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Giáo trình Đọc hiểu tiếng Anh ngành Thư viện - Thông tin: Phần 1 - Dương Thị Thu Hà

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Giáo trình "Đọc hiểu tiếng Anh ngành Thư viện - Thông tin" được biên soạn nhằm giúp cho sinh viên rèn luyện các kỹ năng đọc hiểu, trong đó chú trọng kỹ năng đọc để tìm thông tin, nhằm phát triển khả năng đọc hiểu tài liệu tiếng Anh ngành Thư viện - Thông tin. Giáo trình được biên soạn theo các nội dung khác nhau của ngành Thư viện - Thông tin gồm 15 bài học. Mỗi bài học ứng với một nội dung cụ thể của ngành. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung phần 1 tại đây.

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Nội dung Text: Giáo trình Đọc hiểu tiếng Anh ngành Thư viện - Thông tin: Phần 1 - Dương Thị Thu Hà

  1. D Ü Ö N G THI TH U HÀ fiiT )mitnTiifm/ïffîïi t» GÄBMOSa-HlfilBini Library and Information Science: English Reading Materials S9M I I I K • M 11111111111
  2. Q Ẵ .0 ^ 4 2 -ồ w) 'Á c H ) DƯƠNG THỊ TH U HÀ ĐỌC HIỂU TIẾNG ANH NGÀNH THƯVIỆN-THÔNG TIN Lỉbrary and Information Science: English Readỉng Materials (Giảo trình dùng cho sinh viên đại học và cao đăng Ìg àaỈLLhư viên-Thôns tin) n ơành Tì-ịự vipn -T h n n ơ tin ) ™ Ỡ N G TÍN - THƯ VIÊN T H Ể r u . n 6 , ^ 1 H Ọ C v a n H ỐÁ, t h ẹ t h a q va õ u LIc h THANH HrtA PHÒNG ĐOC TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC VĂN HÓA HÀ NỘI HÀ NỘI - 2006
  3. CONTENTS Page number Foreword 5 Section One: Introduction to Library and Information Science Unit 1 The Role o f the Library in Society 9 Unit 2 Careers in Library W ork 33 Unit 3 Education and Training o f Librarians 54 Unit 4 Library and Inform ation M arketing 72 Unit 5 Service in the Library 98 Section Two: Types o f Libraries Unit 6 Public Libraries 116 Unit 7 School Libraries 135 Unit 8 A cadem ic Libraries 154 Unit 9 Special Libraries 171 Section Three: Technical Processing Unit 10 Catalogs 188 Unit 11 Bibliographic D escriptions o f 208 Library M aterials Unit 12 Classification Systems 233 U nit 13 Preservation o f Library Materials 259 Section Four: Library and Inform ation Technology U nit 14 Autom ation in the Library 281 U nit 15 Retrieval and Reference W ork 306 R eferences 328 V ocabulary Reference 331 3
  4. LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Giáo trình Đọc hiểu tiếng Anh ngành Thư viện-Thông tin được biên soạn cho sinh viên các trường đại học và cao đẳng thuộc lĩnh vực có liên quan. Ngoài ra, giáo trình cũng rất bổ ích đối với các cán bộ đang công tác trong cơ quan Thông tin-Thư viện. Giáo trình giúp cho sinh viên rèn luyện các kỹ năng đọc hiểu, trong đó chú trọng kỹ năng đọc để tìm thông tin, nhằm phát triển khả năng đọc hiểu tài liệu tiếng Anh ngành Thư viện- Thông tin. Mặt khác, giáo trình còn cung cấp, bổ sung và nâng cao kiến thức về ngữ pháp và từ vựng của tiếng A nh nói chung và tiếng Anh ngành Thư viện-Thông tin nói riêng cho sinh viên. Giáo trình được biên soạn để dùng trong lớp học có giáo viên hướng dẫn. Ngoài ra, giáo trình còn có thể được dùng làm tài liệu tự học. Giáo trình được biên soạn theo các nội dung khác nhau của ngành Thư viện-Thông tin gồm 15 bài học. Mỗi bài học ứng với một nội dung cụ thể của ngành, gồm các mục lớn dưới đây: * Pre-reading: N hững câu hỏi của phần này nhằm tập trung sự chú ý của người học vào chủ đề của bài, khuyến khích người học chia sẻ với nhau những kiến thức có liên quan trực tiếp đến chủ đề để bày tỏ ý kiến theo suy nghĩ của mình. * Reading: M ỗi bài đọc hiểu đề cập đến một nội dung của ngành Thư viện-Thông tin nhàm giúp sinh viên làm quen với chủ đề của bài học, cung cấp thông tin, ngữ liệu và phát triển các kỹ năng đọc hiểu cho sinh viên. 5
  5. * W orking w ith vocabulary: M ục đích của các dạng bài tập luyện từ vựng được thiết kế trong giáo trình này nhằm giúp sinh viên ghi nhớ số lượng từ đã học và phát triển chúng trong ngữ cảnh mới. * U nderstanding the reading: Phần này được thiết kế dưới các dạng bài tập như: Bài tập “đủng/sai” và câu hỏi kiểm tra đọc hiểu. Các dạng bài tập này giúp sinh viên khắc sâu kiến thức của bài đọc hiểu vừa học và ôn lại những ý chính của bài đọc. * Further practice: Phần này được thiết kế dưới hai dạng bài tập: Câu hỏi thảo luận và viết bài luận. Hai dạng bài tập này giúp sinh viên có cơ hội sử dụng ngữ liệu đã học cùng với ngữ liệu trong bài học để m ở