Laplace transform
Lecture Control system design: Mathematical models of systems presents the following content: Differential equations of physical systems, linear approximations of physical systems, the laplace transform, the transfer function of linear systems, block diagram models, signal – flow graph models, the simulation of systems using control design software.
62p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 58 4 Download
Lecture "Fundamentals of control systems - Chapter 1: Introduction" presentation of content: What is control system, control principle, components off control systems, examples of control systems, review of complex variables and Laplace transform.
93p doinhugiobay_17 04-03-2016 72 11 Download
Những nội dung chính được trình bày trong bài giảng Electrical and electronic principles - Chương 7 gồm có: Laplace transform, circuit element models, circuit analysis, transient analysis. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
23p nhanmotchut_1 04-10-2016 60 2 Download
The problem of thermoelastic nanoscale beam based on a modified couple stress theory with diffusion subjected to ramp type heating is investigated. The Laplace transform technique and eigen value approach are applied to solve the equations which are written in the dimensionless form.
14p tohitohi 19-05-2020 17 2 Download
The Laplace transform f(s) contains no information about the behavior of f(t) for t
20p balanghuyen 13-01-2010 109 7 Download