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The Communication Problem Solver 6

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The Communication Problem Solver 6. Managers need top-flight communication skills to keep their staffs productive and collaborative. But often, those who manage lack the ability to get things back on track once miscommunication occurs. This book helps readers analyze their communication skills and challenges and explains how they can use simple problem-solving techniques to resolve the people issues that derail productivity at work. Easily accessible and filled with real world management examples. This no-nonsense guide is packed with practical tools to help any manager be immediately effective, as well as a handy list of common communication problems and corresponding solutions....

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  1. T HE S ECRETS TO C REATING AND S USTAINING E NERGIZED R ELATIONSHIPS everyone because the tasks most likely will be stable. Assignments that change frequently create stress and distrust and therefore undermine a manager’s personal power. Stable tasks enable employees to believe that the manager knows the direction and is there to support the employees achieve the goals. In short, to set clear expectations for others, you must first know clearly what is expected of you. Looking at your managerial role from the points of view of your boss, staff, peers, and upper management will help you feel confident about the breadth of your scope and the extent of your authority. This 360-degree look at your responsibilities illumi- nates what others need from you. Used well, this knowledge can prevent misunderstandings and translate into achieving results through positive working relationships. Transparent understanding of your entire suite of responsibilities—written and unwritten—can result in gaining support from all directions and levels of the organization. It also points you to a bigger picture of where to contribute to others in supporting corporate goals. Using a recommended worksheet will help you to communicate in a logical manner with your boss. It is critical for your success that you comprehend your roles as your boss and others see them. To effectively lead and manage your group, you and your manager must agree on your responsibilities and depth of authority. Once you solidify what your manager expects and what level of authority you have for each project or task, you can confidently delegate to and follow up with your staff. If you live in the dark, your staff will too, and they will not see you as their leader. Expectations are frequently unwritten and often unspoken or unde- fined. Yet you will be evaluated on these unwritten expectations. It is your job to take the initiative to clarify your manager’s expectations so you can succeed. Many managers ask, ‘‘Shouldn’t this conversation be initiated by my boss?’’ ‘‘Has it?’’ I ask. 32—
  2. S ETTING E XPECTATIONS WITH T URBOCHARGED C LARITY ‘‘No,’’ they reply. ‘‘Well then?’’ I ask. ‘‘Point taken,’’ they say. Request a meeting with your boss in upper management and thor- oughly prepare for it. This is a chance to show your strengths in organi- zation and planning as well as your desire to partner with your manager. Clarifying Your Manager’s Expectations of You Communicating with your manager about what he expects of you is an ongoing process. First you analyze what you think he expects. Then you meet with him to discuss these responsibilities and levels of authority. It may take more than one meeting for you to both agree. After meeting, you must continually dialogue with your manager to be sure you are on target and to include changes as they occur. Let’s look at each of these three activities. Figure 2-1, ‘‘Clarifying Expectations Worksheet,’’ is a worksheet to help you analyze and clarify your boss’s expectations of you. Use this worksheet to define your understanding of your responsibil- ities and what level of authority you have for each responsibility. Use the ideas in the worksheet to jump-start your list of responsibilities. Add other responsibilities and delete those that are not applicable. 1. Responsibilities. List all your responsibilities and goals, as you know them. Besides those from your job description, include unwritten responsibilities that you think you have so you can get confirmation from your manager. 2. Performance Expectations. Record performance expectations you have of yourself and those you think your boss has for you. Define what you think the expectations mean for this particular assignment. For example, instead of writing ‘‘team player with sales department,’’ specify what you would do to demonstrate that you are a team player, such as ‘‘Provide information on customer complaints on same day received.’’ —33
  3. T HE S ECRETS TO C REATING AND S USTAINING E NERGIZED R ELATIONSHIPS 3. Level of Authority. Next to each responsibility, goal, and perfor- mance expectation, write what you perceive to be your level of authority: H (High), M (Medium), or L (Low). High might mean complete decision- making and implementation ability—let your boss know what you have already done. Medium might indicate you can make recommendations but need your boss’s approval before taking action. Low could mean check with your manager before starting a task or project for clear defi- nition of what your manager wants. You and your boss need to define exactly what H, M, and L mean in your work situation. Expect that your level of authority may differ for each responsibility, goal, or expectation. 4. Who expects this of me? Check off the responsibilities you expect of yourself in the ‘‘I Do’’ column. Then put checkmarks in other appro- priate columns based on who you think expects that responsibility: your boss, your staff, peers, or senior management. There can be multiple checkmarks for each responsibility. Explain to your manager that to ensure you meet her expectations, you have prepared an analysis of what you think your responsibilities and levels of authority for each duty are. Tell your manager the work- sheet is a ‘‘talking document’’ so you can get her ideas and collaborate. Ask for a meeting—in person, or if not possible, by videoconference or phone. Depending upon how collaborative your relationship with your boss is and how he deals with written information, you might decide to e-mail your completed worksheet ahead of the meeting. This gives your boss an opportunity to think about his expectations, whether he agrees with what you’ve written, and what to add, delete, or modify. With both peo- ple prepared for the meeting, you might have better results in a shorter period of time. However, if you think your boss will e-mail it right back to you with a pithy note to avoid a face-to-face meeting, you may not want to e-mail it. For the ideal communication, you should persuade him to review it ahead of time and meet in person to discuss his expecta- tions. (Text continued on page 40) 34—