rộng kiến thức bài đọc hiểu trên cơ sở nắm chắc bài học và liên hệ với thực tế (cụ thể là thực tế về thư viện ở V iệt nam). * Further reading: M ỗi bài học đều cỏ m ột bài đọc thêm. Những bài đọc thêm này cung cấp thêm thông tin có liên quan đến các nội dung m à bài học đề cập đến. * Language focus: Giúp sinh viên củng cố và nâng cao hiểu biết về kiến thức ngữ pháp và phát triển vốn từ vựng của họ. M ột số bài tập gồm: tạo từ bằng cách sử dụng tiền tố, hậu tố, điền giới từ, mạo từ, dạng đúng của động từ v v ... * Building vocabulary skills: Gồm có hai loại bài tập: “Ôn lại từ vựng” và “đoán từ dựa theo ngữ cảnh” . Hai dạng bài tập này nhằm giúp sinh viên ôn lại từ của các bài học trước, phát triển khả năng đoán nghĩa của từ theo ngữ cảnh. Cuối sách là danh mục từ vựng được liệt kê theo từng bài học. Tác giả hi vọng ràng giáo trình Đ ọc hiểu tiếng Anh 6
  6. ngành Thư viện-Thông tin sẽ mang lại nhiều bổ ích cho sinh viên. Chúc các bạn thành công. Tác giả xin chân thành cám ơn PGS. TS. Trần Đức Ngôn, ThS. Nguyễn Tiến Hiển, ThS. V ũ Dương Thúy Ngà, TS. Lê Văn Viết, ThS. Nguyễn Huy Chương, TS. N guyễn H oà và TS. Tô Thị Thu Hương về những ý kiến đóng góp rất quí báu cho việc biên soạn giáo trình này. Tác giả cũng xin bày tỏ lời cám ơn chân thành tới ông John F Drennan, Trường Đại học Tổng họp M elbourne, Australia, người đã đọc và sửa giáo trình. Trong quá trình biên soạn chắc chắn còn nhiều thiếu sót. Tác giả rất mong nhận được sự chỉ giáo từ những người quan tâm. Dương Thị Thu Hà 7
  7. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION TO LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE UNIT 1 THE ROLE OF THE LIBRARY IN SOCIETY ♦ Pre-reading 1. What do you understand by the words ‘aim ’ and ‘objective’? 2. What do you know about libraries? 3. Can you name some different kinds o f libraries? ♦ Reading AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF LIBRARIES A library (institution) is a collection o f books and other informational materials made available to people for reading, study, or reference. The w ord library comes from liber, the Latin w ord for “book” . However, library collections have almost always contained a variety o f materials. M odem libraries maintain collections that include not only written m aterials such as manuscripts, books, newspapers, and magazines, but also art reproductions, films, sound and video recordings, maps, photographs, microfiches, CD-ROM s, 9
  8. computer software, online databases, and other media. In addition to maintaining collections w ithin library buildings, m odem libraries often feature telecom m unication links that provide users with access to inform ation at rem ote sites. The central m ission o f a library is to collect, organize, preserve, and provide access to knowledge and information. In fulfilling this m ission, libraries preserve a valuable record o f culture that can be passed down to succeeding generations. Libraries are an essential link in this com m unication between the past, present, and future. W hether the cultural record is contained in books or in electronic formats, libraries ensure that the record is preserved and made available for later use. Libraries provide people w ith access to the inform ation they need to work, play, learn, and govern. People in many professions use library resources to assist them in their work. People also use library resources to gain inform ation about personal interests or to obtain recreational m aterials such as film s and novels. Students use libraries to supplem ent and enhance their classroom experiences, to learn skills in locating sources o f information, and to develop good reading and study habits. Public officials use libraries to research legislation and public policy issues. One o f the most valued o f all cultural institutions, the library provides inform ation and services that are essential to learning and progress. Any organization w hich is well m anaged will have defined aims or goals towards w hich all its activities and the energies o f its personnel are directed. A library m anager has therefore an obligation to spell out the aim s o f his library in relation to the aspirations or the role o f the parent body in society. For a 10
