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Tìm hiểu về Luật sở hữu trí tuệ: Phần 2

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Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo phần 2 Tài liệu Những nội dung cơ bản của Luật sở hữu trí tuệ được xuất bản dưới dạng song ngữ Việt - Anh sau đây. Tài liệu sẽ cung cấp cho bạn đọc các nội dung chính của Luật sở hữu trí tuệ.

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Nội dung Text: Tìm hiểu về Luật sở hữu trí tuệ: Phần 2

  2. IN T R O D U C T IO N To dissem inate the m ain contents o f enacted im portant codes and ỉauis, such as the Civil Code, the Law on Investment, the Laiv on Inteỉlectual Property a n d the L aw on Enterprise to the business com m unity, Vietnamese a n d foreign read' ers, the Ju d ìcia l P ublishing House, in coordination with the International Law D epartment, the M inistry o fJu stice, pubỉishes some books in both Vietnamese a n d E nglish to introduce the code a n d law s sa id above. It is our hope that the publicatìons o f the Judicial Publish- ing House iviỉl be useful for those dom estic a n d (oreign individuaỉs a n d organũations w ko are interested in learn- ing about the Vietnamese laivs. Vỉe also hope that these books w ill contribute to ensuring transparency o f the Vietnamese legal system ■ one o f the requirem ents fo r this country to become a m em ber o f the World Trade O rganixation CWTO). We, therefore, have the honor to introduce this book to readers! A p r iỉ 2007 T H E JU D IC IA L P U B L ISH IN G HO U SE 251
  3. 4 . . 'V I i ị 1
  4. P art one IN T R O D U C T IO N T O T H E LAW ON IN T E L L E C T U A L P R O P E R T Y 253
  5. Part one. Introduction to the Law on Intellectual Property I. STRU CTU RE 0 F THE LAW ON IN TELLEC TU A L PR O PER TY The Law on Intellectual Property w as passed by the XI L egislature of the N ational Assembly at its 8th Session on 29 November 2006: and comes into effect on 01 Ju ly 2006. The Law comprises ổ Parts, 18 Chapters a n d 222 Articles as follows: P a r t one: G e n e ra l p ro vision s, comprising 12 Articles (Articles 1 ■ 12). P a r t tw
  6. Key issues in the Law on Intellectual Property C h a p te r I V ■ T r a n s f e r o f c o p y r ig h ts a n d co p v rig h t- r e la t e d rig h ts , comprising 4 Articles (Articles -15 ■ t8). C h a p te r V - R c g is tr a tio n c e r tìf ic a te s o f c o p v rig h ts a n d c o p y r ig h t- r e la te d r ig h ts , com prising 7 Articles (Articles 49 ■ 55). C h a p ter VI • R ep resen tativ e, c o n su lta n c y a n d Service o r g a n i z a t io n s in tho Helds o f c o p y rig h ts a n d Copyright - r e la t e d rig h ts, comprising 2 Articles (Articles Õ6 ■57). P a r t th re e : I n d u s tr ia l p r o p e r ty r ig h t, comprising 5 Chapters (Chapters Vll ■XI) and 99 Ai'ticles (Articles 58 ■156). C h a p ter V II - C o n đ itio n s for p r o te c tio n o f in d u stria l p r o p e r ty rig h ts, comprising 28 Articles (Ariícles 58 - 85) C h a p te r V III • E s ta b lis h m e n t o f in d u s t r i a l p r o p e rty r ig h ts to in v e n tio n s, in d u s tr ia l d esig n s, la y o u t d esign s, m a rk s a n d geographical indication. Comprising 35 Articles (Articles 86 - 120). C h a p te r IX - Ovvners, c o n te n ts a n d lim ita tio n s of ỉ n d u s t r i a l p r o p e r t y r i g h t s , co m p risin g 17 A rticles (Articles 121 - 137). C h a p te r X - T ra n s f e r o f i n d u s t r ia l p r o p e r t y rig h ts. com prising 13 Articles (Articles 138 • 150). C h a p te r X I - I n d u s tr ia l p r o p e r ty r e p r e s e n ta tiv e s , com prising 6 Arlicles (Atticles 151 • 156). 256
  7. Part one. Introduction to the Law on Intellectual Property P a r t í o i u ^ R ig h ts to p la n t v a r ie tie s , com prising 4 C hapters (C hapters XII-XV) and 41 Articles (Articles 157 • 197). C h a p te r X I I - C o n d itio n s for p r o te c tio n o f r ig h ts to p la n t v a rie tie s , comprising 7 Articles (Articles 157 • 163). C h a p te r X II I - E s ta b lis h m e n t o f r ig h ts to p la n t v ari- e tie s, com prising 21 Articles (Articles 164 • 184). C h a p te r X JV ■ C o n te n ts a n d lim ita tỉo n s o f r ig h ts to p la n t v a r ie tie s , comprising 7 Articles (Articles 184 - 191). C h a p te r X V - T r a n s f e r o f r ìg h ts to p la n t v a r ie tie s , comprising 6 Articles (Articles 192 • 197). P a r t five: P ro te c tio n of in te lle c tu a l p ro p e rty r ig h ts , comprising 3 Chapters (Chapters XVI - XVIII) and 22 Articles (Articles 198 - 219). C h a p te r X V I • G e n e ra l p ro v is io n s o n p r o te c tio n o f in te l l e c t u a l p r o p e r t y r ig h ts , com prising 4 A rticles (Articles 198 - 201). C h a p te r X V IỈ • H a n d lin g o f v io ỉa tio n s o f in tellectu * al p r o p e r ty r ỉg h ts b y civil m e a s u re s , com prising 9 Articles (Articles 202 - 210). C h a p ter X V III • H a n d lín g o f v io la tio n s o f in te lle ctu - al p r o p e r ty r ig h ts b y a d m in ìs tr a tiv e a n d c r ím in a l m e a s u re s ; c o n tro ) o f im p o r t a n d e x p o r t g oods r e la t in g 257
