Final test 2nd semester 2019-2020 course: English for mechanical engineering - ĐH Sư phạm Kỹ thuật
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Nội dung Text: Final test 2nd semester 2019-2020 course: English for mechanical engineering - ĐH Sư phạm Kỹ thuật
- HCMC University of Technology and Education FINAL TEST (2nd semester, SY 2019-2020) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Course: English for Mechanical Engineering Course code: ENME320124 Signature of proctor 1 Signature of proctor 2 Test code: 3152 Total # page: 5 Duration: 60 minutes. Assessor 1 Assessor 2 Date: June 16, 2020 CLOSED book test No. of correct: No. of correct: Grade and signature Grade and signature Student name:................................................... ID :...................................................................... No.: ..............................Room: ...................... Student declaration “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this examination, nor have I concealed any violations of personal integrity and fairness.” Student signature: ANSWER SHEET Instruction for Section 1.1 and Section 2: Choose: X Cross out: Choose again: * No. a b c No. a b c d No. a b c d No. a b c d d S E C T IO N 1 .1 SE C T IO N 2 27 37 1 18 28 38 2 19 29 39 3 20 30 4 21 31 5 22 32 6 23 33 7 24 34 8 25 35 9 26 36 S6 hieu: BM1/QT-KD-RBTV/00 1
- 5 Instruction for Section 1.2 and Section 3: Write a correct letter to the Answer (Ans.) box: N o. A ns. N o. A n s. N o. A n s. N o. A n s. N o. A n s. S E C T IO N 1.2 16 44 51 S e c tio n 4 10 17 45 52 Write your answers directly 11 S E C T IO N 3 46 53 to the space in 12 40 47 54 Section 4 13 41 48 55 14 42 49 15 43 50 S ection 1: V ocabulary 1.1 Choose the correct answer and transfer your choice into the answer sheet. 1. The plane is flying__________ at an angle of 45° to the ground. a) horizontally b) vertically up c) diagonally up d) straight down 2. The electric current flows around th e __________ from the power source to the lamp. a) circuit b) battery c) ampere d) radiator 3. That material is completely__________ . It won’t bend if you put a heavy weight on it. a) heat-resistant b) flexible c) corrosion-resistant d) rigid 4. Be careful with that bare wire. You might get an electric__________ . a) danger b) shock c) current d) hazard 5. T he__________ of the engine contains all the moving parts and protects them. a) piston b) valve c) housing d) shaft 6. The TV transmitter is mounted on a high__________ at the top of a hill. a) mast b) joystick c) suspension d) mass 7. The shaft rotates at a speed of 350 __________ . a) kW b) rpm c) km/h d) kg 8. Pull th e __________ towards you to make the forklift truck move backwards. a) pedal b) deck c) button d) lever 9. The function of th e __________ is to convert the sun’s energy into electrical power. a) solar panel b) dynamo c) solar power d)adapter 2
- 1.2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box below, transfer your answer into the answer sheet. a) soft d) hard h) heat-resistant b) brittle e) flexible c) tough f) corrosion-resistant g) rigid 10. If you drop a steel beam, it doesn’t break. It’s a very_____ material. 11. You can’t bend a concrete beam. It’s a very_____ material. 12. You can only cut glass with a diamond, but not with a knife. It’s a _____material. 13. This ceramic doesn’t burn or melt at high temperatures. It’s _____ . 14. You can bend this plastic a little, but it doesn’t break. It’s _____. 15. You can break glass easily if you drop it. It’s a very_____ material. 16. You can cut or scratch this plastic easily. It’s very_____ . 17. Aluminium doesn’t corrode in water or chemicals. It’s a metal S ection 2: Language Choose the correct answer and transfer your choice into the answer sheet. 