Network data
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Electronic word of mouth through social networking platforms on purchase intention of Vietnamese customers in cosmetics field. To conduct the study, the author built up five hypotheses based on the previous studies about EWOM. The outcomes obtained from the data analysis have made the picture clearer when among different factors of eWOM, the quality of eWOM information, the attitude of eWOM information regarding cosmetics have positive impact on cosmetic purchase intention of Vietnamese customers.
20p toduongg 24-08-2024 0 0 Download
The novelty of this study is to introduce a framework and virtual community business model for CRT based on the theories of virtual communities. The author uses qualitative research methods, collects and analyzes secondary data through websites business, social networks, the internet, magazines, specialized articles, organizations and associations. Research results show that an virtual community business model for the CRT using the Business Model Canvas tool.
20p toduongg 24-08-2024 2 1 Download
This study extracts images from Taekwondo videos and generates skeleton data from frames using the Fast Forward Moving Picture Experts Group (FFMPEG) technique using MoveNet. After that, we use deep learning architectures such as Long Short-Term Memory Networks, Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory, and Longterm Recurrent Convolutional Networks to perform the poses classification tasks in Taegeuk in Jang lessons. This work presents two approaches. The first approach uses a sequence skeleton extracted from the image by Movenet.
26p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 3 1 Download
This modeling is performed on an experimental data set of complexes, where the metal ions of these complexes include transition ion metals and lanthanide ion metals. We use these models to develop a series of new thiosemicarbazone and their complexes; simultaneously, the complexes are worked out the stability constants from the novel models.
9p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 6 2 Download
The study was conducted a year (July 2017-July 2018) in Gorontalo Province. Data were obtained from direct interviews with farmers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers. Data analysis utilized DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The results showed that the performance of the cayenne supply chain doer in Gorontalo was mostly efficient, only 16.7% farmers, 10% collecting trader, 8.3% large trader and 16.7% retailers whose performance was not efficient.
7p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 4 2 Download
Bài viết Mô hình nút chuyển mạch gói toàn quang sử dụng kỹ thuật xử lý mào đầu MPPM cho mạng trung tâm dữ liệu đề xuất một mô hình kiến trúc nút chuyển mạch gói (OPS-Optical Packet Switching) toàn quang sử dụng khối xử lý mào đầu gói dựa trên kỹ thuật điều chế vị trí xung sửa đổi (MPPM-Modified Pulse Position Modulation), sử dụng cho các mạng trung tâm dữ liệu (DCN-Data Center Network).
7p viannee 02-08-2023 10 8 Download
Trong bài viết đã đề xuất một giải pháp cải thiện hiệu năng nút chuyển mạch gói (OPS-Optical Packet Switching) toàn quang cho các mạng trung tâm dữ liệu (DCN-Data Center Network), sử dụng kết hợp kỹ thuật đệm quang và chuyển đổi bước sóng để giải quyết tranh chấp gói quang.
5p viannee 02-08-2023 12 5 Download
This study explores the use of teacher reflective practice, teacher networking and teacher collaboration, beyond formal ICT training, through blog-based professional development of English teachers in the Mumbai region of India. Using data collected from 32 teachers in three private schools of Mumbai, through ICT interactive workshop observations, questionnaires, interviews and blog comments, the case study explains whether and why blogging, as a learning community, has potential to add significant value to existing professional development of English teachers in Mumbai.
187p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 2 Download
This research develops a rich theoretical and empirical understanding of embeddedness by way of three dimensions (structural, relational and cultural), and investigates its implications for actors’ value co-creation behaviours and value-in-context outcomes. In addition, the research refines co-creation perspectives by examining a central boundary condition of co-creation processes. The data was collected in an online service environment and was analysed using structural equation modelling techniques.
183p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
The research project deals with two different types of data for two separate analysis. The first analysis deals with normalised RNA-seq breast cancer data where machine learning techniques are used to classify and identify the biomarker of cancer. Second analysis deals with raw DNA methylated leukemia samples to determine the mutations.
102p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
The thesis "Racist disinformation on the Web: the role of anti-racist sites in providing balance" provides a synthesis of the academic literature and media coverage related to Australian racism and racist disinformation on the Web, leading to new insights about the range and depth of issues concerned. An analysis of the data collected concludes that while anti-racist websites take on diverse roles in tackling racism, few provide content directly to balance Web racist disinformation.
