Electricity generation
Design Philosophies: Radiological release to the environment is prevented by maintaining R/B pressure negative(-63Pa). Radioactive substance in PCV are removed and captured in the filter device.R/B Closed Cooling Water System (RCW) / Reactor Service Water System (RSW) How are the many Heat exchangers cooled down?
33p giotletinh_hd2009 14-10-2013 88 7 Download
This research is built upon the determination of the Eigenpairs of one and two dimensional positive differential operators with periodic boundary conditions. The Schrödinger equation was solved for positive operators in both one and two dimensions. Fourier series were used to express the derivatives as the summation of Fourier terms. This led to a novel approach for the calculation of the eigenmodels of a perturbed potential well. The perturbation can be done via an electric field applied to the potential well.
88p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
The main purpose of the research "Rule extraction method for identifying solar PV generation" is to evaluate the applicability of rule extraction through interim summarisation to the problem of identifying electricity customers who have solar PV systems installed from their electricity consumption data.
112p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
This research explores whether Environmental Management Accounting can be applied to assist an Australian cogeneration company in improving both its financial performance as well as its environmental performance. Cogeneration or 'combined heat and power', in this particular case, involves the simultaneous production of heat and electricity using a single fuel, that is, natural gas. The heat generated is then used to produce steam to meet the customers' requirements as well as boost the production of electricity.
247p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
The research "Impact of carbon pricing on voluntary environmental disclosures of electricity generating sector: a multi country analysis" objectives include: 1) To identify the voluntary environmental disclosure pattern of companies operating in carbon pricing countries; 2) To identify the voluntary environmental disclosure pattern of organisations operating in non-carbon pricing countries; 3) To assess the quantity and quality of voluntary environmental disclosures of companies from different countries; and 4) To assess the implementation of G4 sustainability reporting guidelines by the se...
141p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
To study the scientific basis to build the optimal calculation model of electricity sales for the system of staged reservoirs under competitive power generation conditions in order to provide operational instructions in combination with the coordination chart deliver the full annual output contract and drive to the largest revenue.
27p hobbsandshaw 09-06-2021 16 4 Download
The research student chose the subject “Research on water accumulation operating mode in flood season for Hoa Binh and Son La terraced hydroelectric reservoirs”, hoping to study scientific foundation on water accumulation operating mode in Hoa Binh and Son La reservoirs to increase water accumulation efficiency for electricity generation and water provision, ensure construction safety as well as downstream flood prevention.
27p dolphintaletale 23-04-2021 17 7 Download
This thesis approaches from the perspective of state management agencies in policy making to attract private investors to PPP projects in the power generation sector. There is an approach from the theoretical basis system to attract private investment in the form of PPP in the power generation sector in Vietnam. A practical approach is through surveys to assess the impact of these factors on the willingness of private investors to invest in PPP projects in Vietnam as well as assessment of the current situation.
27p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 24 5 Download
The thesis assesses the impact of mastery leadership style, intellectual capital and absorption capacity on process innovation in power generation enterprises.
0p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 25 1 Download
Using agricultural waste is a good source of biomass for generating energy. A model analysis for a hybrid biomas-solar PV microgrid was carried out in this study.
9p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 29 2 Download
The Distributed generation (DG) is gaining significant attention due to increase in the demand for electricity. Distributed generations are mostly used with the association of power distribution systems to energize local loads and network.
14p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 15 4 Download
Having highlighted areas of possible applications of human powered machines, the aim of this work is to design a manually operated blender which has an efficient operation.
7p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 10 2 Download
This paper explains how to convert the lost energy through exhaust system in internal combustion engines “ICE” to electric energy by using thermoelectric generators "TEG" with the benefit of the equipment’s which are already existed in most of the internal combustion engines such as water pump, heat exchanger, and exhaust system.
8p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 19 1 Download
The use of solar energy has been adduced as an alternative way for generating electricity. This electricity is generated by solar panel but as temperature increases efficiency of panel decreases too. The main objective of this research paper is to minimize the use of the amount of water, electrical energy and required time needed for cooling of a solar panel.
12p tohitohi 19-05-2020 11 2 Download
Objective of the thesis For the purpose of building a model of electrical generator for sea wave energy, the device operates efficient and in suitable to Vietnam's sea condition; determining the optimal damping coefficient of the generating motor, model parameters to received the maximum output power; design, fabrication of the electrical generator with the output voltages are 12 VDC, 220 VAC frequency 50 Hz and pure sine wave.
27p xacxuoc4321 08-07-2019 46 6 Download
Overview of the research situation oversea: Oversea reseaches have just limited to functional areas of power generation. The implementing BS at corporation’s subsidiaries in general and at electricity corporation’s subsidiaries is the direction that has not been researched much and has much space for researching.
24p change01 05-05-2016 37 3 Download
► What is PLC? ► Rooiwal ► The Project ► Findings ► The Way Forward ► Power Line Communication ► Telecommunication over the Electricity Network: ► Data ► Voice ► No need for new telecom cables ► LV PLC – 220V ► MV PLC – 11kV ► Injector ►1st (HE) – Repeater – Extractor (CPE) ► Data Rates: generation – 1.5Mbps to 4.5Mbps ►2nd generation – 45Mbps ►3rd generation – 200Mbps
17p donghoadequan 27-07-2013 37 2 Download
The rapid economic growth in Vietnam has resulted in an increasing demand for electricity. This in turn translates to a higher rate of coal resource extraction and consequent rise in pollution of water and land resources. This study estimated the environmental costs associated with the electricity demand requirements of the coal electricity sector, as a component of the long-run marginal opportunity cost (LR-MOC) of electricity production.
0p hailedangbs 02-05-2013 101 24 Download
Hydrogenase and fumarate reductase isolated fromWoli-nella succinogeneswere incorporated into liposomes con-taining menaquinone. The two enzymes were found to be oriented solely to the outside of the resulting proteolipo-somes. The proteoliposomes catalyzed fumarate reduction by H2 which generated an electrical proton potential (Dw 0.19 V, negative inside) in the same direction as that gen-erated by fumarate respiration in cells ofW. succinogenes.
10p research12 23-04-2013 41 2 Download
Increases in intracellular [Ca 2+ ] occur synchronously between cells in the neuroepithelium. If neuroepithelial cells were capable of generating action potentials synchronized by gap junctions (direct current electrical coupling), the influx of Ca 2+ through voltage-activated Ca 2+ channels would lead to a synchronous increase in intracellular [Ca 2+ ].
7p mobifone23 18-01-2013 43 3 Download