Mathematical Analysis
Time series analysis is an essential field in data analysis, particularly within forecasting and prediction domains. Researching and building time series models play a crucial role in understanding and predicting the temporal dynamics of various phenomena. In mathematics, time series data is defined as data points indexed in chronological order and have a consistent time interval between consecutive observations.
10p vibenya 31-12-2024 0 0 Download
This article focuses on optimizing profitability in the manufacturing sector by integrating critical elements such as production, pricing, resource allocation, and cost analysis. Through preliminary steps, the article proposes a complex mathematical model to maximize profit by making intelligent decisions regarding production and pricing.
15p viprimi 16-12-2024 3 1 Download
The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Script m-file, editor/debugger window, cell mode, using built-in functions, using the HELP feature , window HELP screen, elementary math functions, rounding functions, discrete mathematics, trigonometric function, data analysis function.
21p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 13 1 Download
The article discloses methodological approaches to quantifying the level of penetration of block chain technologies into the regional socioeconomic environment in comparison to the supply chain strategies. Based on the methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, it allows you to formalize and convert a large array of data of a qualitative order into a single scale for measuring the process under study - the level of demand in the regional socio-economic environment for block chain technology.
6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 1 1 Download
The dissertation is written on the basis of the paper published in Annales Polonici Mathematici, the paper published in Acta Mathematica Vietnamica and the paper published in Results in Mathematics.
65p caphesuadathemtieu 02-03-2022 24 6 Download
The dissertation has five chapters and a list of references. The chapters concentrate on the following issues: In Chapter 1, we recall some classical results of the problem and some basic concepts from variational analysis and nonsmooth analysis. In Chapter 2, we investigate some new models of nonlinear nonlocal regularity; Chapter 3 is devoted to the study of metric perturbation of Milyutin-type regularity on a fixed set under composition of a set-valued mapping and a Lipschitz single-valued mapping;...
145p visteveballmer 06-11-2021 17 3 Download
The dissertation has four chapters: Chapter 1 - Background Materials; Chapter 2 - Analysis of an Algorithm in Indefinite Quadratic Programming; Chapter 3 - Qualitative Properties of the Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering Problem; Chapter 4 - Some Incremental Algorithms for the Clustering Problem.
142p armyofthedead 23-06-2021 32 2 Download
Objectives: The main objective of the dissertation is to research and develop fuzzy clustering techniques on remote sensing image data in order to improve accuracy and improve clustering quality of clustering algorithms.
162p armyofthedead 23-06-2021 25 4 Download
The dissertation has four chapters: Chapter 1 - Existence of solutions; Chapter 2 - Stability for global, local and stationary solution sets; Chapter 3 - Continuity and directional differentiability of the optimal value function; Chapter 4 - Stability for extended trust region subproblems.
143p monsterhunterer 20-06-2021 8 3 Download
The dissertation is divided into four chapters: Chapter 1 - Preliminaries; Chapter 2 - Lyapunov exponents for dynamic equations; Chapter 3 - Bohl exponents for implicit dynamic equations; Chapter 4 - Stability radius for implicit dynamic equations.
117p monsterhunterer 20-06-2021 19 2 Download
Research and improve scheduling admission control mechanism to enhance QoS based on incoming burst rate prediction at core node to improve scheduling efficiency for low QoS bursts but still ensure a level of service quality for high QoS bursts. The effectiveness of the scheduling admission control mechanism was valued through simulation and mathematical analysis.
26p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 27 3 Download
Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to study the problem of stability analysis and applications in control of discrete-time 2-D systems described by Roesser model with certain types of stochastic parameters. The research includes the methodology development and establishment of analysis and synthesis conditions of the following specified models.
120p thebadguys 08-06-2021 24 4 Download
Objectives: The main objectives of this thesis is to study the problem of stability analysis and applications in control of discrete-time 2-D systems described by Roesser model with certain types of stochastic parameters. The research includes the methodology development and establishment of analysis and synthesis conditions of the following specified models.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 28 4 Download
Objective: This dissertation explores the influence of pectoral fin structures at different swimming modes on a robotic fish's locomotion behavior; Some objectives are addressed to achieve the mentioned aim as follows: Firstly, new designs based on bio-inspired pectoral fin types are constructed. Secondly, to describe fin deformation and body part movement, novel dynamically mathematical models are developed.
28p extraenglish 26-05-2021 27 5 Download
Toán giải tích là một học phần của Toán cao cấp, đề cập đến các vấn đề cơ bản về giải tích toán học như hàm nhiều biến, phương trình vi phân, chuỗi số và chuỗi hàm, tích phân bội, tích phân đường và tích phân mặt. Đây là môn học giúp sinh viên phát triển tư duy logic, phương pháp suy luận đồng thời trang bị lượng kiến thức cơ sở quan trọng giúp sinh viên các ngành kỹ thuật và công nghệ học tốt các môn toán chuyên đề và các môn học chuyên ngành sau này.
9p lovebychance01 17-04-2021 46 2 Download
This thesis aims to research on overview of automatic test case generating, symbolic execution applied into automatic test case generating. The modeling techniques based on Automata and Bitvector are also studied in this thesis. Apart from that, the analysis and evaluation of available test case generating methods on different constraint are mentioned. The quality and effectiveness of test cases generated by using symbolic execution are assessed.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 43 4 Download
"Đề cương chi tiết học phần Giải tích (Mathematical analysis) bậc đại học" trang bị cho sinh viên kỹ năng cơ bản về hàm một biến, hàm nhiều biến thực; vận dụng kiến thức và kỹ năng vào giải quyết một số bài toán thực tế.
11p hoangcanhminh_111191 23-12-2020 42 4 Download
"Đề cương chi tiết học phần Giải tích (Mathematical analysis)" thông tin về tổng quát về học phần Công tác xã hội với người hoạt động mại dâm như thời gian, phân bố chương trình, tóm tắt nội dung, các yêu cầu, kỹ năng học tập.
11p hoangcanhminh_111191 23-12-2020 43 2 Download
The paper presents the study of high harmonics influence on power metering by static meters for active and reactive energy. The review and analysis of manufacturer’s documents and standards in the field of electricity meters testing was conducted and mathematical models for calculating active and reactive energy were identified.
6p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 12 1 Download
Linear matching method (LMM) is one of the effective numerical methods for the limit and shakedown analysis, which computes the converging upper series by solving iteratively linear elastic analysis with Young’s modulus varying in space.
14p tohitohi 19-05-2020 23 1 Download