Sciences and mathematics
The purpose of the study is to quantify breast dose to reassure patients and staff that these understandings still apply. A combination of measurements and simulations were used to estimate absorbed breast dose. Gafchromic® XR-QA2 film was used to measure breast dose placed inside the RANDO® phantom in a series of controlled experiments. The RANDO® is an anthropomorphic phantom commonly used for dosimetry investigations. Gafchromic® XR QA2 film is a radiochromic film that changes colour when irradiated. Simulation is commonly used and readily available.
195p runthenight05 01-03-2023 6 3 Download
The thesis mainly aims to solve the following tasks: Firstly, the thesis extensively analyzes a wide range of existing approaches for the ME detection in scientific document images. Then, the thesis investigates and proposes novel methods to improve the detection accuracy of MEs. After enhancing the detection accuracy of MEs, the thesis investigates and pro poses a framework to improve the accuracy of the recognition of MEs in scientific document images.
27p closefriend09 16-11-2021 22 4 Download
The thesis mainly aims to solve the following tasks: Firstly, the thesis extensively analyzes a wide range of existing approaches for the ME detection in scientific document images. Then, the thesis investigates and proposes novel methods to improve the detection accuracy of MEs. After enhancing the detection accuracy of MEs, the thesis investigates and pro poses a framework to improve the accuracy of the recognition of MEs in scientific document images.
154p mintmintt 05-10-2021 14 4 Download
The research related to this dissertation was supported by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) and Hanoi National University of Education.
136p elephantcarrot 02-07-2021 21 5 Download
Research and improve scheduling admission control mechanism to enhance QoS based on incoming burst rate prediction at core node to improve scheduling efficiency for low QoS bursts but still ensure a level of service quality for high QoS bursts. The effectiveness of the scheduling admission control mechanism was valued through simulation and mathematical analysis.
26p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 27 3 Download
Purpose of the study: Based on the theories and actual application, unraveling the concept of Problem-solving and creative abilities in Mathematics, typical manifestations of Problem-solving and creative abilities in Math students, the manifestations of Problem-solving and creative abilities in students who live in mountainous areas in solving Grade 8 geometry problem.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 44 4 Download
The research’s objectives: Proposing some potential measures to formulate and develop statistical thinking for students of pharmaceutical universities through teaching Statistics in Medicine and Pharmacy, contributing to improve the quality of school and helping Pharmaceutical students make more effective career decisions when studying statistics.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 40 4 Download
Aims of the study: Designing a module-based document on Teaching Methods in secondary school Mathematics and to produce a methodology for using those modules in the teacher training process at the Teachers Training College in Lao PDR, to improve the quality of training and contribute to fostering self-study capacity for students of Mathematics Teacher training College.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 30 4 Download
Purpose of the research: On the basis of identifying necessary metacognitive skills, the role and significance of those metacognitive skills for students of Primary Education, the thesis gives out the procedure and proposes an model of organizing activities, designs specific activities applied in the subjects of mathematics teaching methods to train metacognitive skills for students of Primary Education.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 14 4 Download
Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to develop Mickens’ methodology to construct NSFD methods for solving some important classes of differential equations arising in fields of science and technology.
26p extraenglish 24-05-2021 20 3 Download
Research purposes: Based on theoretical and practical research related to issues of language, mathematical language, thinking, the relationship between language and thinking, mathematical language and mathematical thinking, we propose some measures for developing mathematical language to contribute to improving the quality of teaching for pre-university students in the Central Highlands.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 20 4 Download
Research purposes: On the basis of theoretical and practical research, the sis clarifies the content of conceptual thinking concept with Mathematics curriculum development at the primary level. Propose measures to train the adaptative skill to Mathematics curriculum development at the primary level for students of primary education to contribute to improving the quality of teacher training to meet the requirements of fundamental and comprehensive innovation of Education and Training.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 26 4 Download
Aims and objectives of the research: The thesis aims to find out the functions of practical situations, design practical situations, apply designed practical situations to organize cognitive activities for students in the process of teaching mathematics at high school, contribute to improving the quality of mathematics teaching at high schools towards student’s competence development.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 34 4 Download
The purpose of the study: The dissertation studies how to design learning situations and demonstrates that designed learning situations can support assessing the calculation capacity of senior primary school graders through experiential activities. Accordingly, the dissertation proposes orientations to improve students' calculation capacity in the teaching process, contributing to improving the effectiveness of mathematics teaching in primary school.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 24 4 Download
Purposes of the study: Introduce and clarify the concept "the competency of exploring and obtaining knowledge" through elemental competencies and compatible activities in teaching maths for high school students; Find out the reality and need of improving the competency of exploring and obtaining knowledge in teaching maths for high schools students majoring in physics, chemistry and biology; Build and test the feasibility of pedagogy method applied in teaching maths at high school classes majoring in physics, chemistry, and biology to foster this capacity for students.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 22 3 Download
The propose a new method aiming to adjust the TXOP parameter according to a dynamic mechanism that suits the priority of each data type from the existing limitations with TXOP parameter in IEEE 802.11 EDCA; the propose a novel fuzzy logic approach for enhancing the fairness of low priority data flows in IEEE 802.11 EDCA.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 33 3 Download
Experimental design has a long tradition in statistics, engineering and life sciences, dating back to the beginning of the last century when optimal designs for industrial and agricultural trials were considered. In cell biol-ogy, the use of mathematical modeling approaches raises new demands on experimental planning.
17p vinaphone15 27-02-2013 40 3 Download
Suppose that G is a locally compact abelian group, and write M(G) for the algebra of bounded, regular, complex-valued measures under convolution. A measure µ ∈ M(G) is said to be idempotent if µ ∗ µ = µ, or alternatively if µ takes only the values 0 and 1. The Cohen-Helson-Rudin idempotent theorem states that a measure µ is idempotent if and only if the set {γ ∈ G : µ(γ) = 1} belongs to the coset ring of G, 1. Introduction Let
31p dontetvui 17-01-2013 73 8 Download
We construct an exhaustive submeasure that is not equivalent to a measure. This solves problems of J. von Neumann (1937) and D. Maharam (1947). Contents 1. Introduction 2. Roberts 3. Farah 4. The construction 5. The main estimate 6. Exhaustivity 7. Proof of Theorems 1.2 to 1.4 References 1. Introduction Consider a Boolean algebra B of sets.
30p dontetvui 17-01-2013 75 11 Download
A quantitative sharp form of the classical isoperimetric inequality is proved, thus giving a positive answer to a conjecture by Hall. 1. Introduction The classical isoperimetric inequality states that if E is a Borel set in Rn , n ≥ 2, with finite Lebesgue measure |E|, then the ball with the same volume has a lower perimeter, or, equivalently, that (1.1) 1/n nωn |E|(n−1)/n ≤ P (E) . Here P (E) denotes the distributional perimeter of E (which coincides with the classical (n − 1)-dimensional measure of ∂E when E has a smooth boundary) and ωn is the measure of the...
41p dontetvui 17-01-2013 65 8 Download