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Hỏi và đáp về cách dùng danh từ tiếng Anh: Phần 2

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Cuốn sách "Hỏi và đáp về cách dùng danh từ tiếng Anh" cung cấp các kiến thức giúp bạn đọc có thể sử dụng thành thạo danh từ trong tiếng Anh và giúp bạn phân biệt được các loại từ trong câu, thêm vào đó là cách điền từ để giúp câu có ngữ pháp đúng khi làm bài tập, bài kiểm tra. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung phần 2 cuốn sách.

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Nội dung Text: Hỏi và đáp về cách dùng danh từ tiếng Anh: Phần 2

  1. Cáu 28. N h ũ n g tr ư ờ n g h o p dung m ạo từ "the" trước danh từ? 0 •íòá/i: + "The" được sử dụng trước danh từ chi một vật, một việc cụ the dã dược xác dịnh rõ ràng trong một ngữ cảnh. Ví du: - 1 took the taxi to the station. Tòi đã dón một chiếc xe taxi ra ga. - I'm going to the post office to get some stamps. Tôi sẽ ra bưu diện để mua một vài cái tem. + Chúng ta dùng "the" khi một vật nào đó là duy nhất. Ví du: - What is the longest river in the world? Con sông nào dài nhất thê giới? - The earth goes round the sun and the moon goes round the earth. Trái dất quay xung quanh mặt trời và mặt trang quay quanh trái dất. - We kxiked up at all the stars in the sky. Chúng tỏi ngước nhìn lất cá các vì sao trên trời. 151
  2. - Wc must do more to protect the environment. Chúng ta phải làm nhiều hơn dể hảo vệ môi trường. + "The" dược dùng trước một danh từ có tính từ so sánh cao nhâl hổ nghía. Ví du: - 1le is the highest man of the team. •Anh ấy là người cao nhất trong dội. + "The" đứng trước danh từ cụ thổ số ít đại diện cho cả loại. Ví du: - The ant is industrious. Kiến là loài cần mẫn. - The dog is a faithful animal. Chó là một giống vật có nghĩa. + "The" Uứng trước danh từ tập hợp hoặc tính ttừ dùng như danh từ tập hợp. Ví du: - I don’t like the crowd. Tỏi khổng thích dám dỏng. - The rich are not always happy. Những người giàu có khống phải lúc nào cũng hạnh phúc. - We should respect the dead. Ta phải tốn trọng những người đã chết. 152
  3. + "The" dứng trước danh lừ chi dãn lộc. Ví du: - The Japanese work very hard. Người Nhật làm việc rất chàm chi. - The Vietnamese are studious. Người Việt Nam rất chăm chi. + "The"dứng trước danh lừ riêng chi sông, hiến, dại dương, tàu bè. Ví du: the Thames, the Pacific Ocean, the Philippine Islands... + "The" dược dùng trong một số thành ngữ. Ví du: in the morning : vào buổi sáng in the evening : vào buổi chiều by the way : nhân tiện to tell the truth : nói sư• thát• to light lo the last : chiến dấu dến cùng * Không dùng "the" trước các danh từ không xác dinh. + Danh từ cụ thê số nhiều. Ví du: - Books are true friends. - Shoes are made of leather. 153
  4. + Danh lừ irừu lượng. Ví du: - I Education is necessary for all people. - IEveryday wishes lor happiness. + Danh lừ chi chấl liệu, màu sắc. Vi du: - She is dressed in purple. -This table is made of wood. + Danh từ chỉ khoa học, nghệ thuật. Ví du: - History is a science. - She enjoys music. + Danh lừ chỉ các môn thể thao. Ví du: Football is a popular sport. + Danh lừ chỉ bữa ăn, dồ uống. Ví du: We had some eggs for breakfast. + Danh lừ chỉ các ngày trong tuần, tháng, mùa. Ví du: We often come back home on Sunday. * Không dùng "the" trước danh từ + số. Ví du: - Our train leaves from platform 5. Chuyến làu của chúng tôi rồi di lừ bên sô 5. - My shoes are in size 43. Giày của tổi cỡ 43. 154
  5. lì AI TẠP ĐE NGHỊ Hài / : Điền thêm "tho” vào những chồ trống nêu cần thiôl. I. Americans usually like........... sports of all kinds. 2 ............. sports which Americans like best are football and baseball. 3 ............. exercise is good for one's health. 4 ............. exercise which he receives from tennis is good for his health. .3............... oil is found i n ............ eastern part o f .............. Texas. 6............... bananas are exported from .................Central America. 7. lie is from ............ Argentian, but he lives in ............. 1lavana now. X................. Lake Ontario is situated between ................ United Stale a n d ................. Canada. 9. Where does............... professor Nam live? 10. 1am going to have.............. lunch now. 11. Are you going............. home now? 12. We are going............home of some friends. 13. 1shall go t o ...............Australia............... next year. 14. Is..............English language difficult to learn? 155