  9. public library system, its aims must be derived from the long­ term state goals particularly in education, inform ation and culture. For example, its aims m ight be formulated as follows: - To support formal education, i.e. providing for the needs of those pursuing prim ary and secondary education. - To contribute to non-formal education, i.e. providing for literacy programs, vocational training and professional education. - To encourage reading for knowledge and information. - To cultivate reading habits and to sustain literacy in society etc. The aims o f a university library, a college library, a school library or a special library should be defined on the basis o f what the library must do to further the w ork o f the organization of which it is a part. The prim e goals o f a university library, for instance, are to contribute to the teaching role o f a university, to support learning and research activities, and to stimulate creativity and intellectual developm ent among staff and students. It is not enough, however, only to define the aims o f a library. All the staff should know the aims so that they may relate their w ork and devote their tim e to the fulfilm ent o f those aims. Furtherm ore, the m anager m ust involve senior staff in setting the objectives or targets o f their own departments in the light o f stated aims o f the entire library. The objectives o f a department such as the lending departm ent arise directly from the aims. O bjectives are the basis o f the day-to-day operations of a departm ent and a m easure o f its performance. 11
  10. A t this juncture it is im portant to distinguish between “aim s” and “objectives” . We would define “aim s” or “goals” as statements about the purpose or the m ission o f an organization or statem ents which spell out the business an organization is engaged in. “O bjectives” spring from “aim s” and they are the targets and tasks o f an organization or part o f it; they are, to an extent, a m easure o f an organization’s effectiveness in the fulfilment o f its aims. The task o f the cataloging departm ent would be to catalog a certain num ber o f books w ithin a short time and to produce catalogs useful to readers. The objectives o f the lending departm ent w ould be to provide reading materials to the library’s user groups; to m aintain efficient catalogs and stocks; to prepare statistics o f usage regularly; to educate readers on the use o f the library, etc(*) ♦ W orking with vocabulary A. Focus on the reading Choose the best w ord or phrase for each sentence. Use each word or phrase only once. If you need help, look at the reading again. The w ords are in blacker letters in the reading passage. collection devote produce own provide staff distinguish m aterials manage basis relate spring from senior (*) Adapted from Ritchie, S. (1982) M odem library practice, pp. 1-9 12
  11. 1. A library (institution) is a __________ o f books and other informational materials made available to people for reading, study, or reference. 2. In addition to maintaining collections within library buildings, m odem libraries often feature telecom m uni­ cation links that__________ users w ith access to inform a­ tion at remote sites. 3. The aims o f a university library, a college library, a school library or a special library should be defined on th e __________o f w hat the library must do to further the work o f the organization o f w hich it is a part. 4. All th e _____________ should know the aims so that they may___________ their w ork a n d ___________ their time to the fulfilment o f those aims. 5. The m anager m ust involve_________ staff in setting the objectives or targets o f th e ir__________ departments in the light o f stated aims o f the entire library. 6. It is im portant to ____________ between “aim s” and “objectives” . 7. “Objectives” ____________ “aim s” . 8. The task o f the cataloging departm ent would be to catalog a certain num ber o f books within a short time and t o ____________ catalogs useful to readers. B. Focus on new contexts In this exercise the w ords are in a different context. They are in 13
