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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp thpt& đại học môn tiếng anh 12 - đề 22', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. ĐỀ 22 ĐỀ LUYỆN THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT& ĐẠI HỌC MÔN TIẾNG ANH - Thời gian làm bài 60 phút -------------------------------------- I/ Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. The scenery in North Wales is magnificent and so this area is very popular with tourists. Situated on the dramatic part of the rocky coastline is a village, …….(1)….in Britain, called Portmeirion. The dream of the archetect Clough Williams-Ellis, Its construction began in 1925 and he finally…..(2)….in finishing the task in 1973. The result is a copy of a small, and very beautiful, Italian village. As you wander down the ….(3)….paths toward the village you can glimpse the sea through the trees, there is a marvelous …..(4)….of the whole coastline from the top of the church tower. (5)…….the houses, the shops and restaurants, there is a luxury hotel, which seems, at high tide, almost to float on the water. … 1. A. single B. unique C. particular D. only 2. A. succeeded B. managed C. resulted D. achieved 3. A. curling B. winding C. rolling D. waving 4. A. display B. view C. sight D. outlook 5. A. As well B. More than C. In addition to D. Apart II/ Read the passage and choose the best answer. Basketball Although he created the game of basketball at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts, Dr. James A. Naismith was a Canadian. Working as a physical education instructor at the International YMCA, now Springfield college, Dr. Naismith noticed a lack of interest in exercise among students during the wintertime. The New England winters were fierce and the students balked at participating in outdoor activities, Naismith determined that a fast-moving game that could be played ndoors would fill a void after a baseball and football seasons had ended. First he attempted to adapt outdoor games such as soccer and rugby to indoor play, but he soon found them unsuitable for confined areas. Finally he determined that he would have to invent a game. In December 1891, Dr. Naismith hung two old peach baskets at either end of the gymnasium at the school, and, using the soccer ball and nine players on each side( then seven players, now five), organized the first basketball game. The early rules allowed three points for each basket and made running with the ball a violation. Every time a goal was made, someone had to climb a ladder to retrieve the ball. … 6. What does this passage mainly discuss ? A. The Olympic Games B. The development of basketball 1
  2. C. The YMCA athletic progamme D. Dr. James Naismith 7. The word “ them” in paragraph 2 refers to……… A. indoors B. seasons C. games D. areas 8. Why did Naismith decide to invent basketball? A. He didn’t like soccer or rugby. B. He was tired of baseball and football C. He wanted his students to exercise during the winter. D. He could not convince his students to play indoors. 9. The author mentions all of the following as typical of the early game of basketball EXCEPT A. Three points were scored for every basket. B. Running with the ball was not a foul. C. Nine players were on a team. D. The ball had to be retrieved from the basket after each score. 10. It can be inferred from the passage that the original baskets A. were not placed very high. B. had a metal rim C. did not have a hole in the bottom D. were hung on the same side II/ Find a mistake in each sentence. 11. Few airports in the U.S. is as modern as that of Atlanta. A BCD 12. There is no limit to the diversity to be finding in the cultures of people A B C D throughout the world. 13.The more the relative humidity reading rises, the worst the heat affects us. A B C D 14. When I passed the bridge this morning, it was still repairing. A B C D 15.It is extre mely important for an engineer to know to use a computer. A B C D IV/ Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words. 16. A. newspaper B. assistant C. relative D. employed 17. A. Australia B. engineering C. university D. economical 18. A. compulsory B. typical C. September D. police 19. A. obstacle B. practicing C. preference D. supporter 20. A. important B. appointment C. proficiency D. politics V/ Choose the best option for each question. 21. “ You really have a nice shirt. I’ve never seen it before”- “………………” A. Thank you, it ‘s terrible. B. Thanks, It makes me much older C. You’ve got to be joking, I think it’s terrible 2
