Performance of the regional government
Global competition has intensified geographic repositioning of supply chain activities with implications for the economic prosperity of specific regions and geographies affected by such shifts. This study examines the relationship between the level of corruption and economic growth using the supply chain and ARDL bounds test method. The data used are GDP, the level of corruption, foreign direct investment, government spending and inflation from 2000-2018. The results of the study indicate a negative and significant impact on the level of corruption on economic growth in the long run.
11p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 5 0 Download
The thesis "Performance measurement evolution and accountability in Indonesian regional governments" explores the development and implementation of a performance measurement system in Indonesian regional governments. A field study approach is employed in which publicly available and internal documents, together with semi-structured interviews, are used as a comprehensive source of evidence.
181p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 5 Download
This study aims to determine the effect of budgeting participation, budget difficulty, and organizational culture on the performance of government officials.
8p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 22 4 Download