18. Look at that robot. Can i t __________ and turn round? a) reverses b) reversing c) reversed d) reverse 19. I’m pulling the rope very hard. W hy__________ it breaking? a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) hasn’t d) won’t 20. That o il__________ come from under the sea. It comes from the desert. a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) haven’t d) wasn’t 21. The body of this racing car_____fibreglass. a) made of b) will made of c) is made d) is made of 22. The tunnel is 3.5 kilometres__________ . a) length b) of length c) long d) is long 23. When did you__________ the e-mail to your manager? a) sent b) sending c) send d) sends 24. My new motorbike__________ two days ago, on the road. a) broke down b) broken down c) break down d) breaking down 25. Are you sitting at your car now? N o ,_____. a) I haven’t b) it isn’t c) I don’t d) I’m not 26. The inlet and outlet valves allow the water_____and leave the chamber. a) entering b) enter c) to enter d) enters 27. H ow _____ the speed of the helicopter? a) he controls b) he does control c) does he control d) he control 3
- 28. If you close the switch, the electrons_____around the circuit. a) are flow b) flows c) flowing d) flow 29. If your car_____ start, take it to the garage. a) not b) doesn’t c) don’t d) no 30. Those tanks_____ petrol. They hold water. a) don’t contain b) aren’t contain c) not containing d) no contain 31. Spark plugs a re_____of a heat-resistant ceramic. a) making b) makes c) make d) made 32. Those ropes are strong. W hat_____of? a) they make b) they are made c) are they made d) they made 33. How many screwdrivers___ _ your new multi-tool have? a) has b) does c) do d) are 34. Where_____ ? a) the water go b) does the water go c) goes the water d) do the water go 35. When you switch on the power, the pum p_____water through the pipes. a) forcing b) is force c) forces d) has force 36. Every Tuesday morning, my friend_____a Maths lecture. a) is having b) have c) has d) is have 37. Please pick up those bricks. They have_____off the wall. a) fallen b) fell c) fall d) falling 38. After the accident, there were m any_____in the car body. a) dent b) dents c) dented d) denting 39. The climber descended the mountain slowly. He w as__________ from a rope. a) mounted b) attached c) disconnected d) suspended S ection 3: R eading Complete this text. Use the phrases below. Write a letter from (a - p) to the answer sheet. Jet pack ma;ft The purpose of a jet pack is (40) . The jetpack consists of (41) ____ _. The engine weighs (4 2 )_____ . It is mourn ;ed (4 3 )_____ . The engine has ( 4 4 ) _____ . Th
- a. 331 kg, and has a diameter of 30 cm. j. forwards, backwards or sideways. b. the jet pack works. k. a turbojet engine, two joysticks, two air c. downwards. nozzles and two fuel tanks. d. to allow a single pilot to fly through the air. 1. on the pilot’s back. e. the speed and acceleration of the engine. m. the pilot operates the jet pack. f. pulls in air, and compresses it. n. two air nozzles. g. flows downwards. o. of the engine and to the right of the engine. h. the two nozzles. p. super-unleaded petrol. i. and the other on the right. S ection 4: W riting 4 Complete these statements to give the same meaning. 56. This ceramic is heat-resistant. If you heat this ceramic, i t ____________________. 57. The batteries are missing from my new digital camera. There are n o _______________________________________ 58. The steering wheel causes the car to turn left and right. The steering wheel makes____________________________ 59. This stop valve doesn’t allow the oil to flow through the pipe. This stop valve prevents______________________________ 60. That switch closes the electrical circuit. The function of that switch • Note: Proctors are not allowed to explain the test sheet. Date: June 15, 2020 C o u r se le a r n in g o u tc o m e s T est co n te n t G l.l Explaining the words, terms, structures related to mechanical engineering in English, Section 1 & 2 specifically the areas related to parts, movements, flows, materials, etc. G1.2 Using words, terms, structures related to mechanical engineering in the specific Section 3 &4. context and work environment S6 hieu: BMI/QT-KD-RBTV/00 5
