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Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 8 năm 2017-2018 - Phòng GD&ĐT Vĩnh Phúc - Mã đề 807

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Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 8 năm 2017-2018 - Phòng GD&ĐT Vĩnh Phúc - Mã đề 807 này giúp các em học sinh ôn tập kiến thức chuẩn bị cho bài thi chọn học sinh giỏi sắp tới, rèn luyện kỹ năng giải đề thi để các em nắm được toàn bộ kiến thức chương trình Tiếng Anh lớp 8. Chúc các em ôn tập kiểm tra đạt kết quả cao.

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Nội dung Text: Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 8 năm 2017-2018 - Phòng GD&ĐT Vĩnh Phúc - Mã đề 807

-2018<br /> S 807<br /> (<br /> )<br /> I. Choose the word in each group that has pronounced differently from the rest. (5 points)<br /> 1.<br /> A. claimed<br /> B. warned<br /> C. occurred<br /> D. existed<br /> 2.<br /> A. grade<br /> B. replace<br /> C. wander<br /> D. parade<br /> 3.<br /> A. health<br /> B. ready<br /> C. heavy<br /> D. appear<br /> 4.<br /> A. throw<br /> B. thought<br /> C. through<br /> D. though<br /> 5.<br /> A. sugar<br /> B. sight<br /> C. source<br /> D. sale<br /> II. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences. (10 points)<br /> 6. We haven’t seen Bich_______ two months.<br /> A. since<br /> B. for<br /> C. until<br /> D. before<br /> 7. The book_______ is on the table belongs to my brother.<br /> A. who<br /> B. where<br /> C. whose<br /> D. which<br /> 8. They reached the village before sunset_______ the road was flooded.<br /> A. although<br /> B. whether<br /> C. as if<br /> D. even<br /> 9. After arriving home, they usually_______ their uniforms.<br /> A. take out<br /> B. put out<br /> C. take off<br /> D. put off<br /> 10. He worked_______ than his workmates.<br /> A. more careful<br /> B. as carefully<br /> C. carefullier<br /> D more carefully<br /> 11. You really saw a UFO, Mr. John, _______ you?<br /> A. weren’t<br /> B. didn’t<br /> . don’t<br /> . aren’t<br /> 12. I wish this exam_______ easier.<br /> A. is<br /> B. will be<br /> C. would<br /> D. were<br /> 13. If anybody_______ a question, please ask me after class.<br /> A. has<br /> B. have<br /> C. had<br /> D. will have<br /> 14. Viet_______ go fishing with his uncle when he lived in the countryside.<br /> A. used to<br /> B. is used to<br /> C. has used to<br /> D. was used to<br /> 15. If I_______ am’s address, _______ him a letter.<br /> A. have – write<br /> B. had – will write C. had – would write D. had wrote<br /> III. Find and correct mistakes in each sentence. (10 points)<br /> 16. Mary asked me how did I go to school every day.<br /> 17. The English course will start in May 29th and finished in August.<br /> 18. Last summer my family went to Vung Tau, where my aunt is living there.<br /> 19. f you won’t study hard, you’ll fail the exam.<br /> 20. haven’t visited r Ba when he moved to his new house.<br /> <br /> ……………<br /> ……………<br /> ……………<br /> ……………<br /> ……………<br /> <br /> ……………<br /> ……………<br /> ……………<br /> ……………<br /> ……………<br /> <br /> IV. Read the passage below and choose the correct answers to complete it. (10 points)<br /> The Rockies Mountains run almost the length of North America. They start in the North-West,<br /> but lie only a (21. many/ lot/ few/ couple) hundred miles from the centre in more southern areas.<br /> Although the Rockies are smaller (22. to/ as/ than/ from) the Alps, they are no less wonderful.<br /> There are many roads across the Rockies, (23. but/ because/ since/ unless) the best way to see them<br /> is to (24. drive/ travel/ ride/ pass) by train. You start from Vancouver, (25. a/ the/ one/ its) most<br /> attractive of anada’s big cities. Standing with its feet in the water and its head in the mountains,<br /> this city (26. allows/ offers/ gives/ lets) its residents to ski on slopes just 15 minutes by car from the<br /> city (27. centre/ middle/ heart/ circle). Thirty passenger trains a day used to (28. get/ take/ set/<br /> leave) off from Vancouver on the cross-continent railway. Now there are just three a week, but the<br /> ride is still a great adventure. You sleep on board, (29. which/ who/ where/ when) is fun, but travel<br /> through some of the best (30. scenery/ view/ site/ beauty) at night.