  8. Key issues in the Law on Intellectual Property to in te ỉle c tu a l p r o p e r ty , com prising 9 A rticles (Articles 211 - 219). P a r t s ỉ x : Im p le m e n ta tio n p ro v isio n s, comprising 3 Articles (Articles 220 • 222) II. KEYISSUES IN THE LAW ON IN TELLECTU AL PRO PERTY 1. General issu e s on intellectual property rights 1.1. Intellectual property and protectíon of intelỉectual property ríghts Intellectual property can be understood as achievements resulting from Creative activities of h u m a n beings in the process of vvorking, m anuíacturing and conducting busi- ness. Intellectual property is created by h u m a n intellect. This property is invisible b u t very valuable because it is able to create spiritual and m aterial values, an d bring about competitive advantages to its owners, possessors or users. Intellectual property rights are recognized and protected by law. Intellectual property rights are the rig h ts of organ- izations, indìviduals to their intellectual property, including copyrights and C o p y r i g h t • related rights, inđustrial pr0Ị>erty rights and rights to p la n t varieties. Protection of intellectual property rig hts m eans th a t the law provides for and ensures conditions for right holders to carry out their rights, an d a t th e sam e tim e prevents 258
  9. Part one. Introduction to the Law on Intellectual Property and handles anv act using such rights by a third party without permission from th e right holders, The effective protection of íntellectual propertv rights shall encourage Creative activities an d enhance living standards. 1.2. Objects o f intellectual property rights and bases o f appearance an d establishm ent o f intellectual property rights Objects of intellectual property rights are works creat- ed in th e course of working, producing and conducting business of h u m an beings. According to Article 3 of the Law on Intellectual Property, objects of intellectual prop- e r t y rig h ts include copyrights. Copyright - re la te d rights; and industrial property rights; rights to plant varieties. These are as follows: • Copyrights are the rights of organizations, individuals to works createđ or owned by them. Objects of copyrights are literary, artistic an d scientific works; • Copyright ■ related rights are the rig hts of organiza- tions, ìndiviUuals to performances, phonograms, broad- casting program s, and satellite signals carrying encrypted program . O bjects of Copyright - related rig h ts are perform- ances, phonograms, broadcasting programs, and satellite signals carrying encrypted program; ■ ỉndustrial property rights are the rights of organizations, individuals to inventions; inđustrial designs; layout-desígns 259
  10. Key issues in the Law on Intellectual Property of semi-conductor in teg rated circuits: a n d so on. Objects of industrial rights incỉude inventions; in d u stria ỉ designs; layout-designs of semi-conductor in te g ra te d circuits; busi- ness secrets; tradem arks: tr a d e n am es, a n d geographical indications; • R ights to p la n t varieties a re th e rig h ts of organiza- tions, individuals to the new p la n t v arieties which are cre- ated or discovered and developed by a n d fall u n d er the ownership right of such o rg an izatio n s or individuals. Objects of rights to p la n t v arieties include p la n t varieties and m aterials for breeding varieties. Intellectual property is invísible property: therefore, the identification of tim e of a n d b ases for appearance and establishm ents of intellectual p ro p erty rig h ts is very im p o rta n t. According to A rticle 6 of th e Law on Intellectual Property, bases for ap p e aran ce and establish- m ent of intellectual property rig h ts are as follows: • Copyrights shall arise a t th e m om ent w hen a work is created an d expressed in a c e rta in m a terial form regard- less of its content, quality, form, m ean. lang;uage, w hether or not it has been published or registered; • Copyright-related rigkts shall arise a t th e moment when a perĩormance, a phonogram , a b ro ađ cast program and a satellite signal carrying en cry pted program is fixed with- out prejudice to copyrights; 260
  11. Part one. Introduction to the Law on Intellectual Property ■ In tellectu a l property rights shall be established as follows: + In d u stria l property righ ts in inventions, inđustrial designs, layout-designs, m arks, geographical indications shall be established on the basis of th e com petent State a u th o rity ’s decision on th e g ra n t of Protection Title; + In d u stria l property righ ts to tra d e nam es shall be established on th e basis of lawful use of the trade names; + In d u stria l property righ ts in business secrets shall be established on th e basis of legal acquirem ent an d secret keeping of th e business secrets; + R ight to repression of unfair competition shall be established on th e basis of com petition iti~business. • R ig h ts to new p la n t varieties shall be established on th e b asis of th e com petent State au th o rity ’s decision on the g ra n t of P la n t V ariety Protection Title. t.3. Prínciples for protection o f intetlectual property rights The Lãw on Intellectual P roperty recognizes th e legal regime for co-protection of intellectual property rights. Accordingly, one object of intellectual property rights may enjoy Copyright protection and enjoy other types of protection such as invention, utility solution or industrial desig:ns protection. 261
