Geometrical and material data
Equivalent inclusion approach is then developed to account for possible diversions, such as non-idealistic geometric forms of the inhomogeneities, imperfect matrix-inclusion contacts, filler dispersions, and when the particular values of the fillers’ properties are unspecified, using available numerical or experimental reference conductivity data for particular composites.
28p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 27 4 Download
In the present work, the thermal hydraulic RELAP5-3D code was used to develop a model of this reactor. The model was performed using geometrical and material data from the Angra 2 final safety analysis report (FSAR).
8p christabelhuynh 31-05-2020 22 1 Download
Glycosylatedpolyenemacrolide antibiotics, as nystatins and amphotericins, are amphiphilic structures known to exert antifungal activity by disrupting the fungal cell membrane, leading to leakage of cellular materials, and cell death. This membrane disruption is strongly influenced by the presence and the exact nature of the membrane sterols.
9p research12 23-04-2013 39 2 Download