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Tham khảo tài liệu 'kỳ thi thử tốt nghiệp và đại học năm 2011 - test 16', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: KỲ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP VÀ ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2011 - Test 16

  1. KỲ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP VÀ ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2011 - Test 16 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. pardon b. hard c. parent d. park c 2. a. stage b. manage c. village d. baggage a 3. a. good b. roof c. foot d. flood d 4. a. looked b. missed c. stopped d. dreamed d 5. a. cast b. tasteful c. task d. fast b 6. a. invitation b. blind c. decide d. provide a 7. a. acrobat b. lane c. animal d. thanks b II. Find the mistake: 8. John and Lan have different cultures; that was why they often have different ways of living. a. have b. cultures c. that was why d. have --> c 9. You have to study hardly to keep pace with your classmates. a. have to b. study c. hardly d. to keep pace with --> c 10. After you graduate from the university, you still have to go on study. a. graduate b. from c. have to d. study --> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary:
  2. 11. I suppose you just went to the disco ............. improve your conversational skills. a. so as b. for c. in order to d. too -->c 12. You will not be fined if you .............. with the rules. a. comply b. adhere c. observe d. abide a 13. John eats very little .................. put on weight. a. so as to b. so as not to c. in order to d. so that b 14. .................. the monthly salary, he has no income. a. Leaving aside b. Not counting c. Let alone d. Apart from d 15. There has been so much media .............. of the coming election that people have got bored with it. a. broadcasting b. circulation c. concern d. coverage d 16. His salary was decreased because he …………….. his responsibility. a. cancelled b. postponed c. delayed d. omitted d 17. The life of Uncle Ho, a great man …………. many stories have been told, was very simple.
  3. a. of b. about whom c. about d. of which b 18. His noise interrupted my .............. of thought. a. chain b. series c. line d. train d 19. The soup was beautifully cooked, I agree, but the meat was a bit too salty for my .................. a. appetite b. desire c. liking d. favor c 20. Her accusation left him .............. rage. a. dumb b. silent c. speechless d. mute c 21. I'll have the mechanic .............. my car this weekend. a. to repair b. repaired c. repairing d. repair d 22. He .............. money out of the old couple. a. deprived b. swindled c. robbed d. extracted b 23. He found it ................... to study at home. a. impossibility b. impossible c. to impossible
  4. d. impossibly b 24. Before they would receive the proposal, they wanted to .............. with each other. a. confess b. confirm c. confer d. confide c 25. That ancient bicycle of hers is a .............. joke among her classmates. a. steady b. standing c. settled d. stable b 26. It's none of your business: please don't .............. other people's affairs. a. bump into b. meddle in c. tot up d. come across b 27. The film was so boring that I .............. a. flaked out b. broke up c. dropped out d. fell over a 28. He is decorating his house with a view ................. it. a. to sell b. to selling c. sell d. selling b 29. My income does not .............. me to meet all my financial commitments. a. enable b. able c. ability d. be able to a 30. His teachings had a profound effect on her.
  5. a. depth b. affection c. affliction d. influence d 31. When he spoke on the phone, his voice was so ................. that I could hardly hear him. a. dim b. faint c. loud d. dull b 32. A: It's a long way from Britain, isn't it? B: Yes, but it isn't as ................ as Hong Kong. a. far b. farther c. farthest d. farer a 33. A: It's hot there, isn't it? B: It's very ................ during the day. a. hot b. hotter c. hottest d. hoter a 34. Japan is usually ................ Saudi Arabia in summer. a. hotter than b. as hot as c. cooler than d. so hot as c 35. The temperature in winter in Mexico is ................ that in summer in Japan. a. higher than b. similar to c. lower than d. as high as c 36. "He didn't understand it." " ................ " a. So did I
  6. b. I did too c. I did either d. Neither did I d 37. Do you know one of the largest universities located .................................... town? a. a small midwestern b. in a small midwestern c. small midwestern d. in small midwestern b 38. .................... his life, he was regarded as the most brilliant playwright. a. It was the time of b. While c. During d. By the time of c 39. .................... Social Security Act of 1935 was written to insure workers against unemployment. a. The b. What the c. For the d. After the a 40. "What's your proposal?" "I propose that the meeting ................ ." a. is postponing b. be postponed c. to be postponed d. postpones b 41. The more I learn, ....................... I know. a. the most b. the very more c. much more d. the more d 42. My sister's tooth still gives her some pain. She ................ gone to the dentist yesterday. a. must be b. would have
  7. c. should have d. could be c 43. At four o'clock, Mr. David still had some ................ to do in the garden. a. work b. job c. effort d. task a 44. Nam ................ go fishing with his father when he was young. a. used to b. is use to c. has used to d. was used to a 45. Chemists are not sure ............................ a. how precisely can cold fusion occur b. cold fusion can occur precisely how c. precisely how cold fusion can occur d. can cold fusion occur precisely how c 46. Most of the iceberg is .................... the water. a. on b. under c. in d. below b 47. The train will be leaving in five minutes so you ................ better hurry up. a. had b. should c. will d. would a 48. He was an ................ writer because he persuaded many people to see the truth of his ideas. a. ordinary b. influential c. unlimited d. accurate
  8. b 49. If we had known your new address, we ................ to see you. a. came b. will come c. would come d. would have come d 50. A: Where would you like to go for a holiday? B: I'd like to go to Hong Kong ................ of all. a. much b. more c. most d. best c



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