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Brand awareness – a study among biscuit consumers in Madurai city

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A study on the consumer brand awareness on biscuit is a worthy endeavour to draw the valid inferences in these aspects. The researcher makes this study to understand the preference and behavioral patterns of the customers of biscuits.

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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020, pp. 28–35, Article ID: IJM_11_03_004 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed BRAND AWARENESS – A STUDY AMONG BISCUIT CONSUMERS IN MADURAI CITY Dr. R. Geetha Assistant Professor, Commerce Department, School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India Dr. Devi Meenakshi. K Assistant Professor (Sr,) English Department, School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT All Human beings need food, shelter and clothes. The most important need among these three items is food. People take nutritious food for maintain their health. They consume products manufactured by rice or wheat items. In India, the total cultivation of wheat is more comparing with the cultivation of rice. Majority of the people take the products manufactured by wheat. Biscuits are the products which are produced in large quantities by using wheat as a main ingredient. A study on the consumer brand awareness on biscuit is a worthy endeavour to draw the valid inferences in these aspects. The researcher makes this study to understand the preference and behavioral patterns of the customers of biscuits Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Hotel industry, Tourism, Culture. Cite this Article: Dr. R. Geetha and Dr. Devi Meenakshi. K, Brand Awareness – A Study among Biscuit Consumers in Madurai City, International Journal of Management (IJM), 11 (3), 2020,pp. 28–35. 1. INTRODUCTION Biscuits manufacturing companies provides various benefits to the Indian economy. They give hygienic products and uphold the total health of the population. These companies also give more employment opportunities. People who buy the biscuit items belong to different age groups, income group and educational level. In the competitive market consumers decide the success or failure of any products1. This shows the sovereignty of the consumers. People are very cautious about the hygiene of the product, and this becomes the order of the day. New varieties of biscuits are introduced everyday in the market. Biscuit products become more and more sophisticated products today. Competition among these biscuit items becomes complicated. Under these circumstances, the consumers find it very difficult to identify the best quality products2. 28
  2. Dr. R. Geetha and Dr. Devi Meenakshi. K The consumer of biscuits arrives at a judgment about the brand alternatives only through proper evaluation. They compare the products on the basis of price, quality taste and so on, according to their order of preferences. The quality of purchase of biscuit items is influenced by the size of the family, seasonal factors and economic conditions of the consumers3. Biscuit consumers have to decide what, when, how and from whom to purchase all these biscuits item4. Under these circumstances stated above, the researcher has made an attempt to make a study on the brand awareness among biscuits consumers in Madurai city. 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Ziauddin1 in his article “Biscuit Industry in India” in the Indian Journal of marketing had analyzed thoroughly the future demand for the biscuits products in India. Abdul Faisal C.U2 in his articles entitled “Usage and Attitude of Consumers Towards Milk Bikis for Britannia Industries Limited, Chennai” had explained the main factors that influence the consumers to purchase Milk Bikis. He has also stated that biscuits provide two nutritional benefits such as taste and Milk to the consumers. Djeakumar3 in his study entitled “Brand preference in Biscuits” had brought to light the fact that “Demand for biscuits is increasing rapidly since it is considered as the most hygienic food amidst ready to eat snacks. G. Senthil Kumar4 in his study entitled “A study on survey of dealers awareness and consumer awareness towards Britannia Vita Marie Gold in Kumbakonam” explained that the company had concentrated more on the window display. Joan Stopford Beale and Katharine H. Johnson5 in their book titled “Mixer and Blender Cookery” explained about “Crisp home made biscuits that are universally liked. 3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The people of India live in a different financial, cultural and psychological environment. They consume a number of biscuit products to satisfy their wants. With the limited means, they have to select the most suitable branded biscuit products and derive the optimum satisfaction. So people select or reject a particular brand of biscuits only on the given situation. The advancement in science, technology and automation in industry, the market is flooded with numerous varieties of biscuits products. It is nevertheless to say that the consumers are compelled to make buying preference on the brands of products available in the market. Sometimes, the necessity and the environment does not allow the customer to give due attention in preferring the branded and non branded biscuits. This situation induces the researcher to take up this research work. The manufacturers of biscuits launch new varieties and confuse the consumers with a range of product line. For instance Britannia Industries Limited has introduced thirty brands of biscuits in the market. Similarly Parle, True, Horlicks, Amulya and Sun feast companies combat with each other to be a kingpin in the biscuit market. Local biscuits manufacturing concerns also try to have a good share in the local market. They also introduced tasty and cheap price biscuits. This situation induces the researcher to know the validity of the brand awareness among the consumers. The wholesale agents and retailers deal with various brands of biscuit companies. 4. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY  To bring a profile about the biscuit industry in the world and in India  To identify the details about consumers awareness on the various brands of biscuits 29
  3. Brand Awareness – A Study among Biscuit Consumers in Madurai City  To study consumers preference among various brands of biscuits.  To summaries the findings of the study and give suitable suggestions both on the consumers and manufacturers. 5. SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study is purely conducted to understand the consumers‟ behavior towards branded and non-branded biscuits items. Food items such as snacks, breads, cakes, ice creams, candies, toffees, chocolates and confectionaries are excluded from the total scope of this research work. 6. METHODOLOGY The present study is mainly based on primary data. The primary data were collected by conducting survey among the consumers of biscuits. A questionnaire was used for collecting data from the consumers selected from the samples. Secondary data was also collected from the books, journals, magazines, newspapers and also from the internet. 7. SAMPLE DESIGN For the purpose of this study, Madurai city limit is taken as Madurai Corporation Limited. The Madurai Corporation Limited is divided into four regions such as north, south, east and west. Among the people who reside in these areas, the residents are selected as samples for the present study. The researcher has decided to conduct a survey for the present study. The researcher has branded. According to the total population of each region the proportionate number of respondents are selected for conducting this survey. The researcher has taken all care to include the various categories of people. So that the sampling would represent all segments of the population from Madurai city. Among the 300 respondents 68 are selected from the north, 92 are from the south, 65 are from the east and 75 are from the west. The male and female respondents were selected according to the stratified sampling technique. Among the total population, 152 male and 148 female respondents are selected and the samples were stratified according to each region. The researcher has prepared the questionnaire for collecting the opinions of the consumers. The first draft was prepared by the researcher with his supervisor. The second draft was given to the consumer for pre-testing. Their comments were incorporated, while preparing the third and final draft. 8. HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY  There is no significant relationship between the age of the respondents and their levels of opinions about the brand of the biscuits.  There is no significant difference between the sex of the respondents and their levels of opinions on the brand of the biscuits.  There is no significant relationship between the literacy level of consumers and their levels of opinions about the brand of the biscuits.  There is no significant difference between the occupation of the consumers and their levels of levels of opinions towards the brand of the biscuits.  There is no significant difference between the marital status of the respondents and their levels of opinions on the brand of the biscuits.  There is no significant difference between the income of the respondents and their levels of opinions about the brand of the biscuits. 30
  4. Dr. R. Geetha and Dr. Devi Meenakshi. K 8.1. Age of the Respondents Even though, all people prefer biscuits, the level of consumption differs according to their age. People who consume biscuits belong to different age groups. Young people prefer more biscuits comparing with old people. Table 2 shows the age-wise classification of respondents. Table 1 Age-wise Classification of the Respondents Serial Age Groups Number of Percentage No Respondents 1 Upto 20 55 18.33 2 20 - 40 133 44.33 3 40 – 60 80 26.67 4 Above 60 32 10.67 300 100 It is noted from Table 1 that 18.33 per cent of the respondents who are selected for sample belong to the age group of upto 20 years. The respondents who are between 20 and 40 years amount to 44.33 per cent. Respondents who belong to the age group between 40 and 60 years amount to 26.67 percent and those who are above 60 years amount to 10.67 per cent. More than two – fifth of the respondents belong to the age group of between 20 and 40 years. 8.2. Gender of the Respondents Biscuits are consumed by all people. They are male and female consumers. A study on the brand awareness towards biscuits was conducted among male and female consumers in the city of Madurail Table 2 shows the Gender wise classification of the respondents. Table 2 Gender wise classification of the Respondents Serial Age Groups Number of Percentage No Respondents 1 Male 177 59 2 Female 123 41 300 100 It is clear from Table 2 that 59 per cent of the total respondents are male and 41 per cent are female. More than half of the total respondents belong to male category. 8.3. Literacy Level of the Respondents The biscuits consumers have different educational qualifications. When they are highly literate, they go for better and hygienic products and vice versa. Literate and elite group of consumers buy biscuits after making cost benefit analysis basis. Table 3 shows the classification of the respondents according to their educational qualification. Table 3 Literacy level of the Respondents Serial Educational Qualification Number of Percentage No Respondents 1 SSLC 54 18.00 2 HSC 56 18.66 3 Under Graduates 86 28.67 4 Post Graduates 23 7.67 5 Professional 13 4.33 6 Illiterates 68 22.67 300 100 31
