Complexity of governance
A major feature of public sector accounting reform has been the replacement of conventional cash-based accounting with accrual accounting. Even though accrual accounting is a regular practice in the private sector, little is known about the way in which these practices are diffused throughout large and complex public sector organisations. This thesis relies on Rogers’ (1983) Diffusion of an Innovation Theory (DOI) to explore the diffusion of accrual accounting across the three-tiered (Central - Provincial - Local) government of Sri Lanka.
254p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
The selective effects of these inhibitors are governed by substituent at position 5. Kinetic studies and molecular docking simulation were performed for elucidating mechanisms of enzyme-inhibitor complex formation.
12p tocectocec 25-05-2020 7 0 Download
In this paper, an analytical solution for whirling analysis of axial-loaded Timoshenko rotor is presented and corresponding basic functions are derived. The set of governing equations for whirling analysis of the rotor consists of four coupled partial differential equations; using complex displacements, these equations can be reduced to two coupled partial differential equations.
12p tohitohi 19-05-2020 14 0 Download
With the international order experiencing rapid change,many new and complex global issues have arisen. Most of these are having an impact on the East Asian region. Within this region, two very sensitive problems, the North Korean nuclear issue and territorial dispute in the South China Sea, remain unsolved.
170p nguyenthiminh32 12-07-2014 72 8 Download
Deciphering the laws that govern metabolic responses of complex systems is essential to understand physiological functioning, pathological conditions and the outcome of experimental manipulations of intact cells. To this aim, a theoretical and experimental sensitivity analysis, called modular meta-bolic control analysis (MMCA), was proposed.
14p inspiron33 23-03-2013 49 3 Download
Mitochondrial biogenesis, which depends on nuclear as well as mitochon-drial genes, occurs in response to increased cellular ATP demand. The nuclear transcriptional factors, estrogen-related receptor a (ERRa) and nuclear respiratory factors 1 and 2, are associated with the coordination of the transcriptional machinery governing mitochondrial biogenesis
13p mobifone23 18-01-2013 36 5 Download
Supercomputers are the most powerful computers. They are used for problems requiring complex calculations. Because of their size and expense, supercomputers are relatively rare. Supercomputers are used by universities, government agencies, and large businesses.
13p trada85 18-01-2013 57 7 Download
The primary objective behind Research & Development (R&D2) priority assessment is to determine the broad research programmes that will provide Vietnam with the greatest return on investment in R & D provided by government and other major stakeholders. Priority setting is the central issue of research and extension management. It is a complex task. It must be done in a systematic framework able to allow the results to support open and robust decision-making about research and extension resource allocation and management.
78p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 96 6 Download
The primary objective behind Research & Development (R&D2) priority assessment is to determine the broad research programmes that will provide Vietnam with the greatest return on investment in R & D provided by government and other major stakeholders. Priority setting is the central issue of research and extension management. It is a complex task. It must be done in a systematic framework able to allow the results to support open and robust decision-making about research and extension resource allocation and management.
76p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 55 6 Download
The nation’s top scientists and spies are collaborating on an effort to use the federal government’s intelligence assets — including spy satellites and other classified sensors — to assess the hidden complexities of environmental change. They seek insights from natural phenomena like clouds and glaciers, deserts and tropical forests.
6p phamthithuthuy 09-01-2010 89 6 Download