Route Groups
Slide mô tả tổng quan kết nối quay số, kỹ thuật và ứng dụng. Các thuật ngữ liên quan, thiết bị đầu cuối dùng để kết nối. Kiểm tra cấu hình (show interface, ip route, dialer). Kiểm tra cấu hình (show interface, line, ipTroubleshooting kết nối quay số qua môi trường ISDN route, dialer).
73p vusuakhongduong 24-04-2009 417 108 Download
Blade là templating engine đơn giản nhưng rất tuyệt vợi cung cấp bởi Laravel. Không như những templating engine của PHP, Blade không cấm bạn sử dụng code PHP thuần ở trong view. Bài giảng này sẽ hướng dẫn người học sử dụng route, views, blade templates trong Laravel. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
81p larachdumlanat122 28-11-2020 23 3 Download
The research design adopted to address this problem utilised mixed data collection methodologies. In order to determine what was happening in the industry as a whole, a specially designed survey was conducted utilising both web-based and traditional paper-based instruments. This provided valuable quantitative data about the rate of uptake, types of companies and so on. To complement this, a focus group of selected representatives within the industry was conducted to delve more deeply into motivations behind the decision to adopt the technology and the perceived benefits derived from it.
166p runthenight04 02-02-2023 17 2 Download
[ 15 N]-heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra provide a readily accessible fingerprint of [ 15 N]-labelled proteins, where the backbone amide group of each nonproline amino acid residue contributes a single cross-peak. Cell-free protein synthesis offers a fast and economical route to enhance the information content of [ 15 N]-HSQC spectra by amino acid type selective [ 15 N]-labelling.
6p inspiron33 25-03-2013 46 5 Download