  4. S ETTING E XPECTATIONS WITH T URBOCHARGED C LARITY Figure 2-1. Clarifying Expectations Worksheet Who Expects This of Me? Level of Sr. Responsibilities Authority I Do Boss Staff Peer Mgmt Set Clear Expectations Define goals for my work situation Carry out department goals Prioritize tasks and projects Provide leadership Create/implement business plans that will succeed Share the same goal as other groups Specifically: Support joint tasks effectively Drive change initiatives Meet compliance issues Get team member buy-in Develop Work Relationships Foster a good work environment for my peers and coworkers Support different departments Advocate for my employees Be fair, honest, and trustworthy Maintain peace/harmony Set an example of following ‘‘rules’’ Set example of good customer service Boost morale of group Support my staff/management Trust staff/management —35
  5. T HE S ECRETS TO C REATING AND S USTAINING E NERGIZED R ELATIONSHIPS Figure 2-1. (Continued) Who Expects This of Me? Level of Sr. Responsibilities Authority I Do Boss Staff Peer Mgmt Show respect for everyone Build a strong team to support the company Be a positive role model Communicate Expectations Communicate department goals Communicate high-level goals/expectations to my team Get the work done on time and within budget Consistently enforce rules/expectations Ensure staff understands expectations Use Process Skills & Technical Knowledge to Meet Corporate Goals Produce quality products/services Provide organization Complete tasks that will help company obtain goals Ensure staff is trained and able to perform job Eliminate quality issues Ensure bills are paid on time without exception and without error 36—
  6. S ETTING E XPECTATIONS WITH T URBOCHARGED C LARITY Figure 2-1. (Continued) Who Expects This of Me? Level of Sr. Responsibilities Authority I Do Boss Staff Peer Mgmt Identify more efficient processes/workflow Ensure safety of staff members Provide tools and resources to do the job Plan Prevent & Solve People Problems Make employees/company/teams successful Resolve and manage HR issues Maintain smooth operation of department/ group Create teamwork Delegate Set deadlines & progress check-in dates Provide employees with the tools to do jobs Provide guidance and support Tell ‘‘big picture’’ about ‘‘why’’ and ‘‘what’’ they need to do Mentor staff Trust staff —37
  7. T HE S ECRETS TO C REATING AND S USTAINING E NERGIZED R ELATIONSHIPS Figure 2-1. (Continued) Who Expects This of Me? Level of Sr. Responsibilities Authority I Do Boss Staff Peer Mgmt Monitor progress on regular basis Give Feedback Meet deadlines Make sure job/task is done effectively Provide regular feedback Hold people accountable Coach Guide individuals Help get staff involved in problem solving Ensure department goals are met and obstacles are overcome Effectively train 38—
  8. S ETTING E XPECTATIONS WITH T URBOCHARGED C LARITY Figure 2-1. (Continued) Who Expects This of Me? Level of Sr. Responsibilities Authority I Do Boss Staff Peer Mgmt Hire Talent Recruit, interview, and hire Listen Listen to staff point of view Assist staff with their issues Support others’ ideas Be a sounding board Accept feedback Motivate Talented Staff Motivate employees Set positive, comfortable environment Ensure I am a positive role model Keep turnover low Boost morale Create good days for staff —39
  9. T HE S ECRETS TO C REATING AND S USTAINING E NERGIZED R ELATIONSHIPS Figure 2-1. (Continued) Who Expects This of Me? Level of Sr. Responsibilities Authority I Do Boss Staff Peer Mgmt Other Fulfill boss’s duties when he or she is not available Meet sales and/or revenue goals Ensure safety Evaluate performance Plan career development Plan succession Increase profit Educate self on current trends Lead the Meeting(s) with Your Boss Open the meeting with a recap of the purpose of this communication on expectations and responsibilities. The purpose is to ensure that you meet your manager’s expectations so that you can better lead your team and meet all goals. Explain why it benefits him, you, and your staff. Review each responsibility and get agreement on what authority (H, 40—
  10. S ETTING E XPECTATIONS WITH T URBOCHARGED C LARITY M, or L) you have for each of the responsibilities. If this seems too time consuming, think about how long it takes when you and your team have to change directions because of not meeting what your boss expected. Add, delete, or modify items on your list according to your manager’s comments. Make sure you ask targeted open-ended questions to elicit any unwritten expectations your manager has that are not yet on your list. Discuss any disagreements as you go, so that you both concur with the final list. Set up additional meetings as necessary until you and your manager complete and agree upon the final list. Finalize the worksheet and e-mail or give your boss a copy of the finalized ‘‘Clarifying Expecta- tions Worksheet.’’ Keep an open mind during the meetings and recognize that it may take more than one meeting to come to a final agreement. This is espe- cially true if your manager has trouble specifying expectations. This con- versation will be of enormous benefit to both of you in working in partnership. It should also prevent situations in which your boss might go directly to your staff or undermine your decisions with your direct reports. Follow Up Continually to Ensure You Are in Agreement Ask for and schedule a weekly meeting to review your progress and plans. The weekly meeting is one of the best communication tools you can use to ensure you and your boss continually see eye to eye. If your manager does not see the necessity of a weekly meeting, do not give up. Persuade him that it will help you be better able to meet his expectations and to communicate. You can save your boss time by saving up the little matters and handling them all at once. You can be sure you and your team are always aligned with the organizational goals. You can discuss anything that has changed, including priorities, and stay in alignment with your manager’s expectations. When you work cohesively with your manager, you demonstrate how you want your staff to work with you. —41



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