Regulatory elements in promoters
The cystic ®brosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene shows a complex pattern of expression, with temporal and spatial regulation that is not accounted for by elements in the promoter. One approach to identifying the regulatory elements forCFTRis the mapping of DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHS) within the locus. We previously identi®ed at least 12 clusters of DHS across theCFTRgene andhere further evaluateDHS in introns 2, 3, 10, 16, 17a, 18, 20 and 21 to assess their functional importance in regulation ofCFTRgene expression. ...
7p research12 23-04-2013 30 2 Download
Glutamine synthetase (GS) is expressed at high levels in subsets of cells in some tissues and at low levels in all cells of other tissues, suggesting that the GS gene is surrounded by multiple regulatory elements.We searched for such elements in the 2.5-kbupstreamregionand in the 2.6-kbfirst intronof theGSgene, usingFTO-2Bhepatoma andC2/7muscle cells as representatives of both cell types and transient transfec-tion assays as our tools.
7p tumor12 20-04-2013 43 3 Download
Expression of DNase II in macrophages is potentially cru-cially important in the removal of unwantedDNA.We have previously shown that DNase II expression is up-regulated at the transcriptional level during the phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA)-induced differentiation of HL-60 and THP-1 cells. In this study, we investigated thecis-regulatory elements and transcription factors involved in this process in HL-60 cells.
8p fptmusic 16-04-2013 47 3 Download
Mitochondrial biogenesis is a complex and highly regulated process that requires the controlled expression of hundreds of genes encoded in two separated genomes, namely the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. To identify regulatory proteins involved in the transcriptional control of key nuc-lear-encoded mitochondrial genes, we have performed a detailed analysis of the promoter region of theasubunit of the Drosophila melanogasterF1F0 ATP synthase complex.
11p awards 05-04-2013 42 5 Download
Long terminal repeats (LTR) of endogenous retroviruses com-prise about 8% of human genome. Typical LTR contains a set of regulatory elements: promoters, enhancers, polyadenilation sites, which can take part in neighbouring genes expression regu-lation.
262p viettel02 22-02-2013 86 17 Download