Icon names
The System Preferences Window You can open System Preferences in dozens of ways. Most people choose its name from the menu or click its icon in the Dock.
2p kisiheo 26-07-2010 66 7 Download
Click a program's icon on the Dock, the Sidebar, or the Finder toolbar. Use Spotlight. Hit -Space bar, type the first letters of the program's name, and then press Return or Enter
7p kisiheo 26-07-2010 84 4 Download
4.6. Menulets: The Missing Manual See the menu-bar icons in Figure 4-9? Apple calls them Menu Extras, but Mac fans on the Internet have named them menulets
5p kisiheo 26-07-2010 112 6 Download
1.5. List View In windows that contain a lot of icons, the list view is a powerful weapon in the battle against chaos. It shows you a tidy table of your files' names, dates, sizes
4p kisiheo 26-07-2010 94 17 Download
7.1. Introducing Automator Automator, like most programs on your Mac, sits waiting in your Applications folder. Double-click Automator's icon to open it for the first time (Figure 7-2). Figure 7-2. Automator's icon is a computer generated robot image named Otto. (Get it? Otto Matic? Stop, you're killing us!) The icon is supposed to evoke an image of Automator as a servile program, executing your every desire without question. Any similarity to the malevolent androids of I, Robot is purely coincidental. 7.1.1. Navigating the Screen As shown in Figure 7-3, Automator looks confusing.
11p kisiheo 26-07-2010 75 6 Download
Icon Names Every document, program, folder, and disk on your Mac is represented by an icon: a colorful little picture that you can move, copy, or double-click to open
3p kisiheo 26-07-2010 76 4 Download
DataGrid (phần III) Edit XML file dựa trên XML Schema Sau khi xác định cấu trúc và datatypes của các Elements và Attributes của table operator, bây giờ ta sẽ cho data vào table ấy. Bạn hãy dùng IDE menuCommand Project | Add New Item để thêm một XML file (click lên icon XML file) vào project. Sửa Name của file ấy từ XMLFile1 thành alarmlist.xml.
12p nuoiheocuoivo 09-05-2010 119 20 Download