Alternative medicine
As science and technology has developed, the manner by which drugs can be delivered has grown. Medicines may be taken orally, applied as topical pastes, creams or oils, patches or administered by direct injection to the body. This research explores an alternative method for the delivery of therapeutic compounds to the body. The basis of the study involves the application of traditional medicinal compounds used to cure minor neck and back pains through transdermal topical application, using a textile substrate as the carrier.
128p runthenight07 01-03-2023 13 3 Download
Để đạt thành tích cao trong kì thi sắp tới, các bạn có thể tham khảo IELTS Academic Reading Sample 141 - Alternative Medicine in Australia sau đây, nhằm rèn luyện và nâng cao kĩ năng giải đề thi IELTS, nâng cao kiến thức cho bản thân.
5p mucnang000 17-04-2021 10 3 Download
The dinitrogenase component proteins of the conventional Mo nitrogenase (MoFe protein) and of the alternative Fe-only nitrogenase (FeFe protein) were both isolated and purified from Rhodobacter capsulatus, redox-titrated according to the same procedures and subjected to an EPR spectroscopic comparison. In the course of an oxidative titration of the MoFe protein (Rc1Mo) three significant S ¼ 1/2 EPR signals deriving from oxidized states of the P-cluster were detected: (1) a rhombic signal (g ¼ 2.07, 1.96 and 1.
12p system191 01-06-2013 31 4 Download
We report here the direct evidence for the formation of alternative DNA structures in a plasmid DNA, termed pTIR10, containing a 0.23-kb pyrimidine/purine-biased (Pyr/Pur) stretch isolated from the rat genome. Long Pyr/Pur sequences are abundant in eukaryotic genomes, and they may modulate the biological activity of genes and genomes via formation of various types of triplex-related structures. The plasmid DNA in sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.35) was deposited on APS-modified mica, and after drying it was imaged with an atomic force microscope in air. ...
5p system191 01-06-2013 34 3 Download
The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) type I, a modulator of alternative splicing, localizes in the nucleoplasm of mammalian cells and in a discrete perinucleolar structure. HnRNP I contains a novel type of bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) at the N-terminus of the protein that we have previously named nuclear determinant localization type I (NLD-I). Recently, a neural counterpart of hnRNP I has been identified that contains a putative NLS with two strings of basic amino acids separated by a spacer of 30 residues....
8p system191 01-06-2013 26 3 Download
The primary purpose of the present study was to investi-gate whether DNA replication at meiotic prophase also requires replication factors, especially proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). We cloned PCNA cDNAs (CoPCNA) from a cDNA library made from basidia of the basidiomycete,Coprinus cinereus. Interestingly, although CoPCNAis a single-copy gene in the genome, two dier-entPCNAcDNA species were isolated using degenerate primers and a meiotic cDNA library, and were designated asCoPCNA-aandCoPCNA-b. ...
11p research12 29-04-2013 45 4 Download
The photosynthetic protein complexes in plants are located in the chloroplast thylakoid membranes. These membranes have an ultrastructure that consists of tightly stackedÔgranaÕ regions interconnectedbyunstackedmembrane regions.The structure of isolated granamembranes has been studiedhere by cryo-electron microscopy. The data reveals an unusual arrangement of the photosynthetic protein complexes, staggered over two tightly stacked planes.
11p research12 29-04-2013 42 2 Download
Hepatopoietin (HPO) is a novel human hepatotrophic growth factor. Recently, we demonstrated that the extra-cellular ligand form of HPO can stimulate proliferation of hepatic cells via its specific receptor, which is on the surface of these cells.Also, the intracellular formofHPOpotentiates the transcriptional factor AP-1. Intriguingly, a variety of HPO complexes with different molecular masses were detected in hepatocytes.
6p research12 23-04-2013 25 5 Download
During starvation induced encystment, cells of the myxo-myceteDidymiumiridisaccumulate a7.5-kbRNAthat is the result of alternative processing of pre-rRNA. The 5¢ end corresponds to an internal processing site cleaved by the group I-like ribozyme DiGIR1, located within the twin-ribozyme intron Dir.S956-1. The RNAretains the majority ofDir.S956-1 including thehoming endonuclease geneanda small spliceosomal intron, the internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2, and the large subunit rRNAlacking its two group I introns. ...
9p tumor12 22-04-2013 30 2 Download
The major components of neuritic plaques found in Alzheimer disease (AD) are peptides known as amyloid b-peptides (Ab),which derive from the proteolitic cleavage of theamyloidprecursorproteins.InvitroAbmayundergoa conformational transition from a soluble form to aggrega-ted,fibrillary b-sheet structures,which seem to be neuro-toxic. Alternatively,it has been suggested that ana-helical form can be involved in a process of membrane poration, which would then trigger cellular death.
