Resume in english
Evaluation of acute, sub-acute toxicity of Ich goi khang in the osteoarthritis mice model; evaluation the efficacity and the side effects of Ich goi khang in the primary osteoarthritis patients.
27p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 8 2 Download
CV for a job you want to write in English but have not experienced and do not know how to write? Come to know how to write a CV TaiLieu.VN to resume. Invite you to consult "Curriculum Vitae Nguyen Van Quang".
4p tranvancuongnsrp 03-04-2016 83 10 Download
Argumentation has been traditionally the domain of rhetorics and logics, rather than linguistics. Since Aristotle’s time, scholars have studied how ideas are organized in different ways to make an argument. Aristotle was the first person who realized two main constituent of an argument, a Position, and its Justification. Later on Ad Herennium (862BC) expanded the argumentation structure to include five parts: a proposition, a reason, a proof of the reason, an embellishment and a resume.
89p chieu_mua 22-08-2012 82 25 Download
Job advertisement: quảng cáo tuyển dụng Trade publication: ấn phẩm thương mại Vacancy: một vị trí hoặc chức vụ còn bỏ trống Listing: danh sách Job board: bảng công việc Opening: việc/ chức vụ chưa có người đảm nhận Recruiter: nhà tuyển dụng Headhunter: công ty / chuyên gia săn đầu người Letter of speculation = cover letter: đơn xin việc To fill in an application (form): điền thông tin vào đơn xin việc CV (Curriculum Vitae) (= “resume” in American English): Bản lý lịch An in-person or face-to-face interview: cuộc phỏng vấn trực tiếp To be shortlisted: được chọn ...
2p nkt_bibo49 26-02-2012 1158 609 Download
Position utilizing writing and computer skills; special interests in technical writing and developing training materials for computer use
2p haibang_88 25-12-2009 139 10 Download
Position in for-profit sector assisting organization Position in for-profit sector
1p haibang_88 25-12-2009 143 11 Download
Secondary English Teacher or Language Arts/Social Studies Middle School Teacher; interested in advising school yearbook or newspaper staff M.A.Ed, Teaching and
2p haibang_88 25-12-2009 149 12 Download