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Programming tool

Xem 1-20 trên 52 kết quả Programming tool
  • This research investigates the effective integration of Python programming and visual aids in teaching mathematics at high schools in the Mekong Delta region. Recognizing the transformational power of technology in education, the study utilizes Python's capabilities to design interactive and engaging visual tools for mathematics instruction.

    pdf12p viaburame 14-03-2025 1 0   Download

  • Getting Started: Creating Applications with µVision hướng đến trình bày các vấn đề cơ bản như: Provides an overview of product installation and licensing and shows how to get support for the Keil development tools; discusses various microcontroller architectures supported by the Keil development tools and assists you in choosing the microcontroller best suited for your application;...

    pdf157p saobanglanhgia20 28-05-2016 36 3   Download

  • VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a language for describing hardware. Its requirement emerged during the VHSIC development program of the US Department of Defense. The department organized a work shop in 1981 to lay down the specifications of a language which could describe hardware at various levels of abstractions, could generate test signals and record responses, and could act as a medium of information exchange between the chip foundries and the CAD tool operators.

    pdf44p gaconht 04-06-2011 108 29   Download

  • 1.1 WORD PROCESSORS A word processor is an application program that is acquired for running on a particular computer. It enables one to type and display text on a page: retrieving, amending, adding to, and arranging in different ways before printing text is generally entered as a keyboard or scanned file.

    ppt53p minhngannt 08-04-2013 70 9   Download

  • The thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 Literature Review; Chapter 3 Experimental Design, Development and Application of an Accelerated Drill Test; Chapter 4 Discussion: The Developed Accelerated Drill Test; Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Work; Appendix A – VMC Setup and Programming for Drill Testing; Appendix B - Designing an Automated Drill Test and DAQ System for Spindle Current Collection.

    pdf172p runthenight07 01-03-2023 12 3   Download

  • The python program ARIADNE is a tool developed for evaluators to estimate detailed uncertainties and covariances for experimental data in a consistent and efficient manner. Currently, it is designed to aid in the uncertainty quantification of prompt fission neutron spectra, and was employed to estimate experimental covariances for CIELO and ENDF/B-VIII.0 evaluations.

    pdf9p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 15 3   Download

  • This paper presents the main characteristics of the method, along with some practical guidelines to apply it to the specific case of the MSFR; moreover, some initiating events are analyzed through the implementation of the LoD tool. The outcomes of this analysis drive the design evolution.

    pdf11p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 16 1   Download

  • Bài giảng Nhập môn lập trình do Võ Quang Hoàng Khang biên soạn sẽ giúp các bạn hiểu được: Tại sao chúng ta lập trình, tại sao C được chọn, mục tiêu môn học, công cụ, tài liệu tham khảo, yêu cầu khóa học, học như thế nào, getting/Installing Programming Tool.

    pdf8p kyniemchieumua_09 14-12-2017 102 4   Download

  • (BQ) The method of electrical discharge machining (EDM), one of the processing methods based on non-traditional manufacturing procedures, is gaining increased popularity, since it does not require cutting tools and allows machining involving hard, brittle, thin and complex geometry

    pdf9p xuanphuongdhts 27-03-2017 55 2   Download

  • The Java standard APIs are shown in HTML output at It’s generated from the documentation comments (doc comments). Documentation comments are special comments in the source code that are delimited by the /** ... */ delimiters. The JDK contains a tool named javadoc to generate HTML documentation from documentation comments in your source file. The javadoc utility extracts information for the following items Public classes and interfaces Public and protected methods Public and protected fields Packages...

    ppt20p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 55 4   Download

  • We developed caitra, a novel tool that aids human translators by (a) making suggestions for sentence completion in an interactive machine translation setting, (b) providing alternative word and phrase translations, and (c) allowing them to postedit machine translation output. The tool uses the Moses decoder, is implemented in Ruby on Rails and C++ and delivered over the web. We are at the beginning of a research program to explore the benefits of these different types of aid to human translators, analyze user interaction behavior, and develop novel types of assistance. ...