  12. different sentences but they mean the same as in the reading passage. collections provided distinguish basis produced staff own related change devoted senior spring from 1. There are two a day from this mailbox. 2. The firm has him w ith a car. 3. Rates o f w ork are calculated on a weekly 4. H ow much is depends on how hard we work. 5. The in this shop are very helpful. 6. W ealth is seldom to happiness. 7. He his life to educating children. 8. He's to me, because he joined the firm before me. 9. He saw it w ith her eyes. 10. People who cannot between colours are said to be colour-blind. 11. H er actions goodwill. C. Context clues You can often understand the m eaning o f a new w ord from other words in the sentence or from nearby sentences. The other words that help you understand new w ords are called context clues. 14
  13. Practise using context clues. Choose the nearest equivalent word/phrase to each word in bold print from a, b, c and d. These words are from the reading passage. (Do not use your dictionary.) 1. A library (institution) is a collection o f books and other informational materials made available to people for reading, study or reference. a. provided b. paid for c. improved d. eaten 2. The word library comes from ‘liber’, the Latin w ord for ir 'book”. a. a m odem language b. a country in South A m erica c. an ancient language d. a kind o f book 3. In addition to m aintaining collections w ithin library buildings, m odem libraries often feature telecom m uni­ cation links that provide users w ith access to inform ation at remote sites. a. spectacles b. pictures c. countries d. places 4. Any organization w hich is well m anaged will have defined aims or goals towards w hich all its activities and the energies o f its personnel are directed. a. good b. useful 15
  14. different sentences but they mean the same as in the reading passage. collections provided distinguish basis produced staff own related change devoted senior spring from 1. There are two a day from this mailbox. 2. The firm has him with a car. 3. Rates o f w ork are calculated on a w eekly 4. H ow much is depends on how hard we work. 5. The in this shop are very helpful. 6. W ealth is seldom to happiness. 7. He his life to educating children. 8. He's to me, because he joined the firm before me. 9. He saw it w ith her eyes. 10. People who cannot between colours are said to be colour-blind. 11. Her actions goodwill. C. C ontext clues You can often understand the meaning o f a new word from other words in the sentence or from nearby sentences. The other words that help you understand new words are called context clues. 14
  15. departments in the light o f the stated aims o f the entire library. objectives/targets a. things b. belongings c. goals that depend on aims d. results in the light of a. throwing light on b. following the evidence provided by c. in the daytime d. clearly 9. The objectives o f the lending departm ent would be to provide reading m aterials to the library's reading groups; to m aintain efficient ™tgi^g-anH gtnrfrg efficient t r u n g tâm t h ô n g t in - THƯ VIỆN tr ư ở n g đ ạ i h o c va n HỔÀ, a. w orking well 1T i P r t ế o u LÍCH THANH HÓA c. full d mPHÒNG ĐOC___ stocks a. 01 kind o f soup ] TMĨỔHÍỈ b. an instrum ent o f p u m s h j n e n t ^ ^ p < - ^ c. holdings d. flowers ♦ Understanding the reading A. Com prehension: True/False W rite T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false. 17
  16. 1. A m odem library does much more than simply collects books and manuscripts. 2. The w ord 'library' comes from an ancient Latin word meaning 'collection'. 3. A public library should aim to support both formal and informal education. 4. Based on the aims o f a library, objectives are concerned with day-to-day operations o f each aspect or department o f a library. 5. The aim s o f a library are based on the objectives o f the library. 6. The only role o f a university library is to further the teaching role o f the university. ' 7. The word 'library' com es from an ancient Latin word m eaning 'book'. 8. .CD-ROM s, photographs and m aps can often be found in m odem libraries. ~ 9. A library's aims should be formulated and made known by the library's manager. 10. One o f the aims o f a university library should be that o f stim ulating creativity am ong students and staff. B. Comprehension questions Answer the questions about the reading. 18