  12. Key issues in the Law on Intellectual Property 1.4. State administration o f intellectual property rights M inistry of Science and Technology shall carry out S tate adm inistration of in d u stria l property rights and copyrights w ith regard to vvorks which are not literary and artistic ones: the M inistry of C ulture and Information shall carry out State adm inistratio n of copyrights with regard to literarv and artistic vvorks; the M inistry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall carry out S tate adm inistration of rights to p la n t varieties. 2. C opyrights and copyrighỉs-related rights 2.1. Copyrights - A uthors are persons who create works. With regard to works created by more th a n one person, all such persons are co-authors of the works. - Works-obJects o f copyrights protection- are works cre- ated in literary, artistic and scientific Tields in any form or by any mean. The classification of works may base on their content. forms or tim e of publication. ■ Conditions for protectỉon o f copyrights: The Law on Intellectual Property provides for conditions for protection of copyrights as follows: + Organization an d individual having protected copy- 262
  13. Part one. Introductíon to the Law on Intellectual Property rights m ust be persons who have directly created the work or m ust be copyrights owners: + Works m ust be in protected literary, artistic an d sci- entiĩic fields. • Content o f Copyright protection: Copyrights are divid* ed into personal rights and property rights. + Personal rights are rights attached to each person a n d cannot be íransfered to others, unless the law other- wise provides for. Personal rights are iđentified at the time a work is createđ and at the sam e time, property rights are established. In fact, personal rights a re conditions for establishm ent of property rights. Personal rights include transferable personal rights and non-transferabIe rights. + Property rights are rights to enjoy m aterial benefits Luhen a work is used in form s o ĩ performance, exhibition, broadcasting or telecasting. Property righ ts shall arise a t th e tim e authors publish th eir works or allow o thers to use th e ir works. • L im itations o f Copyright protection: th e Law on Intellectual Property provides for lim itations of Copyright protection in certain cases in order to ensure public interests (Clause 1 Article 25 of the Law on Intellectual Property). • Tim e ỉim its for Copyright protection: th e Law on Intellectual Property provides for such tim e limits as follows: 263
  14. Key issues in the Law on Intellectual Property + Cinematographic works, photographic works, dra- matic works, applied a r t works, anonymous works shall have the term of protection of 50 years from th eir first pub- lications; + O ther works of any other type not m entioned above shall have the term of protection being during th e life of the author an d for 50 years from the year of his or her death; in respect of works created by co-authors, th e term of protection shall end at th e 50th year after th e year of death of th e la st surviving co-author. Term s of protection of works above shall end a t 24 o’clock of th e date of 31 December of th e year w hen th e pro- tection term ends. 2.2. Copyright-related rights ■ Protection conditions o f copyright-reỉated rights: Copyright - related rights a re the rig hts of organizations, indiviđuals tồ performances, phonograms, broađcasting programs, satellite signals carrying encrypteđ program provideđ for in detail in Article 16 an d Article 17 of the Law on Intellectual Property. • Protection content a n d tim e ỉim its o f copyright-reỉated rights: Contents and tim e lím its for protection of copy- right-related rights are different, đepending on subjects and objects of such copyright-related rights an d provided 264