<br /> V. Rewrite these sentences. (10 points)<br /> 31. This shirt is too dirty for me to wear.<br /> 32. The ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids.<br /> 33. The windows were painted yesterday.<br /> <br /> – his shirt isn’t…………………………………….<br /> – he yramids……………………………………..<br /> - Someone……………………………………………<br /> <br /> 34. “Where is the Ben hanh market?”<br /> –He asked me……………………………………….<br /> 35. don’t visit you very often because you live so far away. – f……………………………………………………<br /> 36. The news was so bad that Mrs. Janet burst into tears. – t was…………………………………………………<br /> 37. f he doesn’t work harder, he’ll lose his job.<br /> – nless………………………………………………..<br /> 38. “Bring your swimming suits in case it’s sunny“<br /> – e told me………………………………………….<br /> 39. When did you last see Tom?<br /> – ow long is it………………………………….….?<br /> 40. e is sorry now that he didn’t invite Jane to his party. – e wishes…………………………………….……<br /> VI. Find the word or phrase that is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined one. (5 points)<br /> 41. It has been marvelous evening. We’ve enjoyed the party very much.<br /> A. delightful<br /> B. wonderful<br /> C. glad<br /> D. tiring<br /> 42. Have you made arrangements for your journey yet?<br /> A. classification<br /> B. preparations<br /> C. achievements<br /> D. measurements<br /> 43. He refused my offer to help.<br /> A. accepted<br /> B. agreed<br /> C. realized<br /> D. said no<br /> 44. The war cost an enormous sum of money.<br /> A. a very large<br /> B. a much<br /> C. a little<br /> D. an adequate<br /> 45. Have you seen him recently?<br /> A. suddenly<br /> B. lately<br /> C. quietly<br /> D. formerly<br /> VII. Read the text then choose A, B, C or D to complete the text. (10 points)<br /> For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the<br /> whole idea quite terrifying, (46)_______ flying is no more dangerous (47)_______ any other form of<br /> travel and some experts say it is considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accident occur<br /> (48)_______ take-off and landing when a (49)_______ decisions are vitally important.<br /> The people (50)_______ job it is to look (51)_______ the passengers – the stewards and<br /> stewardesses- play an important part in helping passengers to (52)_______ safe and comfortable.<br /> Indeed for many passengers being (53)_______ such care of is all part of the total experience.<br /> (54)_______ other form of travel involves waiting on people in quite the same (55)_______, with food,<br /> drink, newspapers, magazines, music, and even video films.<br /> 46. A. although<br /> B. too<br /> C. and<br /> D. because<br /> 47. A. than<br /> B. as<br /> C. then<br /> D. with<br /> 48. A. while<br /> B. during<br /> C. for<br /> D. through<br /> 49. . leader’s<br /> B. chief’s<br /> . driver’s<br /> . pilot’s<br /> 50. A. whose<br /> B. which<br /> C. their<br /> D. that<br /> 51. A. for<br /> B. up<br /> C. after<br /> D. round<br /> 52. A. feel<br /> B. rest<br /> C. experience<br /> D. lie<br /> 53. A. given<br /> B. kept<br /> C. shown<br /> D. taken<br /> 54. A. Any<br /> B. No<br /> C. All<br /> D. Not<br /> 55. A. way<br /> B. kind<br /> C. sort<br /> D. part<br /> VIII. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the word in brackets. (10 points)<br /> 56. You made a wise (decide) when you chose to study Spanish.<br /> q…………………………<br /> 57. The population from the factory is a public (dangerous).<br /> …………………………<br /> 58. It is always (wisdom) to write down important points.<br /> …………………………<br /> 59. on’t worry, ga! can look after everything (care).<br /> …………………………<br /> 60. Lan was praised for her good (behave) in class.<br /> …………………………<br /> 61. When the (electric) failed, he struck the match to find the candles. …………………………<br /> 62. Our life is much better with the help of modern (equip).<br /> …………………………<br /> 63. All the dancers wore (tradition) costumes.<br /> …………………………<br /> 64. (fortunate), I lost my key on the way home.<br /> …………………………<br /> 65. A fairy (magic) changed Little ea’s rags into beautiful clothes.<br /> …………………………<br /> L ………….<br /> _________THE END________<br /> <br />



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