Master thesis in computer science
This thesis develops a flexible customer behavior analysis system, including essential head pose estimation or F-formation modules. This system will be evaluated in an actual retail store. Further, after studying the system, realizing the mentioned problems of the head pose problem, we also propose a process to collect the head pose dataset and multi-task deep neural network model, fusing face detection and head pose estimation to yield face position and head pose at the same time.
72p khanhchi0912 12-04-2024 5 2 Download
This purpose of this work was to investigate the patient radiation doses and image quality of a Philips/Agfa computed radiographic (CR) system and a Philips indirect-capture digital radiographic (DR) system in a paediatric setting. A CDRAD digital radiographic contrast-detail phantom was used to assess radiographic image quality. Perspex slabs of three different thicknesses (6, 11 and 16 cm) were used to simulate paediatric patients of three arbitrary ages.
159p runthenight05 01-03-2023 10 3 Download
In the multi-dimensional model of data warehouses, data drawn from multiple sources is organized into fact tables and dimension tables. Data cubes pre-compute the aggregations of measurements along combinations of dimensions to speed up the processing of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) queries. When the underlying fact tables or dimension tables change over time, data cubes need to be incrementally maintained to reflect these changes. In this thesis, we study the problem of incrementally maintaining data cubes under slowly changing dimensions.
22p runthenight05 01-03-2023 11 3 Download
This thesis addresses important issues about how to make game characters and virtual agents more realistic or believable by using cognitive-social personality theories. We begin motivation by discussing two examples. The first is from a television series and the second is a more concrete example that will be used throughout the thesis to explain concepts and the model. These examples represent the ideal goal of our work.
261p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
What are the key aspects to achieving acceptable usability outcomes for information systems being developed? The changing technologies and increased usage across the general population, the impacts of this in our everyday lives, at work and at leisure are exponentially increasing. The interfaces and interaction styles presented as part of these technologies have been challenged to be more intuitive, contextually sensitive, location aware, human centred and aimed at a larger community of stakeholders.
376p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
In this Masters thesis computational modelling techniques were employed to investigate iron-free apo-Lactoferrin (apo-Lf) structural conformation changes in the presence of variant temperature and pH. These conditions represent the environment most milk protein goes through in food processing and the production of food products.
162p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
The purpose of this thesis is to propose two models for using cross-lingual word embedding models to address the above impediment. The first model enhances the quality of the phrase-table in SMT, and the remaining model tackles the unknown word problem in NMT.
14p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 27 3 Download
This thesis is organized into five chapters. In chapter 1, I give an introduction to remotely-sensed data and its application in various domains. A problem statement is also presented. Theoretical backgrounds in remote sensing, compositing methods and land cover classification methods are introdu ced.
39p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 21 5 Download
In this thesis, I have proposed a LCC method for these areas. Firstly, a dense time-series of composite images was constructed from all available multi-year Landsat 8 images over the study area. A m odified compositing method was proposed for the compositing process using Landsa t 8 SR images.
53p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 16 3 Download
In this thesis, using the data from the Viral Genome Resource at National Center for Biotechnology Informa-tion (NCBI), we propose the ROTA model that has been specifically estimated formodeling the evolution of rotavirus.
56p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 20 3 Download
In this thesis, we introduce the potential ship detection and management method, which to the best of our knowledge, is the first one made for Vietnamese coastal region using high resolution pan images from VNREDSat-1.
57p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 25 3 Download
In this thesis, we introduce the potential ship detection and management method, which to the best of our knowledge, is the first one made for Vietnamese coastal region using high resolution pan images from VNREDSat-1.
27p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 19 3 Download