  5. Brand Awareness – A Study among Biscuit Consumers in Madurai City Table 3 reveals that 18 per cent of the respondents have SSLC level of qualification and the respondents who have higher secondary level qualification amount 18.66 per cent. The respondents with graduate and post graduate qualifications amount to 28.67 and 7.67 per cent respectively. Those respondents who have professional qualifications such as B.E, BL amount to 22.67 per cent. More than one fourth of the respondents have the education at under graduate level. 8.4. Occupation of the Respondents Consumers who have occupation earn and spend more money on buying biscuits. The occupations of the biscuits consumers are of Government sector, Private sector, Business sector and Students sector. Table 4 shows the occupation of the respondents. Table 4 Occupation of the Respondents Serial Particulars Number of Percentage No Respondents 1 Government sector 17 5.7 2 Private sector 139 46.3 3 Business sector 99 33.0 4 Students sector 45 15.0 300 100 Table 4 reveals that 5.7 per cent of the respondents have occupation in Government sector, 46.3 per cent respondents belong to Private sector, 33 percent belong to Business sector and the remaining 15 per cent of the respondents belong to students sector. More than two fifth of the respondents belong to the private sector. 8.5. Marital Status of the Respondents Marital statuses of the respondents are of married and unmarried. Married people normally, buy more biscuits for their family. Consumers who are married spend more amount of buying biscuit and those who are unmarried spend lesser amount of buying biscuits. The following table 5 shows the marital status of the respondents. Table 5 Marital Status of the Respondents Serial Particulars Number of Percentage No Respondents 1 Married 180 60 2 Unmarried 120 40 300 100 It is clear from table 5 that 60 per cent of the respondents belong to the married category and 40 per cent of the respondents belong to the unmarried category. Three fifth of the respondents belong to the married category. 8.6. Income of the Respondents The purchasing power of the respondent mostly depends upon the income of respondent. When the income of the respondents is more, the amount spend on buying biscuits will be more and vice-versa. Table 6 shows the income of the respondents. 32
  6. Dr. R. Geetha and Dr. Devi Meenakshi. K Table 6 Income of the Respondents Serial Particulars Number of Percentage No Respondents 1 Up to Rs. 5000 75 25.00 2 Rs. 5000 – Rs. 10000 184 61.33 3 Rs. 10000 – Rs. 15000 36 12.00 4 Rs. 15000 and above 5 1.67 300 100 It is clear from table 6 that 60 per cent of the respondents whose income is upto Rs. 5000 amount to 25 percent. 61.33 percent of the respondents belong to the income group between Rs.5000 and Rs. 10000. 12 percent of respondents belong to the income group between Rs. 10000 and Rs. 15000 and 1.67 per cent of the respondents income is above Rs.15000. More than three fifth of the respondents have income between Rs. 5000 and Rs. 10000. 9. CHI – SQUARE TEST Chi – square test was applied to measure the opinion levels of the respondents brand awareness towards biscuits at Madurai city. The following formula has been used. Chi – Square Test (x)2 = (O-E)2 E = Row Total x Column Total Grand Total O = Observed Frequency E = Expected Frequency Df = Degee of Freedom Df = (r-1) (c-1) R = row, C = column For testing the hypothesis, x2 value has been calculated. The Calculated value of x2 has been compared with the Table value of x2 located from x2 table for the desired level of confidence on the given degree of freedom. When the calculated value is less than the table value of x2, the hypothesis is accepted. In case, the calculated value exceeds the Table value, the hypothesis is rejected. For the purpose of this analysis, 95 percent level of confidence has been adopted. The Table value of x2 is denoted as x2 0.05 and the calculated value of x2 is denoted as x2. The formula for calculating Expected value is E = RT x CT N E = Expected frequency RT = The Row Total for the row containing the cell CT = The column Total for the column containing the cell N = The total Number of observations The hypotheses framed and contain the various calculations connected with chi – square test.  There is a significant relationship between the age of the respondents and their levels of opinions about the brand of the biscuits. Calculate value = 6.972, Table value of Chi – Square (0.05) = 12.6 the hypothesis is accepted. 33
