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Tham khảo tài liệu 'kỳ thi thử tốt nghiệp và đại học năm 2011 - test 21', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: KỲ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP VÀ ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2011 - Test 21

  1. KỲ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP VÀ ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2011 - Test 21 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. plum b. mum c. triumph d. unique --> d 2. a. school b. sing c. island d. bus --> c 3. a. buffalo b. butter c. jury d. shut --> c 4. a. murmur b. sure c. further d. fur --> b 5. a. beach b. search c. preach d. teach --> b 6. a. foot b. book c. stood d. flood --> d II. Find the mistake: 7. Mary pretended not having been hurt when her younger brother bit her. a. pretended not b. having been c. hurt d. bit -->b 8. How beautiful the painting was! I stood there being admired it for a long time. a. How beautiful b. was c. stood d. being admired --> d 9. I’m sure it’s not my fault that Peter found out what we were planning. I don’t remember being told anyone about it. a. sure b. found out c. being told d. about --> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary:
  2. 10. I wish that we ................ swimming when we spent our holidays at the seaside. a. could go b. had gone c. will go d. are going b 11. ............................ all our money, we have to return from our vacation early. a. Losing b. To lose c. Lose d. Having lost --> a 12. He’s interested ....................... studying plant life. a. with b. to c. for d. in d 13. The teacher asked those who (complete) ………… their test (turn) ……………. in their papers. a. have completed / to turn b. had completed / to turn c. completed / turning d. had completed / turn --> b 14. He is seen ................. every morning. a. jog b. to jog c. jogs d. is jogging b 15. If we (know) ................. who he was, we (invite) ................. him to speak at our meeting. a. know / will invite b. knew / would invite c. had known / would have invited d. known / would have invited --> c
  3. 16. I haven't seen my sister ................. three years ago. a. since b. for c. from d. before a 17. Since he (buy) ................. a new car, he (drive) ................. to work every day. a. bought / drives b. bought / will drive c. has bought / has been driving d. bought / has been driving -->d 18. "They must have a lot of chickens." "I don't know how many ................., but it sounds like they have a hundred." a. chickens do they have b. do they have chickens c. chickens they have d. they have chickens c 19. This room (paint) ................. since the last time I (be) ................. here. a. has been painted / was b. painted / have been c. had been painted / was d. has painted / was -->a 20. "May I help you?" "Yes. I need someone ................. my car." a. repair b. to repair c. repairing d. to be repaired b 21. You (be) ................. disappointed if there (be) ................. no snow for this winter holiday? a. Would ........ be / was b. Will ....... be / is c. Will ....... be / are d. Could ...... be / is -->b
  4. 22. Mai should seriously consider ................. an actress. She is good at performing. a. to become b. become c. becoming d. will become c 23. While I (go) ................. through my drawers, I (find) ................. these old love letters. a. went / found b. went / had found c. was going / found d. is going / find -->c 24. "Where is the sofa?" "I got my son ................. it to the sitting room." a. take b. to take c. taken d. taking b 25. She really (hurt) ................. when she found that her son (forget) ................ her birthday. a. hurts / forget b. hurt / forgotten c. was ... hurt / forget d. was ... hurt / had forgotten -->d 26. We could ................ fly or take the train. a. not only b. neither c. either d. but c 27. Just off the Massachusetts coast ……………………, a popular summer resort area. a. Martha’s Vineyard is b. is where Martha’s Vineyard c. Martha’s Vineyard d. is Martha’s Vineyard --> d
  5. 28. "What is wood used for?" "It is used for ................. chairs and tables. a. make b. to make c. making d. made c 29. Davis has .......... many patients .......... he is always busy. a. too / that b. very / until c. such / that d. so / that -->d 30. "Did you order copies of your wedding pictures?" "I only ordered one copy, but now I wish I ................. two." a. had ordered b. order c. have ordered d. would ordered a 31. If someone fastens his seat-belt, he …………. a. ties it tightly b. makes it loose c. will lose it d. makes it larger a 32. We haven't met him ......................... a. for the past few days b. since few days c. last few days d. few days ago a 33. His ............ knowledge is very poor. He thinks Paris is in Italy. a. geography b. geographically c. geographical d. geographer -->c 34. I would have paid ................. for my bag if the salesman had insisted, because I really wanted it. a. as much twice
  6. b. much twice c. twice as much d. times two c 35. I’ll always remember that journey - it was an .............. experience. a. forget b. forgettable c. forgetting d. unforgettable -->d 36. The day was ................. that we had a shower four times a day. a. such a hot b. so hot c. very hot d. hot b 37. Quick .......... are important if you are an airline pilot, a motorist, or even a cyclist. a. reaction b. reactions c. reactive d. react -->b 38. I regret ................. you that I can't attend your party tomorrow. a. to tell b. telling c. tell d. told a 39. People who overeat often become ..................... a. weightless b. weight c. overweight d. wide -->c 40. "What happened to your new car?" "No sooner ................. it than someone ran into it." a. had I bought b. I bought c. did I bought
  7. d. I had bought a 41. She got very angry but later she apologized for her ................ a. patient b. patience c. impatient d. impatience -->d 42. "What musical instrument does she play?" "She's famous ................. her violin playing." a. by b. about c. for d. to c 43. Playing the piano well is one of his greatest ................... a. satisfaction b. satisfactions c. satisfactory d. satisfy -->b 44. The tourist ............... the heat because he had been living there for a long time. a. used to b. was used of c. get used to d. was used to d 45. Until last year, the government …………….. itself with the problem of unemployment. a. hadn’t concerned b. haven’t concerned c. didn’t concern d. wasn’t concerning -->a 46. Many famous automobiles ................. in America. a. manufacture b. have manufactured c. are manufactured d. are manufacturing
  8. c 47. He (drive) ……………… his car to school because he (miss) ……………… the bus. a. drives / misses b. drove / missed c. drove / had missed d. drove / has missed -->c 48. Direct speech: She said, "Don't sit on my bed, Jimmy". (Change into Indirect speech) a. She said Jimmy not to sit on her bed. b. She told Jimmy not to sit on her bed. c. She told Jimmy not to sit on his bed. d. She told Jimmy don't sit on my bed. b 49. The president did not begin the news conference until the room (become) ……………… quiet. a. had become b. became c. has become d. has been becoming --> a 50. The news which we heard................. good. a. were b. are c. had d. was d



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