Applied statistics for business
Lectures "Applied statistics for business - Chapter 1: Data and statistics" provides students with the knowledge: Applications in business and economics, data, data sources, descriptive Statistics, statistical Inference, computer and statistical analysis, data mining, ethical guidelines for statistical practice. Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
30p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 61 3 Download
Lectures "Applied statistics for business - Chapter 3: Numerical measures" provides students with the knowledge: Measures of location, measures of variability, measures of distribution shape, relative location, and detection of outliers. Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
45p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 51 3 Download
Lectures "Applied statistics for business - Chapter 4: Introduction to probability" provides students with the knowledge: Experiments, counting rules and assigning probabilities, events and their probabilities, some basic relationships of probability, conditional probability, bayes’ theorem. Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
34p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 73 3 Download
Lectures "Applied statistics for business - Chapter 5: Discrete probability distributions" provides students with the knowledge: Random variables, developing discrete probability distributions, expected value and variance, expected value and variance financial portfolios,... Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
34p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 53 3 Download
Lectures "Applied statistics for business - Chapter 2: Tabular and graphical presentations" provides students with the knowledge: Summarising data for a categorical variable, summarising data for a quantitative variable, summarising data for two variables using tables,... Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
29p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 80 2 Download
This study intends to contribute to the current state of knowledge by empirically investigating the relationship between institutional environment and the performance of MFIs, by comparing South Asia and Latin America.
164p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
This study tests the predictive ability of the Tuckman-Chang model by applying it to charitable organizations that survived and did not survive the Great Recession, an economic event that negatively affected the charitable sector. Charitable organizations listed in the 2006 IRS Statistics of Income Exempt Organizations Sample File (SOI), hosted by the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) Data Archive, were compared to those listed in the 2011 IRS SOI File.
95p inception36 25-11-2021 32 5 Download
The lecture "Applied statistics for business" provides students with the knowledge: Introduction to the Course, Course Materials, requirements for Students, Main Contents. Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
8p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 60 2 Download