Quiz mathematics
Invite you to consult "Grade 2: Summative assessment component4", with this quiz will help you review the knowledge learned, had the opportunity to assess their capabilities. I wish you success in the upcoming exam.
30p kienkim1980 19-11-2015 31 1 Download
Invite you to consult "Student practice test booklet Grade 5: Mathematics", with this quiz will help you review the knowledge learned, had the opportunity to assess their capabilities. I wish you success in the upcoming exam.
10p kienkim1980 19-11-2015 66 8 Download
In 1991, David Gale and Raphael Robinson, building on explorations carried out by Michael Somos in the 1980s, introduced a three-parameter family of rational recurrence relations, each of which (with suitable initial conditions) appeared to give rise to a sequence of integers, even though a priori the recurrence might produce non-integral rational numbers. Throughout the '90s, proofs of integrality were known only for individual special cases. In the early '00s, Sergey Fomin and Andrei Zelevinsky proved Gale and Robinson's integrality conjecture.
37p thulanh8 19-09-2011 58 14 Download