- HCMC University of Technoloev and Education FINAL TEST (2nd semester, SY 2019-2020) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Course: English for Mechanical Engineering Course code: ENME320124 Signature of proctor 1 Signature of proctor 2 Test code: 4654 Total # page: 5 Duration: 60 minutes. Assessor 1 Assessor 2 Date: June 16, 2020 CLOSED book test No. of correct: No. of correct: Grade and signature Grade and signature Student name:................................................... ID :...................................................................... No.: .............................. Room: ...................... Student declaration “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this examination, nor have I concealed any violations of personal integrity and fairness.” Student signature: ANSWER SHEET Instruction for Section 1.1 and Section 2: Choose: X Cross out: Choose again: No. a b C d No. a b c d No. a b c d No. a b c d SEC r iO N l . i SE C T IO N 2 27 37 1 18 28 38 2 19 29 39 3 20 30 4 21 31 5 22 32 6 23 33 7 24 34 8 25 35 9 26 36 So hieu: BM1/QT-KB-RBTV/00 1
- Instruction for Section 1.2 and Section 3: Write a correct letter to the Answer (Ans.) box: N o. A n s. N o. A n s. N o. A n s. N o. A n s. N o. A n s. S E C T IO N 1.2 16 44 51 S e c tio n 4 10 17 45 52 Write your answers directly 11 S E C T IO N 3 46 53 to the space in 12 40 47 54 Section 4 13 41 48 55 14 42 49 15 43 50 S ection 1: V ocabulary 1.1 Choose the correct answer and transfer your choice into the answer sheet. 1. The plane is flying__________ at an angle of 45° to the ground. a) horizontally b) vertically up c) diagonally up d) straight down 2. The electric current flows around th e __________ from the power source to the lamp. a) circuit b) battery c) ampere d) radiator 3. That material is completely__________ . It won’t bend if you put a heavy weight on it. a) heat-resistant b) flexible c) corrosion-resistant d) rigid 4. Be careful with that bare wire. You might get an electric__________ . a) danger b) shock c) current d) hazard 5. T he__________ of the engine contains all the moving parts and protects them. a) piston b) valve c) housing d) shaft 6. The TV transmitter is mounted on a high__________ at the top of a hill. a) mast b) joystick c) suspension d) mass 7. The shaft rotates at a speed of 350_______ a) kW b) rpm c) km/h d) kg 8. Pull th e __________ towards you to make the forklift truck move backwards. a) pedal b) deck c) button d) lever 9. The function of th e __________ is to convert the sun’s energy into electrical power. a) solar panel b) dynamo c) solar power d) adapter 2
- 1.2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box below, transfer your answer into the answer sheet. a) soft d) hard h) heat-resistant b) brittle e) flexible c) tough f) corrosion-resistant g) rigid 10. If you drop a steel beam, it doesn’t break. It’s a very_____material. 11. You can’t bend a concrete beam. It’s a very_____material. 12. You can only cut glass with a diamond, but not with a knife. It’s a _____material. 13. This ceramic doesn’t burn or melt at high temperatures. It’s _____ . 14. You can bend this plastic a little, but it doesn’t break. It’s _____ . 15. You can break glass easily if you drop it. It’s a very_____material. 16. You can cut or scratch this plastic easily. It’s very _____ . 17. Aluminium doesn’t corrode in water or chemicals. It’s a _____metal S ection 2: Language Choose the correct answer and transfer your choice into the answer sheet. 18. Look at that robot. Can i t __________ and turn round? a) reverses b) reversing c) reversed d) reverse 19. I’m pulling the rope very hard. W hy__________ it breaking? a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) hasn’t d) won’t 20. That o il__________ come from under the sea. It comes from the desert. a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) haven’t d) wasn’t 21. The body of this racing car_____ fibreglass. a) made of b) will made of c) is made d) is made of 22. The tunnel is 3.5 kilometres__________ . a) length b) of length c) long d) is long 23. When did you__________ the e-mail to your manager? a) sent b) sending c) send d) sends 24. My new motorbike__________ two days ago, on the road. a) broke down b) broken down c) break down d) breaking down 25. Are you sitting at your car now? N o,_____ . a) I haven’t b) it isn’t c) I don’t d) I’m not 26. The inlet and outlet valves allow the water_____and leave the chamber. a) entering b) enter c) to enter d) enters 27. H ow _____ the speed of the helicopter? a) he controls b) he does control c) does he control d) he control
