Numerical characterization
Anharmonic effective potential, local force constant and correlation effects in XAFS of BCC crystals
Analytical expressions for the anharmonic effective potential, local force constant, Displacement-displacement Correlation Function (DCF) CR and Debye-Waller factor described by the Mean Square Relative Displacement (MSRD) σ2 and by the Mean Square Displacement (MSD) u2of bcc crystals in the X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) have been derived. The effective interatomic potential of the system has been considered by taking into account the influences of nearest atomic neighbors, and it contains the Morse potential characterizing the interaction of each pair of atoms.
8p 12120609 01-06-2020 15 2 Download
All living organisms contain redox systems involving thior-edoxins (Trx), proteins featuringanextremelyconservedand reactive active site that perform thiol-disul®de interchanges with disul®de bridges of target proteins. In photosynthetic organisms, numerous isoforms of Trx coexist, as revealedby sequencing ofArabidopsisgenome. The speci®c functions of many of them are still unknown.
11p research12 29-04-2013 34 2 Download
The 90-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp90) is a molecular chaperone that assists both in ATP-independent sequestra-tion of damaged proteins, and inATP-dependent folding of numerous targets, such as nuclear hormone receptors and protein kinases. Recent work from our lab and others has established the existence of a second, C-terminal nucleotide bindingsite besides the well characterized N-terminal, gel-danamycin-sensitive ATP-bindingsite.
8p fptmusic 16-04-2013 33 4 Download
Although ubiquitously expressed, the transcriptional factor CP2 also exhib-its some tissue- or stage-specific activation toward certain genes such as globin in red blood cells and interleukin-4 in T helper cells. Because this specificity may be achieved by interaction with other proteins, we screened a peptide display library and identified four consensus motifs in numerous CP2-binding peptides: HXPR, PHL, ASR and PXHXH. Protein-database searching revealed that RE-1 silencing factor (REST), Yin-Yang1 (YY1) and five other proteins have one or two of these CP2-binding motifs....
13p awards 06-04-2013 42 2 Download
Protein misfolding and deposition underlie an increasing number of debili-tating human disorders. Alzheimer’s disease is pathologically characterized by the presence of numerous insoluble amyloid plaques in the brain, com-posed primarily of the 42 amino acid humanb-amyloid peptide (Ab42). Disease-linked mutations in Ab42 occur in or near a central hydrophobic cluster comprising residues 17–21.
11p dell39 27-03-2013 37 5 Download
Numerous gel-free proteomics techniques have been reported over the past few years, introducing a move from proteins to peptides as bits of informa-tion in qualitative and quantitative proteome studies. Many shotgun pro-teomics techniques randomly sample thousands of peptides in a qualitative and quantitative manner but overlook the vast majority of protein modifi-cations that are often crucial for proper protein structure and function.
13p media19 05-03-2013 38 2 Download
Over the past few decades, numerous small molecules have been designed to specifically and selectively target the unusual secondary structure in DNA called the G-quadruplex. Because these ligands have been shown to selectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells, they have become a central focus for the development of novel anticancer agents.
20p mobifone23 18-01-2013 34 6 Download
The goal of this work is to give a precise numerical description of the K¨hler cone of a compact K¨hler manifold. Our main result states that the a a K¨hler cone depends only on the intersection form of the cohomology ring, the a Hodge structure and the homology classes of analytic cycles: if X is a compact K¨hler manifold, the K¨hler cone K of X is one of the connected components of a a the set P of real (1, 1)-cohomology classes {α} which are numerically positive on analytic cycles, i.e. Y αp 0 for every irreducible analytic...
29p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 54 6 Download