Information tool
VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a language for describing hardware. Its requirement emerged during the VHSIC development program of the US Department of Defense. The department organized a work shop in 1981 to lay down the specifications of a language which could describe hardware at various levels of abstractions, could generate test signals and record responses, and could act as a medium of information exchange between the chip foundries and the CAD tool operators.
44p gaconht 04-06-2011 107 29 Download
Trong hộp thoại Installation Selectionchọn Create a new instance of SQL Server, hoặcinstall Client Tools, và chọn Next. Gõ thông tin User Information vàSoftware License Agreement. Trong hộp thoại Installation Definition chọn Server and Client Toolsvà chọn Next. Trong hộp thoại Instance Namechọn Default
49p zoromatna 21-06-2012 287 20 Download
1.1 WORD PROCESSORS A word processor is an application program that is acquired for running on a particular computer. It enables one to type and display text on a page: retrieving, amending, adding to, and arranging in different ways before printing text is generally entered as a keyboard or scanned file.
53p minhngannt 08-04-2013 65 8 Download
Accountability. Clarifying governance roles & responsibilities, and supporting voluntary efforts to ensure the alignment of managerial and shareholder interests and monitoring by the board of directors capable of objectivity and sound judgment.Transparency. Requiring timely disclosure of adequate information concerning corporate financial performance
30p vnquanly 01-10-2013 32 3 Download
Chapter 11 - Incident response. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Incident response overview, computer forensics defined, contemporary issues in computer forensics, forensic process, forensic tools, forensic problems, the future of computer forensics.
90p nhanmotchut_3 20-10-2016 44 5 Download
Lecture Information technology project management (Eighth Edition): Chapter 1, after studying this section will help you understand: Understand the growing need for better project management, especially for information technology (IT) projects; Explain what a project is, provide examples of IT projects, list various attributes of projects, and describe the triple constraint of project management; Describe project management and discuss key elements of the project management framework, including project stakeholders, the project management knowledge areas, common tools and techniques, and pr...
51p cuchoami2510 18-02-2022 20 6 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Malicious attacks" provide students with knowledge about: Malicious attack; The common types of malicious attacks; Attack tools; Malicious software;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
39p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 22 6 Download
Lecture "Administration and visualization: Chapter 6 - Tools for data visualization" provides students with content about: Three kinds of visualization; Mathematical visualization; Scientific visualization; Information visualization; Introduction to pandas, numpy; Introduction to matplotlib;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
33p gaupanda031 20-05-2024 7 4 Download
The mobile phone is a ubiquitous portable device capable of generating and displaying narrative content in the form of voice communications, text, images and video. It could be said that hybrid devices such as the mobile phone can create hybrid narratives. It is the aim of this exegesis to outline the theories, concepts and artistic practices that inform the design, production and display of narrative content that utilizes the potential of the mobile phone as a tool for storytelling.
82p runthenight05 01-03-2023 12 4 Download
Bachelor's thesis of Business (Business Information Systems): CRM as a tool for IT strategy planning
CRM is a relative new technology in which allows organisations to capture data, and improve customer service capabilities. IT strategy planning is the process of planning, and implementing changes, to ensure organisations have best practise in regards to decision making and infrastructure. At the current moment there is little information domestically available in Australia about CRM systems. This thesis provides some insight, in-regards to CRM and IT strategy planning practice, in Australia.
160p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
The objectives of the research are to identify pronunciation strategies employed by adult learners and explore the impact of MyET that supports these strategies. This study will also aim to identify challenges of using MyET in general effective pronunciation learning techniques.
64p beloveinhouse04 01-09-2021 28 4 Download
This course aims to provide student tools to conduct general ecological researches both in the field and laboratory. After successfully completing this course you should be able to: demonstrate understanding of procedure for planning an ecological research project; describe project design and data management in field research; Understand how to choose and describe the research sites; describe general sampling techniques for static and mobile organisms;...
8p larachdumlanat123 02-11-2020 9 2 Download
The thesis directs at providing tools, which support for automatic trans-lation from an application of event-driven systems to a target Event-B model that makes less eort and reduces the diculties in modeling pro-cess. The output of these tools are expected to be able usable in the Event-B supporting tools such as Rodin.
174p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 23 7 Download
The problem of flooding and drought is believed to be the impact of the water system in the poor watershed area. The flooding that later resulted in the accumulation of sediment in the downstream region and reservoir area, this was related to the condition of the forest in the upper part of the base.
7p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 18 2 Download
In this article the work of the components of information of protection tools on the occurring violations, their types and the elimination of these violations and the possible trajectory of a change over time of the functioning states of information of protection tools with a discrete time are researched.
10p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 22 3 Download
The goal of the simulation strategies is to model complex multi-physics and multi-scale phenomena specific to nuclear reactors. The use of machine learning combined with such advanced simulation tools is also demonstrated to be capable of providing useful information for the detection of anomalies during operation.
14p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 8 3 Download
Research on accounting in public service units - accounting basis. Research on accounting in public service units - an experience aspect when applying international public accounting standards. Research on public service unit accounting - accounting information aspect and accounting information analysis. Some researches on public service unit accounting - organizational aspects of accounting work, accounting use as financial management tools for public service units, etc.
28p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 42 3 Download
Bài giảng Các hệ thống Tin học công nghiệp (Industrial Information Systems) cung cấp cho người học kiến thức về: Tổng quan hệ thống máy tính công nghiệp; mạng công nghiệp và các giao thức; embedded Systems: Vi điều khiển 51s, AVR90, DSP240, 386EX; máy tính PC công nghiệp; PLC và Hệ Siemens PLC S7-x00, ngôn ngữ lập trình Step 7 và WinCC Tool; hệ SCADA/ DCS/QCS/OCS. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
3p tieu_vu16 03-01-2019 92 7 Download
Learning objectives for chapter 2: Explain the purpose and various phases of the systems development life cycle (SDLC); explain the differences between a model, a tool, a technique, and a methodology; describe the two overall approaches used to develop information systems: the traditional method and the object-oriented method,...
9p kiepnaybinhyen_02 25-12-2015 63 2 Download
Early childhood assessment for children from birth to age 8 (Grade 3) report offers information about the extent to which several assessment tools and curriculum materials align with Pennsylvania’s standards for learning (birth to age 8). Given the many resources available on the market, both workgroups limited the list of assessment tools to those that are evidence-based and have demonstrated technological adequacy for the preschool and elementary school age groups.
39p thuytrang_6 04-08-2015 59 6 Download