Public higher education
Adopting a triangulated approach, this thesis consists of three separate but related qualitative studies, the collective objectives of which are to (i) gauge current levels of concern of Australian public universities with rapid intensification of the higher education sector globally; (ii) evaluate strategies developed by universities in response to increasing competition; and (iii) develop a conceptual framework to guide competitive behaviour of universities.
291p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 1 Download
This thesis is presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the College of Business, RMIT University. It includes five scientific papers which have been submitted and are currently under review or accepted for publication in targeted journals. These papers comprise one conceptual paper and four empirical papers.
259p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
This thesis extends research on marketing communication and promotional mix strategies. Extant literature reveals that there is a dearth of academic research and literature on marketing communication, promotional mix, and IMC in Lao PDR HEIs. Promotional mix is defined as a form of marketing communication consisting of advertising, publicity, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, events, and sponsorships. Promotional mix tools have been employed as a significant component of marketing communication strategies.
196p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
The primary objective of this research is to provide an account of the ways in which elite higher education institutions adapt and respond to external institutional logics for social inclusion practices. In particular, it explores and investigates the pattern of elite public universities’ social inclusion practices as a result of government higher education policy frameworks and higher education market features. It also aims to uncover variations between the four selected elite universities in Australia and Malaysia in regard to social inclusion practices.
403p runthenight04 02-02-2023 18 4 Download
This research examines property university programs in Australia. It tracks the student/graduate from the beginning of the university experience to that of the early-career professional, and examines expectations of other stakeholders, concentrating on property programs offered by Australian public universities. The basis of the research is a perceived gap in the literature and practice relating to stakeholder expectations of these programs and what may reasonably be done to improve satisfaction.
280p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
The thesis proposes solutions and recommendations to improve the management of public assets at higher education institutions under the Ministry of National Defense, which have a scientific basis in theory and practice, is feasible, and is suitable for the public. suitable with the current actual situations and the reform process of public asset management in Vietnam.
32p unforgottennight08 06-10-2022 22 4 Download
Summary of the doctoral dissertation: Nonstate engagement in higher education in Viet Nam at present
Based on clarification of key theoretical issues, assessment of the actual situation of non-state engagement in higher education, the doctoral dissertation proposes viewpoints and solutions to promote non-state engagement in higher education in Viet Nam.
27p closefriend09 16-11-2021 28 3 Download
Studying theory on state management of higher education in the form of part- time training to create a basis to analyze practice and propose solutions to enhance the state management of higher education in the form of part-time training at academies under the Ministry of Public Security.
14p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 41 3 Download
The study concluded that there is need for understanding of the Act by the parties involved in the implementation of the Act in both the FTIs and STIs in Southwest, Nigeria for effective compliance.
10p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 5 2 Download
The thesis only studies the situation of developing the financial resources for public higher education in Vietnam. The author performs statistics and summarizes the data on the structure of financial institutions at 55 institutions of higher education nationwide in all the training groups belonging to two groups of higher education institutions: The group is completely self-financed in terms of finance and group partially financial autonomy and carry out opinion surveys of students of 5 typical public tertialry institutions in 5 typical industry groups.
27p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 47 4 Download
Research purpose of this dissertation is to research systematically the state management scientific basis for State budget-funded investments projects for higher education & training and postgraduate education & training in Vietnam. On that basis, it is to establish and propose viewpoints, solutions in order to enhance efficiency of the State management on State budget-funded investments projects for higher education & training and postgraduate education & training meeting new requirements and tasks in the educational career development of the country.
27p change08 27-06-2016 64 8 Download
To make the theoretical research about roles of state management on higher education quality, analyze and assess the impacts of state management on higher education quality in Vietnam then to propose solutions to improve the current state management on higher education quality in Vietnam.
28p change08 27-06-2016 80 7 Download
Research purpose of this dissertation is to research systematically the state management scientific basis for State budget-funded investment projects for Higher education and Postgraduate education in Vietnam. On that basis, it is to establish and propose viewpoints, solutions in order to enhance efficiency of the State management on State budget-funded investment projects for Higher education and Postgraduate education meeting new requirements and tasks in the educational career development of the country.
26p change06 14-06-2016 43 3 Download
The Market for Higher Education: Economic Analyses of College Choice , Returns , and State Aid Policy A thesis Present I find suggestive evidence, however, that her estimates, from a sample of public school students, are upward biased by selection into private schools. Moreover, an investigation of the sampling variability of Hoxbys estimates leads to the conclusion that her standard errors are understated, and that even her own point estimates of the competitive effect are not significantly different from zero....
215p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 63 9 Download
This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the relative use of general state subsidies (tax finance) and tuition (user charge finance) in the state financing of higher education. State universities across U.S. states are very different among themselves especially in terms of user charges, public finances, and qualities. In this study, we consider only the State Regime in which the state government decides the user charge, head tax, and expenditure, taking the minimum ability of students as given and the state university simply is treated as a part of government.
109p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 58 8 Download