Events and things
Graduation thesis "A study on methods for the expression of comparison in Tom jones - The Unclaimed child By Henry Fielding" aim at: helps to highlight specific aspects that are characteristic of things and events in each specific case; enhance the vividness and attractiveness of expressions and phenomena, objects and images; helps readers and listeners easily visualize and associate the event with what is being said. The characteristic of comparison is to associate concrete things with abstract, non-concrete and invisible things.
49p daonhiennhien 03-07-2024 5 2 Download
The research also applied historical method and logical method. Specifically, in historical method, the author perceived things and phenomena according to the chronological process (through different time milestones), and the logical method enabled the author to connect all events' sequences and discover the nature of research object. Periodization was also used to study more deeply and discover characteristics of objects and phenomena in specific historical periods.
13p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 18 2 Download
Lecture "Chapter 5: Modeling systems requirements - Events and things" provides students with the knowledge: Models and modeling, types of models, overview of models used in analysis and design, types of models, overview of models used in analysis and design,... Invite you to consult.
9p doinhugiobay_04 27-11-2015 53 3 Download
Superstition is a belief in supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause of another without any physical process linking the two events, such as astrology, omens, witchcraft, etc., that contradicts natural sciencen.In the same manner life is influenced by the belief in superstitions. Whether people are conscious of it or not, faith in superstitions is invisibly present in their behavior and decisions. Either way, one thing is for certain, superstitions do have quite a significant power over us....
19p huynjoong66 14-06-2013 166 18 Download