  3. D. I’m glad you like it , it ‘s a second-hand one. 22. ‘Nonla’ / make / Vietnamese girls / charming / attractive / A. The Nonla makes Vietnamese girls more charming and attractive. B. Nonla is made of Vietnamese girls charming and attractive. C. The Nonla makes Vietnamese girls is charming and attractiveness. D. Nonla is making Vietnamese girls more charming and more attractive. 23. Almost everyone fails …………….. the driver’s test on the first try. A. passing B. to have passed C. to pass D. in passing 24. In general, by the second year of production, the price of a new piece of technology…………. Significantly. A. will decreased B. has decreased C. will have decreased D. will has decreased 25. My youngest sister ……… to the Golf Club in the past 25 years. A. was belonging B. has belonged C. has been belonged D. is belonging 26.You had better go now, ………. You’ll miss the next train. A. if else B. or else C .or not D. unless 27.Until last year, she was the largest ship that …………….. A. was ever built B. has ever built C. has ever been built D. had ever been built 28. If one of the participants in a conversation wonders………… , no real communication has taken place. A. what said the other person B. what the other person said C. what did the other person say D. what was the other person saying 29. Deserts are often formed ………. they are cut off from rain-bearing winds by the surrounding mountain ranges. A. because B. in spite of C. so D. due to 30. I am …………as an administrator. A. worked B. occupied C. hired D. employed 31. Finally, John bought a ………….. car. A. green new 2009 four-door B. 2009 green new four-door C. new green 2009 four-door D. new four-door green 2009 32. It’s not an easy task, However, please have him………… . A. do B. to do C. doing D. have to do 33. It’s often difficult for a young children………….. clothes. A. wearing B. to wear C. putting on D. to put on 34.Please fill………… this online application form. A. up B. on C. down D. out 35. Let’s ………. A new movie tomorrow. A. take in B. take into C. take to D. taking 36. We don’t travel to any country ………. crime rate is known to be very high. A. which B. whose C. that Dothan which 37. I had …………..finding my way around New York when I first arrived. A. quite time B. a quite time C. a time quite D. quite a time 3
  4. 38. …………….. I like to do something completly spontaneous. A. every so often B. every often so C. very so often D. very often so 39. You ……….. think they’d be here by now. A. would B. should C. could D. might 40.” Have you had enough to eat?” - “ I’d like …………., please.” A. another B. one more C. some more D. any more 41. “John isn’t sure that the meeting will be held tomorrow.” - “ But I…………….” A. certain B. certainly C. am certain D. am certainly 42. I can meet you at Central Station. Will …………? A. convenient for you B. that convenient C. that be convenient D. you be convenient 43. I asked Robert when he could fix my flat bicycle. He said that he would come round and fix it ……….. A. as much as possible B. as possible as he could C. as fast as he could possibly D. as soon as possible 44. While trying to build a tunnel the Blue Ridge mountains,………………… A. coal was discovered by workmen at the construction site. B. the construction site was where coal was discovered by workmen. C. workmen discovered coal at the construction site. D. It was the construction site where workmen discovered coal. 45. He asked ,“why didn’t she take the final exam?” He asked why ………… the final exam. A. she took B. didn’t she take C. she hadn’t taken D. she didn’t take 46.She talks too much, I wish she ………….. A. doesn’t B. didn’t C. won’t D. wouldn’t 47. Because of working hard, she fell ill. A. She worked so hard she fell ill. B. She was too ill to work hard . C. She was ill although she worked hard D. She didn’t work, so she was ill. 48. Rabbits eat every plant they find. ……….. they are one of the causes of the growing of deserts in Australia. A. However B. Although C. Therefore D. But 49. …………….is a global list of endangered and rare species. A. The Red List B. The Red Book C. Vulnerable animals D. Rare animals 50. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) ……… by high school students as a requirement for admission to many college . A. which is taken B. is taken C. taken D. is taking The End Suggested answers Ques. Ans. Ques. Ans. 1 B 26 B 2 A 27 D 4
  5. 3 B 28 B 4 B 29 A 5 C 30 D 6 B 31 C 7 C 32 A 8 C 33 D 9 B 34 D 10 C 35 A 11 A 36 B 12 B 37 D 13 C 38 A 14 D 39 A 15 D 40 C 16 D 41 C 17 A 42 C 18 B 43 D 19 D 44 C 20 D 45 C 21 C 46 B 22 A 47 A 23 C 48 C 24 C 49 A 25 B 50 B 5



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