  6. Bài 2:Điền a/an/thc vào những chồ cần thiếi. 1. Once there was ............... man who lived in ............. little hut o n .............. hill got his water from ............ stream on .......... hill................ water is cool and sweet. One day, he went to ........... top of ............. hill. There he saw .............. elephant at ........... bottom o f .............hill standing under........ tree. O n ......... tree, there w as........... bird. 2. Once there was .......... man who went out to live in ............ desert. He slept on ........... ground under ........... sky. I n, he looked a t ...............sun and a t ....... night he looked a t ...........moon.................. first man he saw w as........... Arab. He asked him what .......... time it was, but Arab replied: I haven't had ............ watch. Bài 3: Hãy diền a/an/the vào chỗ trông nếu cần thiết. 1. This morning I bought .......... newspaper and ........... magazine................. newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put.............. magazine. 2. I saw ............ accident this morning................ car crashed into .............. tree.............. driver o f ........... car wasn't hurt but........ car was badly damaged. 3. There are two cars parked outside............... blue one belongs to my neighbours. 1 don't know who .......... owner o f ........... grey one is. 156
  7. 4. My friends live in ............. old house in ........... small village. There is ............... beautiful earden behind ............. house. I would like to have ............... garden like that. 5. This house is very nice. Has it g o b. It's..........beautiful day. Let's sit in .............. garden. 7. 1 like living in this house but it’s a pity that ............... garden is so small. X. Can you recommend.............good restaurant? 9. We had dinner in .............very nice restaurant. 10. We had dinner in ......... most expensive restaurant in town. I I. She h as.......... Trench name but in fact she's Hnglish, not Trench. 12. W hat' of that man we met yesterday? 17. We stayed at a very nice hotel but I can't remember name now. 14. There isn’t .............. airport near where I like. ................ nearest airport is 70 miles away. 15. Our plane was delayed. We had to wail at ............ airport for three hours. lb. Hxcuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to ............. airport? 17. "Are you going away next week?" "No............ week after next". IX. I'm going away for.........week in September. 157
  8. 19. Cieorgc has a parl-limc job. He works three mornings week. 20. Would you like.......... apple? 21.1 low often do you eo l o .......... demist7 22. Could you close............ door, please? 23. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It was ............. mistake. 24. Hxeuse me, where is ........... bus station, please? 25. I've g o t........... problem. Can you help me? 26. I'm just going t o ......... . post office. 27. There were no chairs, so we had to sit o n ......... floor. 28. Have you finished.......... with book I lent you? 29. My sister has just got ........ job in ................. bank in Manchester. 30. We live in small flat near............ city centre. 31. There's ............ small supermakel at ............ end of ............. street I live in. 32. A: Where did you have.......... lunch? B: We went l o ............. restaurant. 33. A: Did you have........... nice holiday? B: Yes, it w as............ best holiday I've ever had. 34. A: Where's............. nearest shop? B: There's one a t ......... end of this street. 35. A: Do you often listen l o ............ radio? B: No. in fact I haven't g o t.......... radio. 15«
  9. 36. A: Would you like lo travel in ................ space? B: Yes, I’d love to eo to ............ moon. 37. A: Do you go to .............cinema very often? If: No. not verj often. Hut I watch a lot of film s on ........ TV. 3X. A: It w as...........nice day yesterday, wasn't it? B: Yes. it was beautiful. We went fo r .......... walk by ..........sea. 39. A: What did you have for ........... breakfast this morning? B: Nothing, I never ea t............breakfast. 40. A: Could you tell me where ............. Room 25 it, please? B: It's o n ......... second Boor. 41. I lay down on ......... ground and looked up at sky. 42. Mary spends most of her free time watching .......... television. 43............. television was on but nobody was watching it. 44. Have you had............. dinner yet? 45. Mary and 1 arrived a t ............. same time. 46. You'll find........... information you need at ......... top o f 15. 47. Peru i s ........... country in South America................. capital is 1.ima. 4X..............sun is 159
  10. 49. Tim lives in small village in 50............... moon goes round ........... earth every 27 days. 51. What is ........... highest mountain in .............. world'.’ 52. I'm fed up w'ith doing............ same thing every day. 55. It w as............. very hot day. It w a s................. hottest day of year. 54. I don't usually have lunch but I always eat ........... good breakfast. 55. If you live i n ............ foreign country, you should try and learn............. language. 56. We missed our train because we were waiting on ........... wrong platform. We were on ............... platform 3 instead o f ............ platform 8. 57. When w as.............telephone invented? 58. Can you play.............. musical instrument? 59. Jill plays......... violin in ............... orchestra. 60. There w a s.......... piano in ............ Conner o f ......... room. 61. Can you play............ piano? 62. Our society is based o n ............ family. 63. Marlin conies from............ large family. 64. When w as............ paper first made? 65............... computer has changed the way we live. 160
