Databases and database management systems
In this chapter you will: To understand how firms create an internal database, to learn about building a database from a Web site, to become familiar data mining, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of of using secondary data, to understand the role of the Internet in obtaining secondary data, to learn about types of information management systems.
13p allbymyself_06 28-01-2016 63 4 Download
Lecture "Chapter 13: Designing databases" provides students with the knowledge: Learning objectives, databases and database management systems, components of a DB and DBMS, DBMS important capabilities, relational databases, partial display of relational database,... Invite you to consult.
10p doinhugiobay_04 27-11-2015 59 2 Download
After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following: Describe different system architectures Describe the primary steps of OS tuning Identify similarities between OS and DB tuning Understand virtual memory and paging Explain the difference between a process and a thread
14p trinh02 28-01-2013 47 5 Download
Users and Security Security domain The database administrator defines the names of the users who are allowed to access a database. A security domain defines the settings that apply to the user. Authentication mechanism A user who requires access to the database can be authenticated by one of the following: Data dictionary Operating system Network The means of authentication is specified at the time the user is defined in the database and can be altered later. This lesson covers authentication by database and by operating system only.
20p trinh02 28-01-2013 82 3 Download
Built-In Database Objects In addition to creating the database files, several other structures are created. Data dictionary: Contains descriptions of the objects in the database Dynamic performance tables: Contains information used by the database administrator (DBA) to monitor and tune the database and instance PL/SQL packages: Program units adding functionality to the database. These packages are created when the catproc.sql script is run after the CREATE DATABASE command. PL/SQL packages will not be discussed within the scope of this course.
20p trinh02 28-01-2013 63 4 Download
Before a database is created, the UNIX environment must be configured and the Oracle9i server must have already been installed. Four environment variables must be set: ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH. ORACLE_HOME is the full path to the top directory in which the Oracle9i Server is installed. The directory for ORACLE_HOME should be supplied by the person who installed the server, usually the UNIX administrator or the DBA. ORACLE_SID is a user-definable name assigned to an instance of a database.
10p trinh02 28-01-2013 62 6 Download
Since 1978, Intel's processors have evolved from the 8086 and the 8088 to the 80286, 80386, and 80486, to the Pentium family of processors. All are part of the 80x86 line. Intel's Pentium family of processors includes the Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium with MMX, Pentium II, Pentium III, Celeron, and Xeon processors. The earliest Intel processors included only a few thousand transistors. Today's Pentium processors include 9.5 million transistors or more.
17p trada85 18-01-2013 53 5 Download
With a pen-based system, you use an electronic pen to write on the screen and choose commands. Pens are common input devices for handheld computers, like “personal digital assistants (PDAs).” Pens are handy for making notes or selecting commands, not for inputting a lot of text.
20p trada85 18-01-2013 40 5 Download
Database Systems: The Complete Book- P13: Database Systems and Database Design and Application courses offered at the junior, senior and graduate levels in Computer Science departments. Written by well-known computer scientists, this introduction to database systems offers a comprehensive approach, focusing on database design, database use, and implementation of database applications and database management systems
19p baby246 18-08-2010 81 6 Download
Database Systems: The Complete Book- P12: Database Systems and Database Design and Application courses offered at the junior, senior and graduate levels in Computer Science departments. Written by well-known computer scientists, this introduction to database systems offers a comprehensive approach, focusing on database design, database use, and implementation of database applications and database management systems
20p baby246 18-08-2010 70 6 Download