Managing marketing research
This report provides baseline information on investigations undertaken as part of the Collaboration for Agriculture and Rural Development CARD Project 050/04VIE “Improvement of export and domestic markets for Vietnamese fruit through improved post-harvest and supply chain management”. This collaborative project is funded by AusAID and administered by Hassall and Associates International.
63p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 52 12 Download
Lectures "Marketing management - Chapter 4: Conducting marketing research" provides students with the knowledge: What constitutes good marketing research, what are the best metrics for measuring marketing productivity, how can marketers assess their return on investment of marketing expenditures. Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
48p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 93 7 Download
Lecture "Marketing management - Chapter 3: Conducting marketing research" presentation of content: What is marketing research, types of marketing research firms, types of research, research approaches, qualitative techniques,... And other contents.
52p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 68 5 Download
The current research examines the relationship of the Entrepreneurial supply chain dimensions (proactive approach, innovation, risk management and customer focus) with the supply chain strategies (undifferentiated marketing strategy, concentrated marketing strategy and differentiated marketing strategy). The focus of this investigation is to explore the role of adoption of entrepreneurial supply chains in the identification and selection of the appropriate strategy for the target market in the context of general company foe batteries manufacturing.
11p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 11 1 Download
The research subject is the process of economic and mathematical modelling of time series characterizing the bitcoin exchange rate volatility, based on the use of artificial neural networks. The purpose of the work is to search and scientifically substantiate the tools and mechanisms for developing prognostic estimates of the crypto currency market development. The paper considers the task of financial time series trend forecasting using the LSTM neural network for supply chain strategies.
5p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 11 1 Download
This thesis examines the influence of Selection Performance, Monitoring and Business Assistance Intensity, Resource Allocation, and Professional Management Services on business incubation performance. This study extends current research by investigating an additional construct which examines targeted areas of professional management services including marketing and promotion, strategic management, financial management, and staff and personnel management.
286p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
Work experience is a key factor in hiring decision of managers. However, empirical evidence that early life experience matters is very limited. This thesis fills in the gap by examining how work experience affects managerial performance and managerial style in mutual funds. Using a sample of Chinese fund managers, we find performances and styles vary across managers of different career backgrounds. Notably, managers of research and especially government backgrounds show higher risk adjusted returns while taking on less systematic risk.
161p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
Given that the implementation of mega infrastructure projects continues to fail to achieve most of their strategies and benefits, where decisions are generally guided by government policy rather than the market, the aim of the research is to investigate factors that influence organisational strategic decision-making on the implementation of mega public sector infrastructure program of projects. This also includes the exploration of an effective governance mechanism to optimise its success.
340p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This thesis extends research on marketing communication and promotional mix strategies. Extant literature reveals that there is a dearth of academic research and literature on marketing communication, promotional mix, and IMC in Lao PDR HEIs. Promotional mix is defined as a form of marketing communication consisting of advertising, publicity, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, events, and sponsorships. Promotional mix tools have been employed as a significant component of marketing communication strategies.
196p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
This research develops a rich theoretical and empirical understanding of embeddedness by way of three dimensions (structural, relational and cultural), and investigates its implications for actors’ value co-creation behaviours and value-in-context outcomes. In addition, the research refines co-creation perspectives by examining a central boundary condition of co-creation processes. The data was collected in an online service environment and was analysed using structural equation modelling techniques.
183p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
The focus of this research is to identify the important steps and considerations that influence Australian fund manager’s property allocation decisions, and to suggest ways to improve institutional allocation decisions towards property investments, which traditionally offers stable, income focused returns. This is important for funding the retirement of Australia’s growing and aging population, and to combat the continued effects of the recent Global Financial Crisis on the equities and bond markets.
376p runthenight04 02-02-2023 16 3 Download
The research extends the understanding of these factors through the incorporation of Absorptive Capacity (ACAP). Accordingly, a model is developed that integrates ACAP, MVC and MV with market-driving innovation performance, comprising before-launch stage performance, post-launch stage performance and financial performance. External and internal structural factors relevant to the firm such as size and the nature of its competitive environment are also considered as moderators in the model.
440p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
The purpose of the thesis is three-fold. The first aim is to thoroughly review the extant literature in marketing and management and to prioritise key findings on country image effects and the main determinants of employer attractiveness. The second aim is to develop and test the conceptual model comprising these key determinants. The third aim is to make a theoretical contribution to this new area of research and to provide implications for organisations in their recruitment marketing strategies locally and globally.
272p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 4 Download
This study aims at evaluating the impact of corporate governance on earnings management in order to fill the research gap related to this issue. Then, certain recommendations would be proposed to managers, investors, corporates and relevant authorities.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 15 3 Download
The general research objective of the topic is to identify opportunistic factors leading to fraudulent behaviors on Vietnam's stock market in order to propose solutions to enhance State management over fraudulent behaviors on Vietnam's stock market.
0p caygaocaolon8 07-11-2020 28 4 Download
The thesis is done based on the research methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. The Party's views on market economic development, on corporate governance and management and development of state-owned enterprises are also a guideline for the research methodology of the topic.
32p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 21 2 Download
Firstly, identify and measure the influence of the factors on the decision to buy products with environmental friendly packaging in Vietnam. Second, test the difference between gender, age, education level and income on the decision to buy products that are environmentally friendly. Thirdly, help managers understand the factors that influence the decision to buy products that have environmental friendly packaging, and provide the administrator with solutions for reference based on research results in order to help businesses attract customers and expand market size in Vietnam.
28p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 49 3 Download
The primary objective of this study is to examine the role of supply chain marketing planning capabilities and supply chain marketing implementation capabilities to boost tourism industry performance.
12p tocectocec 24-05-2020 26 3 Download
The main purpose of our research is to analyze the methodological and practical aspects of the sustainable development strategy of competitiveness of the Kazakhstan regions and the ways to implement it based on territorial marketing.
16p tohitohi 22-05-2020 18 0 Download
This research is conducted to investigate the impact of supply chain quality management (SCQM) on supply chain performance (SCP). Data are collected by using questionnaire delivered to 120 manufacturing companies listed on Vietnamese stock market.
20p tohitohi 22-05-2020 37 0 Download