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Chapter 127. Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infections (Part 1)

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Harrison's Internal Medicine Chapter 127. Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infections Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infections: Introduction The development of vaccines and drugs that prevent and cure bacterial infections was one of the twentieth century's major contributions to human longevity and quality of life. Antibacterial agents are among the most commonly prescribed drugs of any kind worldwide. Used appropriately, these drugs are lifesaving. However, their indiscriminate use drives up the cost of health care, leads to a plethora of side effects and drug interactions, and fosters the emergence of bacterial resistance, rendering previously valuable drugs useless. ...

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Nội dung Text: Chapter 127. Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infections (Part 1)

  1. Chapter 127. Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infections (Part 1) Harrison's Internal Medicine > Chapter 127. Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infections Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infections: Introduction The development of vaccines and drugs that prevent and cure bacterial infections was one of the twentieth century's major contributions to human longevity and quality of life. Antibacterial agents are among the most commonly prescribed drugs of any kind worldwide. Used appropriately, these drugs are lifesaving. However, their indiscriminate use drives up the cost of health care, leads to a plethora of side effects and drug interactions, and fosters the emergence of bacterial resistance, rendering previously valuable drugs useless. The rational use of antibacterial agents depends on an understanding of (1) the drugs' mechanisms of action, spectrum of activity, pharmacokinetics,
  2. pharmacodynamics, toxicities, and interactions; (2) mechanisms underlying bacterial resistance; and (3) strategies that can be used by clinicians to limit resistance. In addition, patient-associated parameters, such as infection site, other drugs being taken, allergies, and immune and excretory status, are critically important to appropriate therapeutic decisions. This chapter provides specific data required for making an informed choice of antibacterial agent. Mechanisms of Action Antibacterial agents, like all antimicrobial drugs, are directed against unique targets not present in mammalian cells. The goal is to limit toxicity to the host and maximize chemotherapeutic activity affecting invading microbes only. Bactericidal drugs kill the bacteria that are within their spectrum of activity; bacteriostatic drugs only inhibit bacterial growth. While bacteriostatic activity is adequate for the treatment of most infections, bactericidal activity may be necessary for cure in patients with altered immune systems (e.g., neutropenia), protected infectious foci (e.g., endocarditis or meningitis), or specific infections (e.g., complicated Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia). The mechanisms of action of the antibacterial agents to be discussed in this section are summarized in Table 127-1 and are depicted in Fig. 127-1. Table 127-1 Mechanisms of Action of and Resistance to Major Classes
  3. of Antibacterial Agents Let Antibacterial Maj Mechani Major ter for Agenta or Cellular sm of Action Mechanisms Fig. 127-1 Target of Resistance A β-Lactams Cell Inhibit 1. Drug (penicillins and wall cell-wall cross- inactivation (β- cephalosporins) linking lactamase) 2. Insensitivity of target (altered penicillin- binding proteins) 3. Decreased permeability (altered gram- negative outer-
  4. membrane porins) 4. Active efflux B Vancomycin Cell Interferes Alterati wall with addition of on of target new cell-wall (substitution of subunits terminal amino (muramyl acid of pentapeptides) peptidoglycan subunit) Bacitracin Cell Prevents Not wall addition of cell- defined wall subunits by inhibiting recycling of membrane lipid carrier
  5. C Macrolides Prot Bind to 1. (erythromycin) ein 50S ribosomal Alteration of synthesis subunit target (ribosomal methylation and mutation of 23S rRNA) 2. Active efflux Lincosamides Prot Bind to Alterati (clindamycin) ein 50S ribosomal on of target synthesis subunit (ribosomal methylation) D Chloramphenicol Prot Binds to 1. Drug ein 50S ribosomal inactivation synthesis subunit (chlorampheni col acetyltransfera
  6. se) 2. Active efflux E Tetracycline Prot Binds to 1. ein 30S ribosomal Decreased synthesis subunit intracellular drug accumulation (active efflux) 2. Insensitivity of target F Aminoglycosides Prot Bind to 1. Drug (gentamicin) ein 30S ribosomal inactivation synthesis subunit (aminoglycosid e-modifying enzyme) 2.
  7. Decreased permeability through gram- negative outer membrane 3. Active efflux G Mupirocin Prot Inhibits Mutatio ein isoleucine tRNA n of gene for synthesis synthetase target protein or acquisition of new gene for drug- insensitive target H Quinupristin/dalfo Prot Binds to 1. pristin (Synercid) ein 50S ribosomal Alteration of synthesis subunit target (ribosomal
  8. methylation: dalfopristin) 2. Active efflux (quinupristin) 3. Drug inactivation (quinupristin and dalfopristin) I Linezolid Prot Bind to Alterati ein 50S ribosomal on of target synthesis subunit (mutation of 23S rRNA) J Sulfonamides and Cell Competiti Producti trimethoprim metabolism vely inhibit on of enzymes insensitive involved in two targets
  9. steps of folic [dihydropteroat acid biosynthesis e synthetase (sulfonamides) and dihydrofolate reductase (trimethoprim) ] that bypass metabolic block K Rifampin Nucl Inhibits Insensiti eic acid DNA-dependent vity of target synthesis RNA (mutation of polymerase polymerase gene) L Metronidazole Nucl Intracellu Not eic acid larly generates defined synthesis short-lived reactive
  10. intermediates that damage DNA by electron transfer system M Quinolones DN Inhibit 1. (ciprofloxacin) A synthesis DNA gyrase (A Insensitivity of subunit) and target topoisomerase (mutation of IV gyrase genes) 2. Decreased intracellular drug accumulation (active efflux) Novobiocin DN Inhibits Not A synthesis DNA gyrase (B defined
  11. subunit) N Polymyxins Cell Disrupt Not (polymyxin B) membrane membrane defined permeability by charge alteration Gramicidin Cell Forms Not membrane pores defined O Daptomycin Cell Forms Not membrane channels that defined disrupt membrane potential a Compounds in parentheses are major representatives for the class. Figure 127-1
  12. Mechanisms of action of and resistance to antibacterial agents. Black lines trace the routes of drug interaction wit h bacterial cells, from entry to target site. The letters in each figure indicate specific antibacterial agents or classes of agents, as shown in Table 127-1. The numbers correspond to mechanisms listed beneath each panel. 50s and 30s, large and small ribosome subunits; Ac, acetylation; Ad, adenylation; DHFR, dihydrofolate reductase; DHPS, dihydropteroate synthetase; IM, inner (cytoplasmic) membrane; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; OM, outer membrane; P, phosphorylation; PBP, penicillin-
  13. binding protein; PG, peptidoglycan.



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