    pdf4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 67 2   Download

  • Government information is often not mobile friendly; increasing accessibility (especially of local information) is one way libraries can serve diverse users. Some libraries are providing services of this type in a desktop-oriented way already. This chapter discusses tools that can be used to make such sites more mobile friendly, including ones requiring little funds or technical background. The most obvious way to leverage patrons’ mobile devices is to put content on the Web.

    pdf10p heouheocoi1 15-04-2013 91 27   Download

  • Programming tools: Input/output (assign/graph-&-display) Repetition (for) Decision (if) Arrays List of numbers in brackets A comma or space separates numbers (columns) A semicolon separates row Zeros and ones Matrices: zeros() ones() Indexing (row,column) Colon Operator: Range of Data first:last or first:increment:last Manipulating Arrays & Matrices Transpose

    ppt17p doanhung_dtvtk10 19-03-2013 71 4   Download

  • Choose the best answer for each question. 1) As a system administrator, you are instructed to backup all the users’ home directories. Which of the following commands would accomplish this? a) tar xvf usersbackup.tar /home/ b) tar cvf usersbackup.tar /home/ c) tar cvf usersbackup.tar /home/usr/

    doc5p anhchangxuixeo1002 14-03-2013 76 7   Download

  • Tăng tốc công việc bảo trì đĩa: Bạn có thể khởi động các tính năng sao lưu, quét đĩa, dọn đĩa hay dồn đĩa bằng thao tác Start.Program.Accessories.System Tools nhưng nếu Windows Explorer đang mở thì bạn có thể làm những điều này nhanh hơn bằng cách nhấn phải chuột lên ổ đĩa muốn thực hiện và chọn Properties. Trong thẻ General, nhấn vào Disk Cleanup để thực hiện tiện ích này (Windows 98, 2000 và Me), hay chọn thẻ Tools để mở một trong những tiện ích khác của hệ thống. Quản lý máy tính: Windows 2000 và XP...

    pdf3p bibocumi28 22-01-2013 66 3   Download

  • Sau khi đã cài đặt dịch vụ DHCP, bạn sẽ thấy biểu tượng DHCP trong menu Administrative Tools. Thực hiện theo các bước sau để tạo một scope cấp phát địa chỉ: Chọn menu Start -- Programs -- Administrative Tools -- DHCP. Trong cửa sổ DHCP, nhấp phải chuột lên biểu tượng Server của bạn và chọn mục New Scope trong popup menu.

    doc10p minhnuisam 28-12-2012 147 46   Download

  • Where do mobile apps come from? What is necessary to construct the part of the app that lives on the device, smartphone or tablet, and the part that lives on the server on the backend? What tools are available for the developer for the full application lifecycle? How about testing for all the mobile operating systems and devices?

    pdf19p rose_12 03-12-2012 37 3   Download

  • Once the SRS has been approved, implementation begins. Programming teams have many options: The programmers can simply start building the code and create the objects and user interface elements. Designers can build a user interface prototype to demonstrate to the users, stakeholders and the rest of the team. Any code used to develop the prototype is typically thrown away once the design has been finalized. Pictures, flow charts, data flow diagrams, database design diagrams and other visual tools can be used to determine aspects of the design and architecture.

    ppt20p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 70 6   Download

  • Character Map là một tiện ích có sẵn trong Windows, nó giúp xem và chèn các ký tự có sẵn trong một phông chữ (Font). Character Map hiển thị các bộ ký tự mã Windows, DOS, và Unicode. Bạn có thể sao chép các ký tự đặc biệt hoặc một nhóm các ký tự bất kỳ vào bộ nhớ (Clipboard) và sau đó dán chúng vào bất kỳ chương trình nào có thể xử lý và hiển thị văn bản. Sử dụng Character Map  Truy cập vào Menu Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools và nhấn vào trình...

    pdf2p nkt_bibo49 25-02-2012 266 25   Download

  • Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: Near infrared analysis as a tool for rapid screening of some major wood characteristics in a eucalyptus breeding program...

    pdf12p toshiba6 05-10-2011 41 4   Download


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