Mathematical knowledge
Invite you to consult "Grade 2: Summative assessment component4", with this quiz will help you review the knowledge learned, had the opportunity to assess their capabilities. I wish you success in the upcoming exam.
30p kienkim1980 19-11-2015 32 2 Download
Purposes of the study: Introduce and clarify the concept "the competency of exploring and obtaining knowledge" through elemental competencies and compatible activities in teaching maths for high school students; Find out the reality and need of improving the competency of exploring and obtaining knowledge in teaching maths for high schools students majoring in physics, chemistry and biology; Build and test the feasibility of pedagogy method applied in teaching maths at high school classes majoring in physics, chemistry, and biology to foster this capacity for students.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 25 3 Download
The thesis researches and builds an entity search technique based on implicit semantic relations using clustering methods to improve search efficiency. Apply context-aware techniques, build an vertical search engine that applies context-aware in its own knowledge base domain (aviation data). Propose to measure combinatorial similarity in the contextual query suggestion problem to improve the quality of suggestion.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 20 4 Download
Study methods of semantically expressing fuzzy concepts based the MF or other mathematical methods providing that they express the semantics of the most suitable concepts; studying methods of knowledge exploitation in general and fuzzy rules in particular; sesearch different data representations of information so that it can be exploited in ARs in a diverse and meaningful way.
26p capheviahe26 25-01-2021 19 4 Download
Lecture “Natural language processing - Chapter 2: Fundamental algorithms and mathematical models” has contents: Probability theory and Bayes theorems (Concepts in probability, Bayes theorems, application of the probability theory in NLP).
14p dien_vi01 21-11-2018 36 1 Download
Invite you to consult "Student practice test booklet Grade 5: Mathematics", with this quiz will help you review the knowledge learned, had the opportunity to assess their capabilities. I wish you success in the upcoming exam.
10p kienkim1980 19-11-2015 66 8 Download
Invite your friends and teachers refer to the "Assessment for the California mathematics standards: Grade 5" following to help them consolidate their knowledge and teachers have more experience in the exam. I wish you success and high scores.
15p kienkim1980 19-11-2015 27 4 Download
The control properties of biochemical pathways can be described by control coefficients and elasticities, as defined in the framework of metabolic control analysis. The determination of these parameters using the traditional metabolic control analysis relationships is, however, lim-ited by experimental difficulties (e.g. realizing and meas-uring small changes in biological systems) and lack of appropriate mathematical procedures (e.g. when the more practical large changes are made).
12p dell39 03-04-2013 66 3 Download
In this paper we improve an earlier result by Bukhgeim and Uhlmann [1], by showing that in dimension n ≥ 3, the knowledge of the Cauchy data for the Schr¨dinger equation measured on possibly very small subsets of the o boundary determines uniquely the potential. We follow the general strategy of [1] but use a richer set of solutions to the Dirichlet problem. This implies a similar result for the problem of Electrical Impedance Tomography which consists in determining the conductivity of a body by making voltage and current measurements at the boundary. ...
26p noel_noel 17-01-2013 47 7 Download
Digital signal processing has revolutionized the storage and transmission of audio and video signals as well as still images, in consumer electronics and in more scientific settings (such as medical imaging). The main advantage of digital signal processing is its robustness: although all the operations have to be implemented with, of necessity, not quite ideal hardware, the a priori knowledge that all correct outcomes must lie in a very restricted set of well-separated numbers makes it possible to recover them by rounding off appropriately. ...
33p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 52 7 Download
In 1991, David Gale and Raphael Robinson, building on explorations carried out by Michael Somos in the 1980s, introduced a three-parameter family of rational recurrence relations, each of which (with suitable initial conditions) appeared to give rise to a sequence of integers, even though a priori the recurrence might produce non-integral rational numbers. Throughout the '90s, proofs of integrality were known only for individual special cases. In the early '00s, Sergey Fomin and Andrei Zelevinsky proved Gale and Robinson's integrality conjecture.