  11. Biii 4 : Sir dung cae lu dudi day do hoan lhanh cau. Them "the" ncu can thiei. breakfast gate cinema ( iate 21 dinner Question X basketball patience information hotels history meat people lies water spiders grass 1. I didn't have lime lo r............ this morning. 2. "I'm going to ........... this evening". "Are you? What film are you going to see?”. 3. There was no wind, s o .......... was very calm. 4. "Are you going out this evening?" "Yes, after........ ”. 3. The examination paper wasn't too difficult but I couldn't answer.................... 6. O h , open. I must have forgotten to shut it. 7. (airport announcement) "blight BA 123 to Vienna is now boarding a t .................. X. Mv favourite sport is ................ 9................. we were given wasn't correct. 10. Many people are afraid o f .............. 161
  12. 11. A vegetarian is somebody who doesn’t eat............. 12. Do you know............... who live next door? 13............. is the study of the past. 14. (iearge always tells the truth. He never tells............ 15. We couldn’t rind anywhere to stay in the town. All were lull. 16............ in the pool didn’t look very clean, so we didn't go for a swim. 17. Don't sit o n .............. It'ss wet after the rain. 18. You need........... to teach young children. Bài 5: Chọn danh từ phù hợp được gạch chân trong các câu sau: 1. I'm afraid of dou/thc dog. 2. Can you pass sall/thc salt, please? 3. Annles/The apples are good for you. 4. Look at apples/ the apples on that tree! They're very big, 5. Women/The women live longer than men/the men. 6. I don't drink tca/the tea. I don’t like it. 7. We had a /ery nice meal. Veuetahles/The vegetables were especially good. 8. 1 like skiinu/lhe skiing but I'm not very good at it. 9. Life/The life is strange sometimes. Some very strange things happen. 162
  13. 10. Who arc people/the people in this photograph? 1I. What makes neonle/the people violent? 12. All hooks/AII the hooks on the top shelf belong to me. 13. Don't slay in that hotel. It's very noisy and heds/the beds are very uncomfortable. 14. A pacifist is somebody who is against war/the war. 15. First World War/Thc First World War lasted from 1914 until 1918. 16. One of our biggest social problems is uncmnlovmentAhe unemployment. 17. Ron and Brenda got married but marriageAhe maưiage didn’t last very long. 18. Most peonle/The most people belive that marriageAhc marriage and family lifeAhe family life are the basis of soeietvAhe society. Bài 6: Hãy tìm hiổu nghĩa của các nhóm từ dưới dây. Sau dó trả lời các câu hòi. Chú ý sử dụng mạo từ "the". 1 (animals) 2 (birds) tiger, elephant eagle, penguin rabbit, cheetah swan, owl giraffe, kangaroo parrot, robin 3 ( inventions) 4 (currencies) telephone, wheel dollar, lira telescope, laser escudo, rupee helicopter, typewriter peseta, yen 163
  14. 1. a. Which of the animals is tallest? b. Which animal can run fastest? c. Which of these animals is found in Australia? 2. a. Which of these birds has a long neck? b. Which of these birds cannot fly? c. Which bird flies at night? 3. a. Which of these inventions is oldest? b. Which invention can help people greatly in communication? c. Which one is especially important for astronomy? 4. a. What is the currency of India? b. What is the currency of Portugal? c. What is the currency of Japan? Bài 7: Dùng the + một trong số các tính từ dưới đây đổ hoàn thành câu. injured, poor, rich, sick, unemployed, young 1............ have the future in their hands. 2. Ambulances took............ to hospital. 3. Life is all right if you have a job, but things are not so easy fo r................. 4. Julia has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring fo r............... 5. In lingland there is an old story about a man called Robin I Iood. It is said that he robbed .......... and gave the money to ............. 164
  15. Bai X: Sử dụng các lừ dưới dày cùng với giới lừ đổ hoàn thành câu. bed school home university hospital work prison 1. Two people were injured in the accident and were taken. 2. In Britain, children from the age of five have to go 3. Mark didn't go out last night. lie stayed................... 4. I'll have to hurry. I don't want to be late............... 5. There is a lot of traffic in the morning when everybody is going............ 6. Cathy's mother has just had an operation. She is still 7. When Julia leaves school, she wants to study economics 8. Bill never gels up before 9 o'clock. It’s 8.30 now, so he is still ................. 9. If you commit a serious crime, you could be sent 165
