Online english grammar
The study is aimed at: introducing what online learning is, types of online learning and compare online classes and traditional classes; introducing Speaking skill, present information about the characteristics of oral performance, advantages and disadvantages of learning to speak online; the influence of mobile phones on learning Speaking skill.
73p linyanjun_2408 21-04-2022 33 7 Download
Introducing what online learning is, types of online learning and compare online classes and traditional classes; conducting survey on student’s feedbacks on online learning in speaking skill and giving some suggestions to for the 2nd year English major students at Hai Phong Management and Technology University about learning English through online learning to improve speaking skill better.
73p trinhthamhodang10 16-03-2021 25 4 Download
Chose the best Ans wear 1. Thailand .......... by some of the worst flooding in decades late last year. was hit was hitting was being hit hit 2. In January 2012, Yahoo ........ Scott Thompson, the president of online payments firm Paypal, as its new head.. was naming named name has named 3. Before ....... Yahoo Mr Thompson served as president of online payments firm PayPal from 2008 . joined being joined joining was joined
15p peheo_4 20-09-2012 140 30 Download