  17. 1. In broad terms, what two kinds o f education should public libraries aim to support or contribute to? 2. Name one kind o f library that has, as one o f its prime aims, that o f supporting research activities. 3. Why is it important that all members o f staff in a library should know the aims o f their library? 4. On the basis o f what criteria can the success o f the day- to-day operations o f a library be measured? 5. Which o f the following are best described as 'aims' and which are best described as 'objectives'? a. Cataloging at least 500 books each week; b. To provide useful m aterials for tourists; c. To encourage reading among the community; d. To keep statistical records; e. To teach readers how to care for books; f. To provide adequate lighting; g. To provide reading m aterials for education o f all m ain kinds and at different levels. 6. Who has the responsibility o f spelling out the aims o f a library? ♦ Further practice A. Discussion 1. Give brief introduction to the library system in Vietnam. 2. Name some function rooms in a library. 19
  18. 3. N ame some divisions (or departments) within a large library. 4. Work out the tasks and functions o f each room or division. B. Guided w riting Com position topic: Describe the kinds o f books you like to read 1. M ake a list o f at least ten different kinds o f books, e.g. history books, novels. 2. Write one sentence describing six o f these. E.g. History books tell the story o f people in the past, as individuals and in society, and they try to find explanations for the events o f the past. 3. Give two reasons why you like one particular kind of book. E.g. I like history books because (i) I can imagine m yself living at a different time in history and taking part in the events o f that time; (ii) history tries to explain why the w orld has come to be the way it is today. 4. Give two reasons why you dislike one particular kind o f book. E.g. In history there are so many dates that I find it confusing; (ii) I prefer to read about the present rather than the past. 20
  19. 5. Now, write a short com position on the above topic, making use o f the words and sentences you have ju st written. ♦ Further reading UNESCO PUBLIC LIBRARY M ANIFESTO (1994) A gateway to knowledge Freedom, Prosperity and the D evelopm ent o f society and individuals are fundamental hum an values. They will only be attained through the ability o f well-inform ed citizens to exercise their dem ocratic rights and to play an active role in society. Constructive participation and the developm ent o f democracy depend on satisfactory education as well as on free and unlimited access to knowledge, thought, culture and information. The public library, the local gateway to knowledge, provides a basic condition for lifelong learning, independent decision-making and cultural developm ent o f the individual and social groups. This M anifesto proclaim s U N E SC O ’s belief in the public library as a living force for education, culture and information, and as an essential agent for the fostering o f peace and spiritual welfare through the m inds o f men and women. UNESCO therefore encourages national and local governments to support and actively engage in the developm ent o f public libraries. 21
  20. The Public Library The Public Library is the local centre o f information, making all kinds o f know ledge and inform ation readily available to its users. The services o f the public library are provided on the basis o f equality o f access for all, regardless of age, race, sex, religion, nationality, language or social status. Specific services and m aterials m ust be provided for those who cannot, for whatever reason, use the regular services and materials, for exam ple linguistic minorities, people with disabilities or people in hospital or prison. All age groups m ust find material relevant to their needs. Collections and services have to include all types o f appropriate m edia and m odem technologies as well as traditional materials. High quality and relevance to local needs and conditions are fundamental. M aterial m ust reflect current trends and the evolution o f society, as well as the m emory o f hum an endeavor and imagination. Collections and services should not be subject to any form o f ideological, political or religious censorship, nor commercial pressure. M issions o f the Public Library The following key missions w hich relate to inform ation, literacy, education and culture should be at the core o f public library services: 1. creating and strengthening reading habits in children at an early age; 22



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