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Enhancing moodle for active learning

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The foundations of this study is based on the technical definitions of multimedia and active learning, along with practical examples that show how they can be crucial components in enhancing education. A system is improved, with implementation and testing of tools and applications that integrate interactive media in a real course. Results produced from the system solidifies the statement of interactive media having the capabilities of making active learning and teaching possible and practical, bringing effective and productive benefits to education.

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  1. ENHANCING MOODLE FOR ACTIVE LEARNING SVTH: Nguyễn Phương Anh Việt GVHD: ThS Đinh Thị Minh Nguyệt Tóm tắt - Tương tác đa phương tiện đang ngày càng được sử dụng rộng rãi trong thời gian gần đây, và giáo dục là một ngành có rất nhiều tiềm năng trong việc áp dụng nội dung đa phương tiện để tạo ra giá trị cho cả giảng viên và học sinh. Mục đích của bài nghiên cứu này là để khám phá và áp dụng tương tác đa phương tiện vào môi trường giáo dục, cụ thể hơn là trong học tập và giảng dạy chủ động. Nền tảng của nghiên cứu này được dựa trên nguyên lý của đa phương tiện và học chủ động, cùng với các ví dụ thực tế chứng minh rằng các nguyên lý này là những yếu tổ chủ chốt trong việc nâng cao giáo dục. Một hệ thống được cải thiện thông qua việc triển khai và kiểm thử các công cụ và ứng dụng tích hợp tương tác đa phương tiện vào một khóa học thực tế. Kết quả thu được từ hệ thống củng cố cho luận điểm về việc tương tác đa phương tiện có khả năng làm cho việc học và dạy chủ động trở nên khả thi và thiết thực, đem lại những lợi ích cho giáo dục cả về mặt hiệu quả và phát triển. Abstract - Interactive multimedia has become more and more widely used in recent times, and education is a field that has a lot of potential for applying media content to produce values for teachers and students. The purpose of this research is to explore and apply interactive media in the academic environment, specifically in active learning and teaching. The foundations of this study is based on the technical definitions of multimedia and active learning, along with practical examples that show how they can be crucial components in enhancing education. A system is improved, with implementation and testing of tools and applications that integrate interactive media in a real course. Results produced from the system solidifies the statement of interactive media having the capabilities of making active learning and teaching possible and practical, bringing effective and productive benefits to education. Keywords: multimedia, interactive multimedia, interactive media, active learning, education I. Introduction In the ever developing and innovating world of technology, there exists an uncontrolled, flowing stream of information that tempts us into exploring this sea of information and converting extracted data into knowledge and values. To be able to get such values from information takes rapid as well as efficient understanding, and multimedia is the key to making this process simpler along with more efficiently. Multimedia has brought a plethora of advantages to many aspects of modern life, with one underdeveloped field that has potentials being education. Although theoretical research on applying multimedia in education is available, approaches to applications in practice are needed. This paper is made to contribute to solving such issues, by demonstrating application of interactive media in learning and teaching at the Faculty of Information Technology at Hanoi University. The rest of this paper includes some understandings of theoretical terms, along with illustrations of improving a target organization’s system using interactive multimedia applications. 5
  2. II. Literature review 1. What is interactive multimedia? According to Vaughan, multimedia is any combination of text, art, sound, animation and video delivered to users either by computer or digitally manipulated means [1]. Interactive multimedia, or interactive media for short, is one main kind of multimedia where the end user is allowed to have access and control over what, when and how the elements are delivered. Interactive multimedia is being widely used, and the culprit for this is its ability to engage the user and interact with them in a way that non-interactive media does not and cannot do [2]. Through interaction, users become more engaged in what they are consuming, whether it is information or content. Interactive multimedia is and can be an amazing method to gain access to information that is difficult to obtain or understand. Interactive media is mostly known in the entertainment industry and as a common means of exchanging ideas and information. Additionally, interactive media is a powerful tool for education. According to Puteh and Shuhaida [3], when lessons are integrated with multimedia, lessons become more attractive, more capable of keeping them focused, and easier to understand. Interactive media is constantly receiving research and development in education, and it contributes to defining a term that is growing immensely in popularity: active learning. 