoto, Japan C. the highest attendance by representatives from 180 industrialised countries D. widespread concern about climate change Question 72: It can be inferred from the passage that the countries which are mainly responsible for global warming are ____. A. countries with the warmest climate B. developing countries C. developed countries D. the most industrialized countries Question 73: The word “There” in paragraph 5 refers to ____. A. the world’s industrialized countries B. regular summits on climate change C. the most industrialized countries D. the 1997 summit in Kyoto, Japan Question 74: Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage? A. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that may cause the so-called greenhouse effect. B. The so-called sinks created by forests can absorb greenhouse gases. C. The problem of rapid climate change has been caused mainly by deforestation. D. Politicians are among those who are concerned about climate change. Question 75: The word “drastic” in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to ____. A. hard B. severe C. widespread D. obvious Question 76: What is probably the writer’s attitude toward global warning? A. Optimistic B. Pessimistic C. Neutral D. Positive Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines the pair of sentences given in each of the following questions. Question 77: The coffee was not strong. It didn’t keep us awake. A. The coffee was very strong, but it couldn’t keep us awake.
  18. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí B. The coffee was not strong enough to keep us awake. C. We were kept awake because the coffee was strong. D. The coffee was so hot that it didn’t keep us awake. Question 78: He didn’t take his father’s advice. That’s why he is out of work. A. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not have been out of work. B. If he took his father’s advice, he would not be out of work. C. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not be out of work. D. If he takes his father’s advice, he will not be out of work. Question 79: He is very intelligent. He can solve all the problems in no time. A. So intelligent is he that he can solve all the problems in no time. B. He is very intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time. C. An intelligent student is he that he can solve all the problems in no time. D. So intelligent a student is he that he can solve all the problems in no time. Question 80: You don’t try to work hard. You will fail in the exam. A. Unless you don’t try to work hard, you will fail in the exam. B. Unless you try to work hard, you won’t fail in the exam. C. Unless you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam. D. Unless do you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam. .……The end…….
  19. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí ANSWER KEYS Đáp án Mã đề 102 1. A 11. D 21. C 31. A 41. A 51. C 61. B 71. B 2. C 12. C 22. B 32. B 42. B 52. C 62. C 72. D 3. B 13. B 23. B 33. C 43. C 53. C 63. B 73.D 4. C 14. C 24. A 34. D 44. D 54. C 64. A 74. C 5. C 15. A 25. B 35. C 45. C 55. D 65. C 75. B 6. B 16. D 26. B 36. C 46. B 56. B 66. D 76. B 7. B 17. A 27. D 37. C 47. D 57. A 67. A 77. B 8. D 18. D 28. C 38. A 48. B 58. C 68. D 78. C 9. D 19. B 29. C 39. A 49. A 59. A 69. B 79. A 10. D 20. C 30. B 40. B 50. B 60. A 70. B 80. C
  20. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí SỞ GD&ĐT HẢI DƯƠNG ĐỀ THI THỬ THPTQG LẦN 2 TRƯỜNG THPT ĐOÀN THƯỢNG NĂM HỌC 2014 - 2015 Môn: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút Họ, tên thí sinh:..................................................................... Mã đề thi SBD: ………………………………………………………. 908 *************************************************************** Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. responsibility B. originality C. mischievousness D. accommodation 2. A. independent B. appliance C. conscientious D. confidential 3. A. occupation B. determine C. diversity D. miraculous Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions. 4. A. decorate B. celebrate C. private D. nominate 5. A. mind B. wind C. behind D. find Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 6. “I can’t see the stage well from here.” - “___________.” A. Neither can I B. I can’t neither C. So can I D. Neither can’t I 7. If I had studied harder, I__________ better in the last exam. A. would do B. would have done C. had done D. will do 8. Lan: - "I’ve failed my final exam.” Joe: - "_________" A. Bad luck! B. I’m sorry. C. Good luck! D. Congratulations! 9. Bob has a bad lung cancer and his doctor has advised him to ________ smoking. A. turn up B. give up C. take up D. put up 10. So little________ about mathematics that the lecture was completely beyond me. A. I have known B. I knew C. do I know D. did I know 11. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as ________. A. cats and dogs B. chalk and cheese C. salt and pepper D. here and there 12. A few years ago, a fire _____ much of an overcrowded part of the city.



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