Online payments
One website’s visitor is another website’s customer, and bringing customers and retailers together is now a billion dollar international industry. Whilst Internet traffic crosses international borders with ease, payment for supplying that traffic does not. Members of the online publishing industry have come up with a novel solution – they have set up their own member-only international payments system.
44p haivan 16-03-2009 522 250 Download
Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 12: Electronic Payment Systems learning objectives: Understand the shifts that are occurring with regard to noncash and online payments. Discuss the players and processes involved in using credit cards online. Discuss the different categories and potential uses of smart cards. Discuss various online alternatives to credit card payments and identify under what circumstances they are best used.
40p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 16 3 Download
Bài giảng Thương mại điện tử (E-commerce) - Chương 5: Thanh toán điện tử. Nội dung chính của bài giảng gồm: Tổng quan về hệ thống e-payment, hệ thống thanh toán điện tử đặc trưng, thanh toán offline và online, hệ thống ghi nợ và hệ thống tín dụng, thanh toán macro và micro, công cụ thanh toán, thanh toán sử dụng thẻ tín dụng, tiền điện tử (e-money), séc điện tử (e-checks), .ví điện tử (e-wallet), .thẻ thông minh (smart card), tiền mặt điện tử (e-cash).
18p runthenight09 15-05-2023 18 7 Download
Chose the best Ans wear 1. Thailand .......... by some of the worst flooding in decades late last year. was hit was hitting was being hit hit 2. In January 2012, Yahoo ........ Scott Thompson, the president of online payments firm Paypal, as its new head.. was naming named name has named 3. Before ....... Yahoo Mr Thompson served as president of online payments firm PayPal from 2008 . joined being joined joining was joined
15p peheo_4 20-09-2012 147 30 Download