- 28. If you close the switch, the electrons_____around the circuit. a) are flow b) flows c) flowing d) flow 29. If your c ar_____ start, take it to the garage. a) not b) doesn’t c) don’t d) no 30. Those tanks_____ petrol. They hold water. a) don’t contain b) aren’t contain c) not containing d) no contain 31. Spark plugs a re _____of a heat-resistant ceramic. a) making b) makes c) make d) made 32. Those ropes are strong. W hat_____ of? a) they make b) they are made c) are they made d) they made 33. How many screwdrivers_____ your new multi-tool have? a) has b) does c) do d) are 34. W here_____ ? a) the water go b) does the water go c) goes the water d) do the water go 35. When you switch on the power, the pum p_____water through the pipes. a) forcing b) is force c) forces d) has force 36. Every Tuesday morning, my friend_____a Maths lecture. a) is having b) have c) has d) is have 37. Please pick up those bricks. They have_____ off the wall. a) fallen b) fell c) fall d) falling 38. After the accident, there were m any_____in the car body. a) dent b) dents c) dented d) denting 39. The climber descended the mountain slowly. He w as__________ from a rope. a) mounted b) attached c) disconnected d) suspended S ection 3: R eading Complete this text. Use the phrases below. Write a letter from (a —p) to the answer sheet. Jet pack man The purpose of a jet pack is (4 0 )_____. The jetpack consists of (41) _____. The engine weighs (4 2 )_____ . It is mounted (4 3 )_____ . The engine has ( 4 4 ) _____ . These nozzles can move and can point (4 5 )_____. The fuel tanks are to the left (46)_____ . The tanks contain (47) This is how (48)_____ . First the turbine (49) _____ . Then the compressed air (5 0 )_____ . The air leaves the engine through (51)_____. This is how (5 2 )_____. The pilot has two joysticks, one on the left (5 3 )_____ . When he turns the left-hand joystick, he can move the nozzles (54)_____. When he turns the right-hand joystick, he controls (55)_____. 4
- a. 331 kg, and has a diameter of 30 cm. j. forwards, backwards or sideways. b. the jet pack works. k. a turbojet engine, two joysticks, two air c. downwards. nozzles and two fuel tanks. d. to allow a single pilot to fly through the air. 1. on the pilot’s back. e. the speed and acceleration of the engine. m. the pilot operates the jet pack. f. pulls in air, and compresses it. n. two air nozzles. g. flows downwards. o. of the engine and to the right of the engine. h. the two nozzles. p. super-unleaded petrol. i. and the other on the right. S ection 4: W riting 4 Complete these statements to give the same meaning. 56. This ceramic is heat-resistant. If you heat this ceramic, i t ____________________. 57. The batteries are missing from my new digital camera. There are n o ________________________________________ 58. The steering wheel causes the car to turn left and right. The steering wheel makes____________________________ 59. This stop valve doesn’t allow the oil to flow through the pipe. This stop valve prevents______________________________ 60. That switch closes the electrical circuit. The function of that switch _____________ • Note: Proctors are not allowed to explain the test sheet. C ourse learn in g outcomes T est content G l.l Explaining the words, terms, structures related to mechanical engineering in English, Section 1 & 2 specifically the areas related to parts, movements, flows, materials, etc. G1.2 Using words, terms, structures related to mechanical engineering in the specific Section 3 & 4. context and work environment S6 hieu: BM1/QT-KD-RBTV/00 5
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