2. Active learning Active learning, as stated by Taka and Heidmann [4], refers to a wide variety of teaching strategies, in which students are actively participating in learning, in the context of formal or informal learning activities. The term emphasizes real learning, which truly takes place when students actively engage in the learning process, understand the core elements of the lesson’s content, and connect with what they have learned previously. This is the opposite of standard education - repetition of following the teacher’s lecture at the classroom, and doing homework after studying the material taught at school - which does not allow students to have influence on the educational process, be responsible for their own learning progress, and to develop skills in a manner that students are able to make real life use out of them. Active learning, however, does not imply ignoring or abandoning the traditional format, and adding small active learning activities can make old school lecturing more effective towards knowledge development. Active learning gives students a kick in the discovery, and enables students to explore, inspire, study and make use of what they find or are delivered in the ever-growing world of knowledge. III. Application Based on the findings of the previous section, it can be seen that interactive multimedia is an effective component in innovating education, by making active learning work in an efficient manner, allowing students to be more engaged and motivated to learn 6
  3. and apply what they have learnt. With such insights in mind, the rest of this paper demonstrates the application of interactive media in an educational application. Specifically, the learning management system for the Faculty of Information Technology at Hanoi University is improved, using multimedia applications and plugins, to assist and enhance the learning experience of students as well as teachers at the faculty. 1. System introduction Currently one of the most well-known and commonly used open-source learning management systems, Moodle provides students and lecturers with a simple and user- friendly tool for accessing the resources of course content, exchanging and discussing information, monitoring the learning and teaching progress, along with recording grades assessing one’s overall performance. The Moodle system used for demonstration is at version 3.10.1, which is the latest version at the time of making this paper. Figure 1: New learning management system (Moodle v3.10.1) The overall interface, according to Moodle’s documentation, has seen noticeable changes, along with new features such as styling and customization [5]. In addition to the interface, the available multimedia plugins are robust, functional and ready to be used for assisting in delivering course content. Moreover, various third-party plugins that include interactive are available for integration into Moodle, resulting in a wide variety of tools and applications for making the learning experience more exciting and memorable. The following sections of the paper shows the implementation and application of interactive content with one of the plugins available in Moodle, along with integration of tools from one of the plugins from outside sources. 2. Quizventure There are many plugins that integrate interactive media which are native to Moodle, and one of the most noticeable plugins is Quizventure, which aims at supporting students 7
  4. in developing core knowledge using simple terms. This application is based on the foundations of gamification in education. By adding game-like elements to non-playful contexts, learning in this case, students can enjoy the lessons more, develop their skills based on the results of such practical activities, as well as encourage themselves to step out of the memorization stage and gain deeper comprehension of the learning content [6]. Quizventure provides students with a more entertaining learning activity, which helps students obtain knowledge in a more relaxing manner. Figure 2: Quizventure game In Quizventure, students have to move their drone and shoot the enemy drone with the correct answer for the question on top of the screen to gain scores. If the answer is incorrect, the student will be shot back by the targeted drone, and they have to either dodge the bullet or get hit and lose one life. The process will continue until the provided lives drop to 0, and students will be represented with the acquired score. As no grades are recorded for this plugin, students can play the game indefinitely with no pressure, and the repetition of answering the questions related to the lesson makes the learning content much more enjoyable and memorable. 3. H5P Apps Along with the integrated plugins, there are various third-party software that can be integrated into Moodle, expanding the diversity of tools that can be used to make lessons more active and engaging via interactive media. One example of the third-party plugins, which is used in this system, is H5P. Through Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integration, H5P brings to Moodle a major upgrade, providing a wide range of content types for creating interactive content based on the required needs for the information of each course. For the system used in this research, three of available H5P apps were implemented and tested, which include Multiple Choice and Image Juxtaposition, for the 8
