Retail banking
One website’s visitor is another website’s customer, and bringing customers and retailers together is now a billion dollar international industry. Whilst Internet traffic crosses international borders with ease, payment for supplying that traffic does not. Members of the online publishing industry have come up with a novel solution – they have set up their own member-only international payments system.
44p haivan 16-03-2009 522 250 Download
The basics of commercial banks: 2. Classification of commercial banks: * According to ownership: - National commercial banks - Joint-stock commercial banks: for example, Asia Bank, Bank of East Asia…. - Joint venture banks: - Branches of foreign banks: For example, HSBC, City Bank, ABN-AMRO ... * According to the nature of business: choosing to rely on wholesale customers (businesses, large sales transactions) and retail (personal ...) ...
43p dauxanhnguyenhuong 28-09-2011 120 27 Download
The thesis studied the development and implementation of the conceptual Continuous Improvement Teamworking (CIT) Model for strategic performance improvement in retail banking operations. The investigation using of a dominant qualitative to a Less-dominant quantitative approach as a mixed-method strategy revealed the importance of the CIT Model realised through the CTIO (Concern-Task-Interaction-Outcome) Problem-Solving Cycle. The CTIO Cycle is a variant form of the traditional Deming-Shewhart PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) Cycle.
311p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
Mục tiêu nghiên cứu tổng quát là kiến nghị những giải pháp nâng cao chất lượng dịch vụ nhằm tăng cường sự hài lòng và lòng trung thành của khách hàng đối với dịch vụ ngân hàng bán lẻ (Retail Banking) tại Ngân hàng TMCP Công Thương Việt Nam.
121p sonhalenh05 09-05-2021 37 4 Download
The dissertations research objectives are to propose solutions to develop retail banking services in BIDV by 2025 before the wave of digitization of banking activities.
27p caygaocaolon7 17-09-2020 25 1 Download