  7. Brand Awareness – A Study among Biscuit Consumers in Madurai City  There is a significant difference between the sex of the respondents and their levels of opinions on the brand of the biscuits. Calculate value = 14.815, Table value of Chi – Square (0.05) = 5.991 the hypothesis is rejected.  There is a significant relationship between the literacy level of consumers and their levels of opinions about the brand of the biscuits. Calculate value = 27.981, Table value of Chi – Square (0.05) = 18.307 the hypothesis is rejected.  There is a significant difference between the occupation of the consumers and their levels of levels of opinions towards the brand of the biscuits. Calculate value = 30.893, Table value of Chi – Square (0.05) = 12.592 the hypothesis is rejected.  There is a significant difference between the marital status of the respondents and their levels of opinions on the brand of the biscuits. Calculate value = 3.11, Table value of Chi – Square (0.05) = 5.99 the hypothesis is accepted.  There is no significant difference between the income of the respondents and their levels of opinions about the brand of the biscuits. Calculate value = 9.566, Table value of Chi – Square (0.05) = 12.592 the hypothesis is accepted. 10. FINDINGS The results of the survey conducted among the biscuits consumers are more than half of the respondents belong to male category. More than two-fifth of the respondents belong to the age group of between 20 and 40 years. More than one-fourth of the respondents have the education at under graduate level. More than two – fifth of the respondents belong to the Private sector. Three – fifth of the respondents belong to the married category. More than two – fifth of the respondents family have a maximum of four members. More than three –fifth of the respondents have income between Rs. 5000 and Rs. 10000. More than half of the consumers use the same brand biscuits for a period of between 5 years and 10 years. This shows that the customers are influenced by the taste, price and packing of the brand of biscuits. 11. SUGGESTIONS 11.1. To Manufacturers  The biscuits manufacturing companies prefer selling their products to the shops nearest to the consumers because majority of the consumers prefer buying biscuits in the nearby shops.  The manufacturing concerns who produce biscuits should concentrate more on the taste of the biscuits. They should also find out difference between the price and packing of their brand products with their competitors and change accordingly. 11.2. To Customers  The consumers can buy biscuits which are unbranded, because they can buy the fresh biscuits. This in turn will not affect their health.  When the consumers buy the biscuits locally, they give life or survival to the small – scale industry. This will give more employment opportunity to the people. 12. CONCLUSION Biscuits manufacturing companies provides various benefits to the Indian economy. They give hygienic products and uphold the total health of the population. These companies also give more employment opportunities. People who buy the biscuit items belong to different 34
  8. Dr. R. Geetha and Dr. Devi Meenakshi. K age groups, income group and educational level. In the competitive market consumers decide the success or failure of any products. This shows the sovereignty of the consumers. People are very cautious about the hygiene of the product, and this becomes the order of the day. From the study made, among the six hypotheses framed, three hypotheses are accepted and three hypotheses are rejected. It is framed that there is no significant relationship between the opinions of the respondents. But it shows that there is a relationship between occupation, literacy level and gender from the opinion of the respondents. REFERENCES [1] Indian Journal of Marketing – Consumer problems and consumerism March 1985, P. 3 [2] James F. Engel, Consumer Behavior, Holtsaunder‟s International Edition, 1982, P. 9 [3] Walter C. Glen and Gorden W. Part, „Consumer Behaviour – An Integral Framework‟ Richard. D. Irwn Homework, 1970, P.161. [4] Philp Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, P. 132. [5] Dr. Ziauddin, “Biscuits Industry in India”. – India Journal of Marketing. Vol. Xiii, July – August 1983, Page No. 11-12. [6] Abdul Faisal C.U. Usage and Attitude of Consumers Towards Milk Bikis for Britannia Industries Ltd., Chennai, July 1999, Page No. 82. [7] S.D. Djeakumar, “Brand Preference in Biscuits” (A Report on the study undertaken for M/S Auro Food Pvt. Ltd., Pomdichery) unpublished 1984, P.54. [8] G. Senthil Kumar, “A study on Survey of Dealers Awareness and Consumer Awareness towards Britannia Vita Marie Gold in Kumbakonam, March 2000, Page No. 67. [9] Joan Stopford Beal and Katharine H. Johnson, Mixer and Blender Cookery, Pitman Publishing, 1972, Page No. 90. [10] Varma and Agarwal, Marketing Management, Forward Book Department, New Delhi, 1991, P.209 [11] Webster‟s Third New International Dictionary, G. Bell and Sons Ltd., London, P. 221 [12] The New Encyclopedia Britannia, Volume 2, Fifteenth Edition, Encyclopedia Britannia, 1986, P.288. [13] Dr. A. Irin Sutha, An Analytical Study on Social Network as a Tool of Marketing and Creating Brand Awareness in the Present Challenging World of Business. Journal of Management, 5(6), 2018, pp. 58–63. [14] Dr. S. Saravana Kumar and Dr. S. Murali, Brand Awareness and Preference Towards Qualcomm Snapdragon in Mobile among Consumers, International Journal of Management, 10 (4), 2019, pp. 9–18 [15] Dr. M. Rajesh, Dr. T N V R L Swamy and Dr. Susan Chirayath, Customer preferences on two wheelertyre Purchase - A study on Brand awareness, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(7), 2018, pp. 55–62 35



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