  5. purpose of working with interactive image, along with Interactive Video, which is used for building direct interaction for students when working with information delivered using video and audio. Figure 3: Preview of the content types available from H5P Firstly, the Multiple Choice app provided by H5P works in a similar way as its Moodle-native counterpart: Students are provided with a question and a number of answers, and they have to select the correct answer. The main limit of Moodle’s quiz is that only text content can be implemented for both the question and answers. With H5P, on the other hand, an image or video can be put into the content of the question, providing a wider range of information representation. When the answer is selected, the result is shown immediately, along with the explanation of why each answer is correct or incorrect, provided that the content creator included the explanations when creating the question. 9
  6. Figure 4: H5P - Multiple Choice question Figure 5: H5P - Multiple Choice result In addition to Multiple Choices, Image Juxtaposition is also an app for implementing interaction with multimedia. As stated by Metcalfe, when combined with the theoretical foundation that explores interactions between the material and discursive elements of visual content, juxtaposition brings opportunities for qualitative analysis that is not readily apparent only individual images are considered [7]. With two images uploaded to the app, an image combining the two pictures is then displayed, with each 10
  7. picture in one half, either horizontally or vertically, along with a slider. Users can then drag the slider around to see the two images. Figure 6: H5P - Image Juxtaposition Finally, Interactive Video is the most complex application out of all the mentioned H5P apps. Like Multiple Choice, the lecturer or manager either uploads a video or selects a link, and adds questions so that students can answer. However, unlike Multiple Choice, the questions are not below the video, but instead embedded directly into the video in bookmarks. Students interact with the bookmarks to answer questions, complete the summary task about the overall content shown in the video. When reaching the end of the video, the summary task appears, and students are required to complete the statement quiz, in which the correct answer and progress is updated with each question. Finally, after completing the summary task, a review will be displayed at the end of the video, showing which questions have been answered by the student, along with their overall scores. 11
  8. Figure 7: H5P - Interactive Video IV. Conclusion Throughout the research, the goal of illustrating the capabilities of interactive multimedia in education is met and can be considered as successful. The system is able to make use of the integrated modules, along with third-party tools that have proven to have the ability to enhance the educational experience as well as effectiveness for the target organization. With the acquired results, it can be confidently affirmed that interactive media is increasingly available, ready to be used for enhancing active learning and teaching, producing positive outcomes, both in terms of experience and progress, for the Faculty of Information Technology at Hanoi University. In the future, exploration of the tools for applying interactive media will continue in order to find the most effective applications as well as content for each course available at the faculty. Interactive media plays an important role in the innovation and development of active learning and teaching, as well as education in general. Further research will surely make education more advanced as well as complete, and positive results and achievements for both those who are on the delivering and receiving ends of wisdom. REFERENCE [1] Vaughan T. (2011). Multimedia: Making it Work Eighth Edition [2] Dhir R, Interactive Media [Online]. Available: 12
  9. [3] Cullen M. (2015). How Is Interactive Media Changing The Way Children Learn? [Online]. Available: changing-the-way-children-learn [4] Taka C., Heidmann O., Vlahoutsou N., Tsalapatas H., “Problem-Based Learning Methodologies and Tools”, SIG Documents, Active Learning in Engineering Education, April 13 2021. Available: v14.pdf [5] MoodleDocs (2020). New features in 3.10 [Online]. Available: [6] Sillaots M., Filodatou M, Taka C. “Gamification in Problem-Based Learning”, SIG Documents, Active Learning in Engineering Education, April 13 2021. Available: Gamification-in-PBL-v4.pdf [7] Metcalfe A.S (2015), “Visual Juxtaposition as a qualitative inquiry in educational research”, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 28:2, 151- 167. Available: 13



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