37p thulanh8 19-09-2011 58 14 Download
Spectral extrema for graphs: the Zarankiewicz problem L´szl´ Babai∗ a o Barry Guiduli†Submitted: Jul 12, 2007; Accepted: Sep 21, 2009; Published: Sep 25, 2009 Abstract Let G be a graph on n vertices with spectral radius λ (this is the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of G). We show that if G does not contain the complete bipartite graph Kt,s as a subgraph, where 2 t s, then λ (s − 1)1/t + o(1) n1−1/t for fixed t and s while n → ∞. Asymptotically, this bound matches the K˝v´rio a Tur´n-S´s upper bound on the average degree of G...
8p thulanh8 19-09-2011 57 7 Download
Enumerating permutations that avoid three term arithmetic progressions Arun Sharma Department of Mathematics University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 Submitted: Aug 15, 2008; Accepted: May 4, 2009; Published: May 15, 2009 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05A15, 05C55. Abstract It is proved that the number of permutations of the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} that n avoid three term arithmetic progressions is at most (2.7) for n ≥ 11 and at 21 each end of any such permutation, at least ⌊ n ⌋−6 entries have the same parity. 2 1.
15p thulanh8 17-09-2011 54 3 Download
Tham khảo luận văn - đề án 'báo cáo khoa học: rectilinear spanning trees versus bounding boxes', luận văn - báo cáo, báo cáo khoa học phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả
4p thulanh5 12-09-2011 47 2 Download
We propose two alternative measures of the local irregularity of a graph in terms of its vertex degrees and relate these measures to the order and the global irregularity of the graph measured by the difference of its maximum and minimum vertex degree.All graphs will be simple and finite. Let G = (V,E) be a graph of order n = |V |. The degree and the neighbourhood of a vertex u 2 V will be denoted by d(u) and N(u). The maximum and minimum degree of G will be denoted by (G) and (G).
6p thulanh5 12-09-2011 57 3 Download
A combinatorial bijection between k-edge colored trees and colored Pr¨ufer codes for labelled trees is established. This bijection gives a simple combinatorial proof for the number k(n − 2)!nk−n n−2 of k-edge colored trees with n vertices.A k-edge colored tree is a labelled tree whose edges are colored from a set of k colors such that any two edges with a common vertex have different colors
7p thulanh5 12-09-2011 84 7 Download
It is shown that if a d-regular graph contains s vertices so that the distance between any pair is at least 4k, then its adjacency matrix has at least s eigenvalues which are at least 2pd − 1 cos( 2k ). A similar result has been proved by Friedman using more sophisticated tools.More generally, Serre has shown (see [3], [4] ) that for any fixed r and for any infinite family of d-regular graphs Gi, lim inf r(Gi) 2pd − 1. The same result has been proved by Friedman already in [5].
4p thulanh5 12-09-2011 97 6 Download
There has been significant interest in the topic of finding permutations containing many copies of the same pattern. In this paper, we will be concerned with the other extremity, permutations containing as many different patterns as possible. At the Conference on Permutation Patterns, Otago, New Zealand, 2003, Herb Wilf asked how many distinct patterns could be contained in a permutation of length n. Based on empirical evidence, it seemed this number may approach the theoretical upper bound of 2n.
4p thulanh5 12-09-2011 46 5 Download
We give two new criteria by which pairs of permutations may be compared in defining the Bruhat order (of type A). One criterion utilizes totally nonnegative polynomials and the other utilizes Schur functions.The Bruhat order on Sn is often defined by comparing permutations = (1) · · ·(n) and = (1) · · ·(n) according to the following criterion..
4p thulanh5 12-09-2011 64 3 Download
For n 2, let PG(n, 2) be the finite projective geometry of dimension n over F2, the field of order 2. The elements or points of PG(n, 2) are the one-dimensional vector subspaces of Fn+1 2 ; the lines of PG(n, 2) are the two-dimensional vector subspaces of Fn+1 2 . Each such one-dimensional subspace {0, x} is represented by the non-zero vector x contained in it. For ease of notation, if {e0, e1, . . . , en} is a basis of Fn+1 2 and x is an element of PG(n, 2), then we denote x by a1 . . .as, where x = ea1 +·...
7p thulanh5 12-09-2011 35 2 Download