7p tumor12 22-04-2013 37 2 Download
Although the role of arachidonic acid (AA) in the regulation of steroidogenesis is well documented, the mechanism for AArelease isnot clear.Therefore, theaimof this studywas to characterize the role of an acyl-CoA thioesterase (ARTISt) and an acyl-CoA synthetase as members of an alternative pathway in the regulation of the intracellular levels of AA in steroidogenesis. Purified recombinant ARTISt releases AA from arachidonoyl-CoA (AA-CoA) with a Kmof 2lM.
9p tumor12 22-04-2013 41 3 Download
E2F transcription factors play an important role in the regulation of cell cycle progression. E2F6, the most recently identified member of the E2F family, is a retinoblastoma-protein-independent transcriptional repressor that is required for developmental patterning of the axial skeleton. It has recently been shown that theE2f6locus produces two different mRNAs, E2F6 and E2F6b. The E2F6b mRNA contains an additional exon that is inserted by alternative splicing.
7p tumor12 22-04-2013 32 1 Download
We have determined the cDNA nucleotide sequence, deduced the amino acid sequence and defined the gene structure for the cellular heart-type (H-FABP) or fatty acid-binding protein 3 (FABP3) from zebrafish. The zebrafish FABP3 exhibited the greatest amino acid sequence identity to fish andmammalian heart-type FABPs. 3¢RACE and 5¢ RLM-RACE mapped two alternative polyadenylation sites and three transcription start sites, respectively.
12p tumor12 20-04-2013 34 2 Download
Proteinkinases are targets for therapeutic agents designed to intervene in signaling processes in the diseased state. Most kinase inhibitors are directed towards the conserved ATP binding site. Because the essential features of this site are conserved in all eukaryotic protein kinases, it is generally assumed that the same compound will bind in a similar manner to different protein kinases.
8p tumor12 20-04-2013 37 3 Download
The intracellular role of placental protein 17b (PP17b)/ TIP47has been controversial, because it is considered tobe a protein required for mannose 6-phosphate receptor trans-port from endosome totrans-Golgi as well as a neutral lipid droplet-associatedprotein.The similaritybetween theamino acid sequences of PP17 variants, adipophilin and perilipins, andbetween their gene structures indicate that PP17baswell as other alternatively spliced PP17 variants belong to the lipid storage droplet protein family, containing also some differentiation factors....
13p tumor12 20-04-2013 39 3 Download
PSA (prostate-specific antigen), the most useful serum marker for prostate cancer, is encoded by thehKLK3gene and is present in the serumas amixture of several molecular species. This work was performed to identify the hKLK3 transcripts in order to determine how many proteins resembling PSA are synthesized from thehKLK3gene and secreted in blood. Combined Northern blotting, molecular cloninganddatabase searching showed that thehKLK3gene produces at least 15 transcripts ranging in size from 0.7 to 6.1 kb. Polysomal distribution analysis revealed that the transcripts shorter than 3.
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 55 2 Download
Multiple signalling pathways are involved in themechanism by which insulin stimulates hepatic glycogen synthesis. In this study we used selective inhibitors of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) and an allosteric inhibitor of phosphory-lase (CP-91149) that causes dephosphorylation of phos-phorylasea, to determine the relative contributions of inactivation of GSK-3 and dephosphorylation of phos-phorylaseaas alternative pathways in the stimulation of glycogen synthesis by insulin in hepatocytes.
9p fptmusic 16-04-2013 41 3 Download
The solutionmolecular andelectronic structuresof theactive site in the extremelyO2-avidhemoglobin fromthe trematode Paramphistomum epiclitumhave been investigated by 1 H NMR on the cyanomet form in order to elucidate the distal hydrogen-bonding to a ligated H-bond acceptor ligand. Comparison of the strengths of dipolar interactions in solution with the alternate crystal structures of methemo-globin establish that the solution structure of wild-type Hb more closely resembles the crystal structure of the recom-binant wild-type than the true wild-type met-hemoglobin....
14p fptmusic 16-04-2013 47 3 Download
(All-E) prenyl diphosphate synthases catalyze the con-secutive condensation of isopentenyl diphosphates with allylic prenyl diphosphates, producing products with vari-ous chain-lengths that are unique for each enzyme. Some short-chain (all-E) prenyl diphosphate synthases, i.e. farnesyl diphosphate synthases and geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthases contain characteristic amino acid sequences around the allylic substrate binding sites, which have been shown to play a role in determining the chain-length of the product....
9p fptmusic 16-04-2013 31 2 Download
Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-2 (PAI-2) is a nonconventional serine protease inhibitor (serpin) with unique and tantalizing properties that is generally considered to be an authentic and physiological inhibitor of uro-kinase. However, the fact that only a small percentage of PAI-2 is secreted has been a long-standing argument for alternative roles for this serpin.
10p fptmusic 12-04-2013 40 2 Download