248p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
Cuốn "Các chương trình mẫu .NET (Visual Basic .NET, ASP.NET, .NET Framework, Data Access, Security, Networking)" giới thiệu tới người đọc các kiến thức về windows forms, security, kết hợp nhiều phần, file, web development, web services, các chủ đề cao cấp, xử lý dữ liệu. Sách gồm có 10 chủ đề lớn, phần 1 ebook sau đây gồm có các nội dung sau: Windows form, security, kết hợp nhiều phần, file, web development, web services, language. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để biết thêm các nội dung chi tiết.
361p runordie6 06-08-2022 25 7 Download
Nối tiếp các nội dung phần 1, phần 2 cuốn "Các chương trình mẫu .NET (Visual Basic .NET, ASP.NET, .NET Framework, Data Access, Security, Networking)" gồm có những nội dung chính sau: Các chủ đề cao cấp, xử lý dữ liệu, Microsoft .Net framework. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để biết thêm các nội dung chi tiết.
542p runordie6 06-08-2022 10 6 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: Introduction has main content such as desktop computing, operating systems, enviroment, programming languages, networks, number systems, storing data in memory, why program in java, a java application, formatting output.
22p lavender2022 22-04-2022 36 1 Download
A submarine area close to the Turkish and Greek border between the cities of Samos-Greece and Seferihisar-Turkey has been shaked on October 30, 2020 by a Mw= 6.9 earthquake. In this study, the finite source mechanism of the Samos earthquake was investigated using geodetic methods and the coseismic behavior of the earthquake was modeled. The observed coseismic displacements at 62 sites were inverted for the fault geometry and the slips. The mainshock did not generate an on-land surface rupture. However, the uniform slip modeling shows a finite source of 43.
20p tanmocphong 29-01-2022 6 0 Download
The morphotectonic features of the TGFZ and the distribution of the epicenters of earthquakes over magnitude 5.0 show that this fault zone remains active today. In this study, the deformation of the TGFZ is determined with high sensitivity using geodetic measurements. To obtain accurate information about the deformation of the TGFZ, 24 GNSS sites and two continuously operating reference stations were constructed in the southern part of the TGFZ. Between 2018 and 2020, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) measurements were made on this network.
14p tanmocphong 29-01-2022 21 1 Download
Hiệu quả của việc phỏng đoán được đánh giá dựa vào hàm tính sai số RMSE. Sai sô càng thấp thì dự đoán càng chính xác. Để việc so sánh trở nên dễ nhìn, tác giả đã mô phỏng kết quả thành dạng biểu đồ so sánh giá trị thực và giá trị phỏng đoán. Kết quả cho thấy giá trị thực và giá trị phỏng đoán xấp xỉ bằng nhau. Chứng tỏ việc sử dụng LSTM cho dữ liệu dạng chuỗi sắp xếp theo thứ tự thời gian là hiệu quả và là tiền đề tốt để phát triển các bài toán tương tự mang tính ứng dụng cao hơn.
8p huyetthienthan 23-11-2021 27 2 Download
RNN có khả năng nhớ các thông tin được tính toán trước. Gần đây, mạng LSTM đang được chú ý và sử dụng khá phổ biến. Về cơ bản mô hình của LSTM không khác mô hình truyền thống của RNN, nhưng chúng sử dụng hàm tính toán khác ở các trạng thái ẩn. Vì vậy mà ta có thể truy xuất được quan hệ của các từ phụ thuộc xa nhau rất hiệu quả. Việc ứng dụng LSTM sẽ được giới thiệu ở bài báo sau. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài viết!
6p huyetthienthan 23-11-2021 27 2 Download
This project proposes two new methods of deep neural networks and handcrafted features for damage detection. The first method uses a convolution neural network (CNN) to extract deep features in time series and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network to find a statistically significant correlation of each lagged feature in time series data.
6p billyelliot 11-11-2021 27 1 Download
Research Aims: The thesis aims to develop deep neural networks for analyzing security data. These techniques improve the accuracy of machine learning-based models applied in NAD. Therefore, the thesis attempts to address the above challenging problems in NAD using models and techniques in deep neural networks. Specifically, the following problems are studied.
128p armyofthedead 23-06-2021 12 2 Download