Physical models
Partitioning DFDs: a. The process of analyzing a DFD and deriving a series of manual procedures b. Adding controls to ensure the processes are done property c. The process of analyzing a DFD and deriving a series manual procedures and computer programs d. None of these answers Câu 162: Physical data flow diagram: a. describing processes in greater detail b. show sequencing processes in the order they must be executed c. show how the system operates or how the new system will be implemented d. all of these answers Câu 163: Physical DFDs a. show how the system is or...
29p itvovantien 23-06-2012 124 20 Download
Câu 1: A problem soling technique that decomposes a system its component parts while focusing on the business problem independent of technology is: a. Cause-and-effect analysis. b. System design. c. Joint application design(JAD). d. Systems analysis. Câu 2: A database is an organized collection of ____ related data. a. None of the others answers. b. logically. c. not. d. physically.
32p itvovantien 23-06-2012 107 18 Download
Tầng 1: Tầng vật lý (Physical Layer) Tầng vật lý định nghĩa tất cả các đặc tả về điện và vật lý cho các thiết bị. Trong đó bao gồm bố trí của các chân cắm (pin), các hiệu điện thế, và các đặc tả về cáp nối (cable). Các thiết bị tầng vật lý bao gồm Hub, bộ lặp (repeater), thiết bị tiếp hợp mạng (network adapter) và thiết bị tiếp hợp kênh máy chủ (Host Bus Adapter)- (HBA dùng trong mạng lưu trữ (Storage Area Network)). Chức năng và dịch vụ căn bản được thực hiện bởi tầng vật...
54p erjokoi 22-07-2010 342 134 Download
Mô tả tổ chức dữ liệu dưới dạng sơ đồ quan hệ thực thể (ERD-Entity Relationship Diagram). Kiểm tra sự hợp lệ của việc thiết kế dữ liệu. Sinh mô hình dữ liệu vật lý (PDM-Physical Data Model). Sinh mô hình hướng đối tượng (OOM- ObjectOriented Model).
40p hvs179 07-11-2012 918 65 Download
Consolidation of applications in cloud computing environments presents a significant opportunity for energy optimization. As a first step toward enabling energy efficient consolidation, we study the inter-relationships between energy consumption, resource utilization, and performance of consolidated workloads. The study reveals the energy performance trade-offs for consolidation and shows that optimal operating points exist. We model the consolidation problem as a modified bin packing problem and illustrate it with an example.
24p holy_ghost 05-04-2013 88 20 Download
The modelling of traffic flow using methods and models from physics has a long history. In recent years especially cellular automata models have allowed for large-scale simulations of large traffic networks faster than real time. On the other hand, these systems are interesting for physicists since they allow to observe genuine nonequilibrium effects. Here the current status of cellular automata models for traffic flow is reviewed with special emphasis on nonequilibrium effects (e.g. phase transitions) induced by on- and off-ramps.
23p nguyenhaisu 07-08-2015 54 4 Download
Lecture Control system design: Mathematical models of systems presents the following content: Differential equations of physical systems, linear approximations of physical systems, the laplace transform, the transfer function of linear systems, block diagram models, signal – flow graph models, the simulation of systems using control design software.
62p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 58 4 Download
The following will be discussed in this chapter: Background, Architecture, object models, software tool requirements, status and future, distributed configuration in fieldbus systems (physical view), resource architecture,...
25p kexauxi4 01-10-2019 11 2 Download
Lecture Physics A2: Atomic physics - PhD. Pham Tan Thi present the content history of atomic model, quantum mechanical atomic theory, Schrödinger Equation in three dimensions, particle in a three-dimensional box, energy degeneracy,...
39p xusong 21-07-2021 32 2 Download
Lecture Physics A2: Magnetic fields - PhD. Pham Tan Thi present the content analysis model particle in a magnetic field, magnetic field lines, magnetic force, an electron moving in a magnetic field, representations of magnetic field lines perpendicular to the page,...
58p xusong 21-07-2021 13 1 Download
In this thesis, a numerical model with detailed reaction mechanism which is tailored for studying the behaviour of combustion of natural gas has been introduced and validated with available experimental data. The numerical model attempts to comprehensively simulate the physical conditions (temperature and pressure), equivalent ratio, and fuel dilution and strain rate effect in the laminar flames.
158p runthenight05 01-03-2023 19 3 Download
The aim of this thesis is to ensure that accurate calibration factors are provided to radiotherapy clinics when moving to the new linac-based primary standard calibrations. Specifically, this thesis quantifies the error introduced when using a calibration factor from the ARPANSA Elekta linac on a Varian high energy platform beam at 6 MV.
102p runthenight05 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
The main aims of physical geodesy are to study the shape of the Earth, its gravity field and the geoid which is an equipotential surface closest to the mean sea level. Precise geoid determination has been an important research topic in geodesy and geophysics in the past two decades. Scientists and government agencies all around the world have made great efforts on the development of highaccuracy geoid models.
182p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This work investigates the generation of neutron flux inside lead shielding due to cosmic rays as a function of shielding thickness by use of the GEANT Monte-Carlo modelling code. GEANT allows for the Monte-Carlo modelling of the transport of particles in matter. This includes muons, the particles of interest here, which originate from cosmic ray showers.
109p runthenight07 01-03-2023 11 3 Download
Tensegrity is a structural system constructed of tensile cables and compressive bars. This thesis proposes several general methods for creating tensegrity structures. The author has developed new methods for creating specific tensegrity cells and the corresponding computer code. Furthermore, the author has constructed various physical models to validate the methods. A proposal for an observation tower on top of the Eureka building in Melbourne has also been devised by the author.
88p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
Master's thesis of Design: Listening for design: urban sonic experience and the sonic identity model
In the last 10 years interest and activity in urban sonic design has expanded. The way we listen to, think about and understand sound determines the way we value, manage and design with it. However practitioners in the area would benefit from detailed forms of site documentation and analysis that go beyond physical sound measurement. This Masters explores the use of the Sonic Identity Model developed by Pascal Amphoux of CRESSON (the Centre for Research on Sonic Space and Urban Environment) in the early stages of urban sonic design.
162p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
The main aims of physical geodesy are to study the shape of the Earth, its gravity field and the geoid which is an equipotential surface closest to the mean sea level. Precise geoid determination has been an important research topic in geodesy and geophysics in the past two decades. Scientists and government agencies all around the world have made great efforts on the development of high-accuracy geoid models.
182p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
The primary aim of this research was to further develop the sensing and estimation module of the CHMS framework with an improved multimodal inference model of MWL as needed for the application in aerospace CPHS. Here the focus of this research was on the implementation of a multimodal inference model of MWL that would be developed and experimentally tested. This was done with the purpose of studying the viability of real‐time system adaptation in aerospace systems.
283p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
This study uncovers a wide range of complex transport dynamics in transiently forced aquifers that has profound implications for the understanding and quantification of solute transport in these important groundwater systems. And the results in this thesis predict that complex transport structures and dynamics arise in natural transiently forced aquifers around the world. When such dynamics do arise, it will lead to mixing and reactive transport patterns that are very different from those predicted by conventional Darcy flow models.
154p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 3 Download
Objectives: Evaluate the available parameters to take the signal of Higgs and radion in the collisions and decay processes in the future ILC (International Linear Collider) and CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) accelerators.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 16 4 Download