  15. Part one. Introduction to the Law on Intellectual Property for in detail in Article 29, Article 30 and Article 31 of the Law on Intellectual Property. • Protection lim ita tio n s o f copyright-reỉated rights: Sim ilar to th e purposes of protection lim itations of copy- rights, the protection lim itation s of copyright-related rights aim a t serving the in terests of the public and socie- ty. The Law on Intellectual P roperty provides in detail for cases w here th e use of copyright-related rights shall not require obtaining permission and paying royaỉties and rem uneration (Article 32). 2.3. Transter o f copyríghts and copyríght-retated ríghts • Forms o f transfer o f copyrights a n d copyright-related rights: the tran sfer of copyrights and copyright-related rights m ay be carried out in th e forms of assignm ent or licensing of copyrights a n d co p y rig h t-related rights. A ssignm ent of copyrights, related righ ts is the assignm ent of ow ner rights stipulated in Articles 19.3, 20, 29.3, 30 and 31 of the Law on Intellectual P roperty by copyrights and related rightp owners to oth er organizations, individuals under a contract or un der relev an t legislation. • R ights that are eligibỉe fo r assignm ent o f copyrights a n d copyright-related rights: The tra n síe r of copyrights and copyright-related rights (including both assignm ent and licensing of such ríghts) shall only apply to rights o f 265
  16. Key issues in the Law on intellectual Property copyrights OLuners, rights o f perform ers, rights o f sound a n d video recording producers, rights o f broadcasting organUations. 2.4. Regisưation certiíicate o f copyrights and Copyright- related rights The registration of copyrights, related rig h ts m eans an author or a copyrights, reỉated rights oivner fĩles an appli- cation a n d attached docum ents w ith the com petent State authorities to attest the inform ation o f a uthor, work. copy* rig h ts an d related rights ovvner. Application for registration of copyrights a n d copy- righ t-related rights and competence in g ra n tin g Copyright R egistration Certificates an d Related R ights R egistration C ertiĩicates are provided for in Article 50 a n d Article 51 of th e Law on Intellectual Property. Copyright R egistration Certificates a n d R elated Rights R egistration Certiricates shall be effective in th e whole ter- ritory of V ietnam and recorded in th e N ational Register of Copyrights, Related rights. 3. Industrial property rights In addition to copyrights, rights to p la n t varieties, in d u stria l property rights a re also one type of intellectual property rights. In d u strial property rig h ts a re th e rig h ts of 266
  17. Part one. tntroduction to the Law on Intellectual Property o rg a n iz a tio n s, in d iv id u als to inventions; in d u s tria l designs; layout-designs of semi-conductor in teg rated cir- cuits; trad em ark s; trad e nam es, geographical índications. b u s i n e s s s e c r e t s c r e a t e d o r o w n e d b y t h e m a n d r i g h t s to repression of u nfair competition {Clause 4 A rticỉe 4 o f the Lau/ on ỉntellectual Property). 3.1. Objects o f industrial property rights that are protected and protection requirements for such objects ■Invention: An invention shall be eligible for protection by granti- ng of an Invention P a te n t if it m eets three conđitions, namely; to be novel, to involve an inventive step, an d to be susceptible of in d u strial application. Such conditions are provided for in detail in Articles 58, 60, 61 and 62 of the Law on Intellectual Property. • ỉn d u stria l designs: In d u strial design is appearance o f a product expressed in shapes, lines, dimensions, colors or any com bination thereoí. A ppearance of a product th a t is dictated by tech- nical íe a tu re s of the product shall not be protected as in d u strial đesigns. P u rsu a n t to Article 63, an in du strial design shall be e li^ b le for protection i f it m eets three con- ditions, namely: to be new, to be Creative, and to be suscep- tible of in d u stria l appỉication. 267
  18. Key issues in the Law on Intellectual Property • M arks A m ark is a sign used to d istin g u ỉsh goods or services o f dỉfferent organitatỉons a n d in d iv id u a ls. A m a rk shall be eligible for protection if it meets conditions provided for in A rticle 72 of the Law on Intellectual P roperty. Accordingly, a m ark is a visible sign in th e form of letters, vvords, pic- tu re s, Tigures, including three-dim ensional íìgures or a com bination thereoí. represented in One o r more colors; a n d is capable of distinguishing goods or services of the m a rk owner from those of others. A m a rk no t only shows th e n am e of a product or S e r v i c e b u t also show s its origin. A m a rk is very useíul in giving co n su m ers inform ation of goods’ origin. Not like other subject m a tte rs of intellectual pro perty such as inventions, or in d u stria l designs, m arks are no t created by intellectual Creative activities. M arks are available symbols used by b u sin essm en to m a rk th e ir goods o r services. - Trade na me T rad e nam e is a designation o f a n organixation or indi- vid u a l used in biísiness to d istin g u isk the business entity bearing such designation from other business entities acting in th e sam e ĩieỉd or a re a of business. T ra d e n a m e is used to m anifest business entities, not goods or services provid- ed by such business entities. A tra d e n a m e sh a ll b e elìgible 268



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