Puzzles in Vietnamese
Purposes: Clarify the structural, semantics and reasoning characteristics of the riddle of plants and animals in Vietnamese to explore the uniqueness of this special type of text from a linguistic perspective.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 28 4 Download
The Soma Cube was invented in 1936 by Piet Hein, a Danish poet and puzzle inventor. It represents all possibilities of combining three or four cubes in a ‘notstraight’ way. Its seven pieces can be assembled to form thousands of figures; it is a kind of threedimensional Tangram in this aspect. A first origami version of the Soma Cube was introduced by Steve Biddle in his book ‘The New Origami’. Steve Biddle uses Sonobé units to produce the pieces and arrives at the impressive number of 120 units. Maarten van Gelder has developed a Soma Cube whose pieces are...
6p nvavan 17-02-2011 137 17 Download
Bài 82: Môṭ cây cầu hình parabol bắc qua một con sông rộng 100 m. Điểm cao nhất của cây cầu cao hơn bơ sông 5 m. Một chiếc xe có khối lương 100 kg chạy qua cây cầu này vơi tôć đô ̣ đêù la ̀ 20 ms-1.
2p thong111 27-03-2010 202 24 Download