Human resources quality
Chapter 7 - Teamwork. This chapter presents the following content: Group versus team, the formally appointed team, the informally appointed team, why do people join teams? changing a group into a team, total quality management,...
21p trueorfalse8 07-09-2017 37 1 Download
Based on the research on the theoretical issues of the development and development of human resources in the field of higher education, as well as the current situation of the development of information security lecturers at universities in the field of National Defense and Security. Proposing solutions to develop information security lecturers at universities in the field of National Defense and Security to contribute to the training of high-quality human resources in information security for national Defence and security and socio economic in the current context.
31p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 32 4 Download
Researching the theory and assessing the status of management of graduation internship activities of business administration students, then proposing solutions to manage graduation internship activities complying with the outcome standards approach at universities in Ho Chi Minh city, contributing to improve the quality of the BBA program in order to meet the demand of high quality human resources from the businesses and society.
30p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 29 4 Download
On the basis of theoretical and practical research on the teaching staff and development of female lecturers at Lao National University following gender equality approach and based on the theory of human resource management by Leonard Nadler, several measures to effectively manage the development of female lecturers in order to contribute to improving the quality of female lecturers at the current Laos National University have been proposed.
37p hobbsandshaw 09-06-2021 30 4 Download
Purpose of the study: Based on theoretical and practical studies on the management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions, the thesis proposes the solutionsfor admission management in the current period of education innovation in order to improve the quality of undergraduate admission for satisfying the human resources for society.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 26 4 Download
The study object of the thesis is the implementation of the national policy on the development of HQHR in the PUs in Hanoi.
27p angicungduoc12 08-06-2021 20 4 Download
Purposes of research: Based on the theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes the solutions of quality assurance in training under AUN-QA, thereby contributing to improve the training quality of the private universities in Ho Chi Minh City, meeting the needs of developing high quality human resources in Ho Chi Minh City and the Southeastern Vietnam.
28p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 23 3 Download
The thesis focuses on the development of Vietnamese human resources in three angles: quantity, quality and structure, on the basis of comparison with the requirements of general labor market integration according to AEC commitments and comparison with the AEC member countries.
27p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 20 4 Download
To develop a set of criteria for the quality of grassroots trade union officers under the National Education Union of Vietnam. To propose some solutions to improve the quality of grassroots trade union officers under the National Education Union of Vietnam.
26p angicungduoc10 09-03-2021 23 5 Download
Beside the contribution to improve human resource quality in the customs department, the thesis still contains limitations: no analysis of the influence of factors such as inputs of human resource, facilities and working conditions, psychology of employees and influence of leaders.
107p trananh2212 26-09-2020 26 3 Download
This will be the scientific basis for the development and promulgation of proper and suitable mechanisms and policies for effective quality human resource use, contributing to the socio-economic development.
87p trananh2212 25-09-2020 38 2 Download
The thesis aims to propose solutions and recommendations mainly with scientific and practical basis to improve the state management of developing high-level health human resources in Son La, Vietnam.
24p gaocaolon7 18-09-2020 42 2 Download
The research has a root intention, started from manager’s dilemma. In these near years, employee turnover rate is very high (from 20% - near 35% in per head office, branch offices). Expenditure for recruiting new employee is very high. After recruiting, newcomers need probationary process, they maybe pass or fail, even if newcomer fails, the company lost more expenditure for looking for other candidates, for training, etc.
87p donhuvy 14-09-2020 35 5 Download
The object of research is the quality of human resources in BR-VT tourism enterprises. Subjects of the survey are tourism enterprises, agencies and organizations where information is provided by managers. They are directors, deputy directors or heads of human resources. The survey participants are experts with long-term working experience and a lot of experience in tourism.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 43 1 Download
The best practices in the management of human resources are the ones which enhance a workforce so that it cannot get the work done, but also ensure a bigger level of efficiency, timeliness and quality as it accomplishes overall increase productivity.
8p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 29 4 Download
This research project attempts to look at the secular use of Mindfulness as a potential organizational investment for Irish and U.S. companies to promote a high level of employee performance. For organisations to remain productive and competitive, they need a high level of employee performance as this translates to organization product quality and company reputation in a competitive market in any industry.
88p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 54 5 Download
To analyze facts of HQHR; to assess factors affecting the development of HQHR in supply and demand of Human resources in HCMC in the GEI context; to present research methodology and objectives; to suggest points of view and solutions to HQHR development in GEI context of HCMC.
30p change11 29-06-2016 69 4 Download
On the basis of theoretical studies and practical training on negotiation skills for students of human resource management in the universities, the proposed measures negotiation skills training for students of HR so that students can negotiate effectively, contributing to improving the quality of training of human resources, social needs.
24p change05 08-06-2016 55 3 Download
Research objectives: Studying the theoretical and practical base of developing communication environment for pedagogic students in colleges in the Northern mountainous area, thereby, building measures to develop communication environment contributing to the enhancement of the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities, and to raise the quality of training in the colleges, meeting the requirements of highquality human resources for the Northern mountainous area and the whole country in the period of renovation.
27p change03 06-05-2016 68 7 Download
Purpose of study: To provide scientific foundation for planning and adjusting strategies, plans and policies of Lai Chau Province’s socio-economic development; To contribute to defining new and modern development methods for Lai Chau Province, which is basing on HRQ and technology with the orientation of sustainable development.
25p change01 05-05-2016 67 3 Download