Red River Delta Region
Studying mutual effects between localities in the Red River Delta in attracting FDI. From the research results, the author proposes a number of solutions so that the provinces can maximize the benefits of FDI attraction of the Region through the mechanism of cooperation and association instead of competing with each other as in the past.
13p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 17 2 Download
The content of the thesis is to determine the extent and trend of these factors affecting the intention to participate in rice crop insurance of farmers in the Red River Delta region; providing views, solutions and recommendations to promote participation in rice crop insurance of farmers.
13p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 30 1 Download
To study the theoritical and practical bases on promoting the natural capital for regional social – economic development, applying for the Red River Delta and basing on this study’ results to recommend and propose the solutions for effectively promoting natural capital for the social – economic development in the period of 2021–2030.
22p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 23 2 Download
Management accounting was early studied worldwide. According to some researcher, the term management first appeared in the USA in the early 19th century.
27p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 21 2 Download
The general objectives of the study are to clarify the theoretical basis of the retail system of staple goods of enterprises in association with specific rural areas and to propose some solutions to improve the retail system of staple goods of Vietnamese enterprises in rural areas of Red River Delta region.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 26 3 Download