Generation and impact
The objective of this research is to identify potential impact on power generation in developed and developing countries. The study includes two case studies; a) power generation in a developing country and b) Power generation in a developed country. The study examines impact of climate change on power generation over a period of 100 years (2010-2100) in these two diverse countries.
147p runthenight05 01-03-2023 3 3 Download
The research "Impact of carbon pricing on voluntary environmental disclosures of electricity generating sector: a multi country analysis" objectives include: 1) To identify the voluntary environmental disclosure pattern of companies operating in carbon pricing countries; 2) To identify the voluntary environmental disclosure pattern of organisations operating in non-carbon pricing countries; 3) To assess the quantity and quality of voluntary environmental disclosures of companies from different countries; and 4) To assess the implementation of G4 sustainability reporting guidelines by the se...
141p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
This thesis aims to develop a detailed database of banking information that stretches over the pre- and post-deregulatory period. This is necessary to allow greater analysis of what took place in the sector and will allow for a more detailed analysis regarding the impact of deregulation on the Australian banking sector. It will provide greater clarity regarding bank competition and efficiency and how these issues are affected by government regulation.
256p runthenight04 02-02-2023 2 2 Download
This research aims to address these research gaps. Through the literature review, the most popular building PV applications in China are identified. Hence, five building PV scenarios are developed based on real-word cases, including BAPV, roof BIPV and window BIPV. Given the diverse geographic conditions and policy conditions in China, 12 typical cities are selected for the research. A MATLAB program is established to calculate energy generation and evaluate the economic performance of the building PV applications in the 12 cities.
186p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download
This thesis approaches from the perspective of state management agencies in policy making to attract private investors to PPP projects in the power generation sector. There is an approach from the theoretical basis system to attract private investment in the form of PPP in the power generation sector in Vietnam. A practical approach is through surveys to assess the impact of these factors on the willingness of private investors to invest in PPP projects in Vietnam as well as assessment of the current situation.
27p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 22 5 Download
The thesis assesses the impact of mastery leadership style, intellectual capital and absorption capacity on process innovation in power generation enterprises.
0p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 24 1 Download
The thesis studies the nature of motivation within challenge and enjoyment; influence and impact level of challenge and enjoyment on creativity; The role of regulating leadership style empowerment.
0p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 44 4 Download
This thesis researched the influence of ETBs on exporters from developing countries and their corresponding strategies through a case study of the Chinese organic food industry. Initially, a description of international trade and world export was developed, including their roles in the process of globalization. Trade barriers generated in international trade were then explained, with the focus on NTBs, especially ETBs. Lastly, the link between ETBs and market access was described and then the purpose of this study was proposed.
85p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 47 5 Download
The rapid economic growth in Vietnam has resulted in an increasing demand for electricity. This in turn translates to a higher rate of coal resource extraction and consequent rise in pollution of water and land resources. This study estimated the environmental costs associated with the electricity demand requirements of the coal electricity sector, as a component of the long-run marginal opportunity cost (LR-MOC) of electricity production.
0p hailedangbs 02-05-2013 100 24 Download
We report the secreted expression byPichia pastorisof two human lyso-zyme variants F57I and W64R, associated with systemic amyloid disease, and describe their characterization by biophysical methods. Both variants have a substantially decreased thermostability compared with wild-type human lysozyme, a finding that suggests an explanation for their increased propensity to form fibrillar aggregates and generate disease.
10p dell39 27-03-2013 40 4 Download
The two projects have the same economic impact, in terms of generating income for factors of production and inducing additional expenditures, but the hospital has a higher net present value than the hole in the ground.
19p muaxuan102 21-02-2013 67 8 Download
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: Assessment of efficacy and impact on work productivity and attendance after a mandatory switch to generic second-generation antihistamines: results of a patient survey in Norway...
5p coxanh_5 28-10-2011 46 4 Download