  16. Bai I9:loan thanh ciiu vdi danh lu da cho. Them "ihe" n6'u ci)n thifi't. 1. (school) a. livery lerm parents are invited t o meet the teachers. h. Why aren't your children a t ............ today? Are they ill? c. When he was younger, he hated....................... d. What times d o es................. start in the morning in your country?. e. "How do your children get home from ............ ? By bus?". "No, they walk............ isn't very far". f. What sort of job does Jenny want to do when she leaves .............. g. There were some people waiting outside............. to meet their children. 2. (university) a. In your country, do many people go t o ................ ? b. If you want to gel a degree, you normally have to study a t ................... c. This is only a small town but ................ is the biggest in the country. 166
  17. 3. (hospital) a. Nora works as a cleaner a t..................... b. When Ann was ill, we all went to .............. to visit her. c. My brother has always been very healthy. lie's never been i n ................. d. Peter was injured in an accident and was kept in lor a lew days. 4. (church) a. John's mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to ............ every Sunday. b. John himself doesn't go to .................. c. John went t o .............. to take some photographs of the building. 5. (prison) a. In many places people are in .............. because of their political opinions. b. The fire brigade were called t o .............. to put out fire. c. The judge decide to fine the man E500 instead of sending him t o ................. 6. (home/work/bed). a. I like to read i n ............ before I go to sleep. b. It's nice to travel around but there's no place like c. Shall we meet after............. tomorrow evening? 167
  18. d. If I'm feeling tired, I go to ............early. e. What time do you usually start ...... in the morning? f. The economic situation is very bad. Many people are put out o f ............... 7. (sea) ■a. There's a nice view from the window. You can see •••••••••••••••••A • b. It was a long voyage. We were at ............ for four weeks. c. I love swimming in ................. Bài 10:Điền a/an hoặc the vào chỗ trống trong doạn van sau: ‘ ........... man decided to ro b .......... bank in the town where he lived. lie walked into............. bank and handed ............ note to one of ........... . cashier.................... cashier read....... ......note, which told her to give.............. man some money. Afraid that he might have..........gun, she did as she was told........ :..... man then walked out of ........... building, leaving............note behind. However, he had no time to spend ........... money because he was arrested.......... same day. He had m ade..............mistake. He had written ............ note on ........... back of •.......... envelope. And o n ........ othe side o f ............. envelope was his name and address. This clue was quite enough for ............. detectives on the case. 168
  19. Bời I I : Hoàn thành các mầu đối thoại sau, dùng a/an/lhe. 1. A: Look outside............. sky is gelling very dark. B: I hope there isn't going to he .............storm. 2. A: I'm going out lor ........ walk. Have you seen my shoes? B: Yes, they’re o n ......... Boor in ................... kitchen. 3. A: Would you like ........... tomato? There's one in ........... fridge. B: Oh, yes, please. I'll make m yself............. cheese and tomato sandwich. 4. A: If you're going in to .......... city centre, can you post these letters for me? B: Yes, I'll take them t o ......... main post office. 5. A: I've got .......... problem with my phone bill. Can I see someone about it? B: Yes, go t o .......... fifth floor.................lift is along the corridor. 6. A: I didn’t know Melanie h ad ............ dog. B: It isn't hers. She's just taking it for a walk while ............ owner is away. 7. A: I’ve g o t..............headache. I've had it all day. B: Why don’t you go t o ............ helth centre? It's open until six. 169
  20. 8. A: Guess whai. 1 I'ound .. £50 note on pavement this morning. B: You really ought to take it t o ............. police station, you know. Bài 12: I lãy viết lại câu có từ gạch chân. Dùng lừ trong ngoặc đơn cùng với mạo từ a/anẠhe để thay thố lừ được gạch chân. Ví du: - We didn't have much time for lunch. David made something for us. (omelette) —» David made an omelette for US. 1. They ran the raee before they held the long jump. 1le won it easily, (race) 2. The driver turned left. Suddenly someone ran into the road, (child) 3. I .aura was lying on the sofa. She was watching something on television, (film) 4. I had to take a train and then a bus. It was half an hour late, (bus) 170



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